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October 24th: Candy found guilty of murdering mother and child. I must find some proof of Mrs. Coutts’ guilt, I suppose, that will satisfy the authorities, but I don’t want the poor woman to be hanged. If Candy is reprieved, I shall kill her by shock. She obviously has a weak heart, and sudden death is the best gift I can present to her. If she isn’t hanged she will be sent to Broadmoor. I will kill her, unless Candy is not reprieved. In that case, I shall have to save him by denounting her to the police.

October 25th: Good heavens! I’m wrong about the whole thing! The passage has no outlet at the inn. It has been bricked up these fifty years or so!

I must be right! That passage must have a new outlet made by Lowry. He may have been a lover of Cora before Burns came upon the scene with his money and his more gentlemanly (!!) ways.

October 26th: Mrs. Gatty to the rescue. Marvellous woman! The ground floor bathroom! Now to twist Lowry’s tail and save that wretched woman, if only Candy is reprieved.

October 29th: Candy set free. Sending him to Kent almost immediately.

November 5th, 2.30 a.m.: Guy Fawkes’ Day. And I have committed my second murder.


[scanned anonymously in a galaxy far far away]

[A 3S Release— v1, html]

[August 21, 2006]