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"So tell me," she said as she handed him a drink and took a seat across from the couch, liking the way his totally masculine form remained casual and exciting at the same time. "What do you do for a living? I imagine it's something that makes you rather well off."

"Ooo… I work with computers. I supply the banks in the city with the programs they use. It's a job, and while it's not as exciting as… say… stunt-driving, I like the work. I get to meet people, and I do some traveling around the country. All business, of course."

He smiled and winked at Rita, letting her know that he, like so many other people, did a little cheating on his travel account.

"Tina goes with you on those trips?"

"When I can get away with bringing her… which is most of the time, I should add. She likes to travel and meet new people as much as I do."

"I'm afraid I don't get to go very many places," Rita told him a confidential tone. "Owen has a good job. He's an insurance adjuster, by the way, and he provides me with a good many things. Traveling though…"

"That's too bad," Bob said, seeing an opening. "A lovely woman like you should be shown around the country as much as possible, though I can't say I blame Owen all that much for keeping you hidden."

Rita blushed when she heard that. He was the first man to tell her something like that since she had married Owen, and while she was used to getting compliments like that in college, she was a little rusty on receiving them.

"I'm serious, Rita. You're a very attractive woman. And quite lively too. Is it that you don't like to travel?"

"Ooohhh… no… it's nothing like that," she said. "No, Owen and I like a rather sedate life."

"Really now," Bob said, raising his eye brow as though he didn't believe her. "Now, let me get this straight. If I'm not mistaken, Owen is doing some work in the high school."

Rita nodded.

"And he makes enough money for the two of you to take off from time to time?"

Again the lovely wife nodded.

"Owen Temple," he said thoughtfully, taking a drink and looking at the ceiling. "He was quite a boy in college. Lust for life and all that. I can't believe that he would just want to pack it all in now. And you, Rita, I sense something about you that makes you want to live… and live hard."

Rita had been looking at him all the while he had been talking, but now she lowered her head and bit on her lower lip. He was getting just a little too personal, but there was no denying that he was bringing out thoughts she had tried to suppress. With the pressure of non-college life Owen had been under recently, she had been toying with the idea of another vacation. She would have brought it up, if Owen hadn't stormed out of the house like he had. And she knew that she could use getting out more than she did.

"Well… I was a cheerleader in college," she said, lifting her head and looking at Bob again. His face carried a friendly expression… friendly and compassionate.

"Tears of a clown and all that?"

"What?" she asked, smiling.

"You know. You make other people happy, but no one makes you happy, since you never look sad."

"Ohhh… well, Owen has managed to… to…"

She stopped, not really knowing where to go with that thought. She was going to say that Owen was making her happy, but that wasn't really the truth. The memory of Owen made her feel good, but what she had with her husband now was not what she had thought it would be when she first married him.

"Come on… open up to me," Bob said, leaning forward. "I don't know what you've heard about the suburbs, but we out here have all learned that people are people. We're all in the same boat, and I hate to see someone with a zest for life sort of cast adrift."

Rita took a deep breath, wondering if she could really trust this near stranger. There was nothing threatening about him in the slightest, but she hardly knew him. "Things with Owen were really great for a while," she said evasively, "but when the honeymoon ended… well, I guess that sounds like an old cliche…"

"Not at all," Bob said, taking his eyes away from her face and resting them on her covered breasts, sensing that he was getting close to the kill. He had to play his cards carefully now, listen for little things and pick up on them right away. "Like I said… Tina and I have our problems, just like everyone else. We talk about them, both with each other, and with other people. Things happen, we talk about them and clear them up. Things are better for a while, and then something else happens. Life is far from perfect."

"I don't think Owen has come to that conclusion," Rita said softly. "There are times when he thinks he's still in college, and doesn't have to worry about anything but his image."

"Ooohhh… have you talked to him about that?"

"I tried… sort of… tonight. That's what the fight was about. I told him that… that he wasn't making me… well… you know…"

"He wasn't making you happy in bed?"

Rita looked long at him before saying anything. She didn't like having her private life exposed like this, but at least Bob seemed to care where her husband didn't.

"Yes," she sighed. "I tried to tell him, but he just couldn't believe anything could be wrong with him. He called me names and said that it was all my fault."

"Really? How long has this been happening?"

"Some six months," Rita said before she had a chance to think.

Bob whistled, seeing that his work would be a lot easier, knowing that little bit of information. He gathered that Rita knew what fun fucking could be. If it hadn't been fun for her in so long, she would really be hot for a nice, thick cock. He smiled as he thought of Tina and Owen, wondering if Owen would be able to please her. She was pretty demanding when it came to fucking, and if superjock couldn't make his own wife happy…

But that was Tina's problem.

Letting her problems out like this brought about a wave of frustration and disappointment flowing through Rita's mind. She had kept so many things bottled up inside her for so long that her emotions broke like water through a leaky dam that threatened to crumble.

"He refused to believe me when I told him that he hadn't satisfied me in months," she said, trying, though not very hard to hold back her tears. "He told me that he had more experience than I did, and that he knew how good he was and that I was frigid and…"

She broke down at that point, dropping her head and crying into her hands as her glass fell to the floor. If there was ever a woman ripe for comfort, Bob thought, it was Rita right now. Bob lowered his drink to the floor and went over to her. He moved to one side and brought his arm around her softly rounded shoulders, knowing that he was almost home now.

In anticipation and eagerness, he could feel his cock swelling painfully in his pants. He knew that a good fucking would do Rita a world of good, and he was going to be the one to give it to her.

Using his powerful body for support, Rita leaned against him over the arm of her chair, resting her head on his shoulder. Bob gave her a little squeeze.

"Go ahead… let it all out," he soothed. "You deserve to be happy, Rita. If Owen can't see that, then I don't know about him."

Rita wanted to tell him that Owen did make her happy… that he was a good husband and a good provider, and could be a good lover when he wanted to be.

But the words wouldn't come out. After what had happened earlier in the evening, she wasn't so sure that Owen was a good husband. Certainly no good husband would have done to her what Owen had.