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Aircraft noise from the sky, cannon thunder in the distance. MG rattle in the woods. A dog howling, a door slamming, a curtain fluttering –




Canvas, grey cloth. Tarpaulin, oilcloth, cotton duck. Cellophane, linen fabric –




Medium bombers, interceptors – reconnaissance aircraft, liaison aircraft, transport aircraft –




Over the fore field and into the target area – over the battalion border and into the side show – beyond the bomb line, beyond the readiness area, beyond the storming distance, Beyond the Beyond –




Snow on the fir trees, snow on the ground – red sky, blue-grey, blue-grey-blue and grey-blue-grey – inscrutable gaze under a helmet edge, automatic series in the distance, on through the night –


With 9 mm automatic pistol –


and the moral law within me and the goal in front of me –


and support, liaison and command, classification, distribution and mission –


I am the edge, I am the battle. In short: I am. I am the light of the world, I am willpower, I am holism. I am.


Burning magnesium – flares, burning contraptions lighting up the battlefield at night – burning magnesium falling to the ground, gliding to the ground beneath its delightful little parachute – burning magnesium floating on the wind, rising on the upwind, then slowly gliding to the ground in its parachute.

Burning magnesium in a cup, under a silk parachute and suspended by steel wires – it’s the way of the future – burning magnesium, hovering under its parachute, attached to the cup with steel wires, gliding to the ground – burning in the night, shining with a metallic green lustre, lighting up the battlefield so that the soldiers can see each other and kill each other. It’s the last chivalry, the sacred bond: young men killing other young men…

Range of fire

Flash bomb

Flare gun


Wandering in the ersatz moonlight, forging ahead under Scheinwerfers pointing to the clouds, the situation is clear and all is hunky dory – pale moonlight, pale shimmer from the underside of clouds, ghoulish green light from burning magnesium – roaring bombers above the clouds, thundering cannon in the distance, growling Panzers nearby and TNT stains on the snow, empty shell cases in a ditch. And a fluttering curtain and a slamming door.

Rear guard

Voice pipe

Safety fork

Bright red lines in the sky, a magnesium green shimmer over the land, earth fountains rising at the point of impact, shrapnel and body parts flying – crushed pulp and steel fragments everywhere, black smoke and an echo crossing the plain, bouncing off in the distance and answered by the howling of the jet planes – the song of the Panzer machines, the rattle of automatic fire and the roaring of the Nebelwerfers, a howl out of the abyss like the hellhound Garm.

Gun sling

Field gun


Burning magnesium, dropped from an aircraft – burning magnesium, fired and released from a mortar shell, drifting to the ground with its quirky, heartwarming parachute – burning magnesium, developed from the cone of an illumination round, with a parachute and everything, drifting to the ground, illuminating the battlefield – sending its joyful green glow over forest and meadow, over hill and mountain, across the battalion border and the storming distance, over fore field and backfield, across the B-line and the centre line, the primary objective and the starting point, based on the terrain – the point where all our dreams come true, the point where realities collapse into a black hole, the point where zero and eternity meet and everything becomes evident.

About the Author

Lennart Svensson (born 1965) made his English language debut in 2014 with Ernst Jünger – A Portrait. The following year he published a biography of another controversial German, Richard Wagner. In Swedish Svensson has written novels and essays and he’s currently working on several projects in English, his adopted language. He has a BA in Indology and lives in Härnösand on the northern coast of Sweden. He blogs at The Svensson Galaxy.

Published by Logik Förlag

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