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Maddy held her breath. She felt a tremor ripple through Zack's chest, but couldn't tell whether it was laughter or something else.

"Well," Zack said, and rested his chin on the top of Maddy's head. After a moment he cleared his throat and went on. "I have a real son, did you know that? His name is Josh, and he's in heaven too. Now, if Maddy and I adopt you, you'll be our real daughter. That's what the law says. So if we can have another real kid, it seems to me you could have another set of real parents."

Maddy felt the pressure of Zack's lips on the top of her head and tilted sideways to press against his shoulder. They both waited tensely while Theresa turned the logic of that over in her mind. After what seemed like forever, they felt her head move up and down.

"Okay. Then it's prob'ly all right."

"Well, okay, then. It's settled." Zack lowered his mouth to the curve of Maddy's neck. She felt his slowly expelled breath like a warm caress. Both the big, solid body against her back and the small, thin one in her arms seemed very still and subdued.

After a while Theresa tipped her head back and asked, "Where would we live? Maddy gots a house, and so do you. I like Maddy's house-you can open up the ceiling and see the sky-but she doesn't have a swimming pool, and I don't think she has enough beds for everybody to sleep in."

"Hmm," Zack said. His voice sounded suspiciously quivery. "That is a problem. How's this? Maddy can keep her house for a special place to make puppets, and you can all come and sleep at my house." He touched his lips to Maddy's ear and whispered, "Okay?"

"Okay," she whispered back, her voice breaking up into laughter.

"That would be good," Theresa decided. "Will I get any brothers and sisters? Real ones, not foster ones, like Vickie Frownfelter."

"Oh," Zack murmured, sending silky shivers down Maddy's neck with his breath, "I think we could probably manage one or two…" She turned to look at him. "Or more. You never can tell." He shrugged placidly as he settled Maddy firmly against him and prepared to field Theresa's next question. It came after another thoughtful silence.

"Will I get a gramma and grampa? Real ones? I've never had a gramma and grampa before."

Zack nudged Maddy, who nodded and held up two fingers. "Yep," he said. "Complete set-two of each."

"Only two?" Theresa's head tilted upward. "What about Dahlia? Can't she be my gramma too?"

"You can ask her," Zack said. "Wouldn't be a bit surprised."

"Okay," Theresa said with a satisfied sigh. "You know what? I think it's gonna be all right!"

"Me too," Zack said, and ruffled her hair. Then he wrapped his arms across Maddy's chest and whispered, "How about you?"

"Well," Maddy said, "I do have one question. I hate to ask-it seems so crass-but I just keep wondering…"

"What?" he mumbled, obviously trying very hard to be serious.

"Well, you keep telling me you just sell sporting goods. I don't mean to question your veracity-after all, you are the man I love and have every intention of marrying. But Zack, I really would like to know how you intend to support this family of yours, especially all those brothers and sisters you promised Theresa!"

"Hmm," he said, sounding severe. "This'll teach you to question your husband's veracity. I will have you know that I do, in fact, sell sporting goods. Ever hear of-"

" London 's!" she said, sitting upright and turning in his arms to stare at him. "Oh, my… word. That's you? London 's Sporting Goods? I don't know why I didn't make the connection. I always thought that meant the city. Is that really you?"

"Us," he corrected her, hauling her back into his arms.

There was a thump and a low whistle, followed by a muted explosion. Star-bursts lit up the summer sky and cascaded down like sparkling rain.

Theresa cried "Oooh…" in wonder and delight, and then, with triumphant glee, "Maddy, I see Zack kissing you!"

Maddy erupted into helpless giggles.

"Get used to it, squirt," Zack growled. "Real parents do that a lot!"

As he reclaimed Maddy's mouth, skyrockets exploded again, some of them in the sky…

