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Beginning with "Enemy Mine" and The Tomorrow Testament, and continuing with The Last Enemy the Enemy series spans almost the entirety of my writing career to date. There have been a lot of changes in me and in publishing since "Enemy" first appeared in 1979, but there is a strange continuity in the universe that saw three hundred worlds at war as Dracs and humans worked out the steps of their deadly dance.

I am very excited at the prospect of presenting the entire series, this time with "Enemy Mine" greatly expanded, in addition to the portions of the Drac bible, The Talman, that I was able to retrieve with my far-future fax machine.

Incidentally, the stories of The Talman have never before been published. It is a bible by aliens, set on an alien planet, about aliens and for alien readers. For the first time for readers, there is a unique choice. If you read the selections from The Talman first, you will get to read "Enemy Mine" from the perspective of a Drac. If you read "Enemy" first, you can read it from the perspective of a human.

I have included the Drac vocabulary in this volume, in addition to two very different essays. "On Alien Languages" tells some of the funny business of making up alien languages, and "Run Drac Run" tells about the origins and continuation of the Enemy series.

Three persons who deserve historical mention and grateful thanks for their suggestions and support concerning the Enemy series are George Scithers, Isaac Asimov, and Victoria Shochet. The one who deserves the most thanks for her suggestions, support, encouragement, no-nonsense discouragement when needed, not to mention putting up with the author, is Regina B. Longyear, wife, advisor, critic, and defender of the taxpayer.


The Talman was outlined and partially written as background material for the Enemy series. Although it was never intended for publication, the idea of reading an alien bible interested a number of readers, which is why I include it here, This is what I have of the work, and if enough hue and cry is raised, I might be coaxed into writing the remainder.

"The Story of Uhe" was first written, in Earth terms, about eleven thousand years ago. The origin of "The Myth of Aakva," passed down through Sindie’s oral tradition, predates it by several thousand years.


The Myth of Aakva

Sindie was the world. And the world Was said to be made by Aakva, The God of the Day Light.
Aakva was said to make on the world Special creatures of yellow skin And hands and feet each of three fingers.
And it was said to make the creatures of one kind, That each could bear its young, Or the young of another. And it was said to make the creatures Make thought and give voice That the creatures could worship The Parent of All.
And it was said that Aakva Gave its children signs and visions That they could study, And from them learn and obey the wishes of Aakva. For this service, The God of the Day Light Was said to set upon the world The plants and animals to feed and protect its children.
Aakva was said to set in the night sky A star for each of its children. Each child's star would guide its footsteps Along the paths of right during life, And to Aakva's side after life.
Aakva called its children the Sindie, After the world it had made. And the Sindie were made to walk upright As did no other creature.
This was held to be a proof That the Sindie were the children Of the God of the Day Light.
The visions and signs of Aakva Were complex and mysterious. And it was said that Aakva charged the Sindie To appoint servants Who would make of their lives The study of Aakva's messages. The Sindie chose from among their numbers The ones who would study The messages of Aakva.
The servants of Aakva Chose from among their number A chief who would be responsible For speaking to the Sindie For the God of the Day Light.
The first chief was Rhada. And Rhada had the servants Go among the Sindie and learn All of the signs and visions That were known. The servants gathered this knowledge And gave it to Rhada.
For twelve days and twelve nights, The chief of the servants Studied the signs and visions, And sorted the false from the true, And the tribal lays From the true Laws of Aakva.
On the thirteenth day, Rhada spoke to the servants Of what it had learned. And Rhada said:
"It is truth That Aakva is the God of the Day Light And we are its children;
"It is truth That the world and everything upon it Is our gift from Aakva;
"It is Law That violating the wishes of Aakva is tabu;
"It is Law That the servants of Aakva Will speak the wishes of Aakva;
"It is Law That one who disputes a true vision from Aakva Will suffer ordeal;
"It is Law That one who makes false claim to a vision Will suffer ordeal;
"It is Law That at least one child out of three Be made by joining The fluid of one with the fluid of another;
"It is Law That the one who bears the child Is the parent of the child;
"It is Law That the parent shall keep and provide For the child So long as the child is in need;
"It is Law That the child shall keep and provide For the parent So long as the parent is in need;