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Khurs worship a legion of gods and demi-gods only vaguely familiar to outsiders, and nomad deities vary from those worshiped by city dwellers. The following seem to be the most frequently mentioned:

Eldin the Judge—High god of nomads.

Elir-Sana—The divine healer, bringer of plenty; may equate to Mishakal.

Torghan, the Avenger—God of vengeance; may equate to Sargonnas.

Kargath the Warrior—May equate to Kiri-Jolith.

Rakaris the Hunter—Patron deity of hunters and predators; may equate to Chislev.

Anthor the Hermit—God scholars, poets, and dreamers; usually equated with Majere.

Hab’rar the Messenger—Carrier of the winds; thought to be Habbakuk.

Soro the Firemaker—God hearth and home. May equate to Sirrion.

Ayyan the Deceiver—Goddess of darkness.