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The result was a straight, vertical slash, a high speed attack that bordered on the realm of absurdity. Like a flash of light, a slash that seemed to summon the gale.

This attack was coming down on top of Gazef’s head.

In Climb’s mind, the thought that the blow connecting would result in a fatal injury had vanished completely. It was a technique that was only possible due to the unwavering confidence that the man named Gazef would not die to something of this level.

With the roaring sound of metal, the bastard sword was raised up to meet the broadsword coming down.

Everything so far was to be expected.

Climb poured all the strength in his body in an attempt to break Gazef’s balance.

However— Gazef’s body did not budge.

Even in the awkward position of standing on one leg, he easily held off the attack that had Climb’s full strength behind it. He was like a gigantic tree with thick roots embedded in the earth.

His strongest attack with everything he had, combined with two martial arts, and Climb still could not match Gazef standing on one leg. Despite his surprise, Climb’s eyes moved to his own abdomen.

The fact that he brought down his broadsword meant that their distance had shortened. It also meant that Gazef could again kick him in the stomach.

The kick landed on Climb’s body as soon as he leapt back.

There was a small, dull pain. The two stood face to face with a few paces of distance separating them.

Gazef slightly relaxed his eyes and eased his lips.

Although he smiled, it was not unpleasant, but refreshing. It made Climb feel slightly ashamed.

To him, it looked like the smile of a father seeing the growth of his son.

“That was splendid. I will be a bit more serious then.”

Gazef’s expression changed.

Climb felt goose bumps all over his body. The strongest in the Kingdom had finally shown himself.

“I have a potion with me so there is no need to worry. It can heal fractures.”

“…Thank you.”

The taciturn way Gazef implied that he should be prepared for broken bones made Climb’s heart thump loudly in his chest. He was used to injuries but that did not mean he enjoyed them.

Gazef closed in at twice Climb’s speed.

The bastard sword drew an arc that was low enough to skid the ground and slashed at Climb’s legs. Its speed, filled with rotational force, Climb quickly stabbed his broadsword into the ground in an attempt to protect his legs.

The two sides collided, at the least, that is what Climb believed. In that instant— Gazef’s sword changed course and rode up the side of the broadsword.


Climb leaned his body back and the sword flew inches past his face. The wind from the slash severed a few strands of his hair as it passed by.

Fearful at the fact that Gazef had cornered him this badly this quickly, Climb saw in his vision that the bastard sword had halted and was quickly coming back.

Before he could even think, his survival instinct caused Climb to push forward with the small shield. The bastard sword crashed into the shield and a loud metallic sound rang out.



Climb felt intense pain as he was blown away to the side. The impact as his body crashed violently to the floor forced his sword from his hand.

The bastard sword that had collided with the small shield had moved upwards and delivered a severe blow to Climb’s flank.

“It’s the flow, not simply attacking and defending. You must move so that every action can flow into your next attack. Your defense must serve as a part of your next assault.”

Gazef spoke to Climb in a gentle voice while he picked up his sword and attempted to get up while holding his side.

“I controlled my strength so it wouldn’t break. You should be able to continue…. What will you do?”

Gazef, who did not even seem tired, and Climb, tense and heaving with pain.

This ugly sight of not being able last even a few strikes, he was just wasting Gazef’s time. Even so, Climb wanted to be stronger, no matter how slight.

Raising his sword, he nodded to Gazef and resumed his stance.

“Very well, let us continue.”


With a hoarse shout, Climb charged.

Beaten, flung about, and sometimes even resorting to punches and kicks, Climb collapsed to the floor with labored breaths. The cold chill of the ground felt pleasant as it absorbed his body heat through the chain shirt.

“Hah, hah, hah…”

He did not even try to wipe away the sweat. No, he did not even have the energy to do so.

Enduring the stabs of pain, Climb, unable to resist the fatigue rising all throughout his body, closed his eyes slightly.

“Good work. I tried not to break or crack anything, but how is it?”


Sprawled out on the floor, Climb moved his hands and touched the parts that still gave him pain.

“I don’t think there are any problems. Painful, but they’re only bruises.”

The ringing pain was light; it would not be a hindrance to the princess’ security.

“Is that so… Then we will not need the potion.”

“Yes. After all, careless use will cancel out the effects of muscle training.”

“Indeed. They should be left to heal naturally but magic will end up restoring the muscles to their original state. I assume you will be returning to your duties as the princess’ guard?”


“Then take it with you. Use it should anything happen.”

With a clink, the potion bottle was set next to Climb.

“Thank you.”

He raised himself and looked at Gazef, at the man his sword could not touch even once.

The man without a scratch looked at him strangely, and spoke.

“What is it?”

“Nothing… I just thought you are amazing.”

His breathing was steady, with almost no traces of sweat on his forehead. Climb breathed a sigh; he realized that this was the difference between him, who was on the floor, and the strongest in the Kingdom. On the other hand, Gazef wore a bitter smile.

“…I see.”


“—Even if you ask me how I am so strong, I have no answer to give you. It is simply talent. I learned how to fight during my days as a mercenary. These kicks that the nobles call vulgar, I learned them during those days as well.”

There is no trick to gaining strength, Gazef declared. The hope that adopting the same training would, to an extent, help him grow stronger was easily dashed.

“Climb, you have potential in that sense. Punching and kicking, using your fists to fight.”

“Is… that so?”

“Indeed. In fact, it is rather fortunate that you were not trained as a swordsman or a soldier.

When one holds a sword, they tend to focus on fighting while only using that weapon. I believe that this is wrong. Change our view of the sword to see it as just another way of attacking while incorporating the fists and legs, would that not be more effective in a real battle? Well… my sword is more suited for adventurers.”

Climb’s usual blank face was gone and replaced by a smile. He did not expect the strongest in the Kingdom to praise his skills so highly; his unorthodox movements and skills devoid of framework.

The sword that the nobles mocked behind his back was being praised. His joy was immense.

“Well then, I will take my leave. I must not be late to the King’s morning meal. Will you be heading back?”

“No. There is supposed to be a guest today.”

“A guest? A noble, perhaps?”

As Gazef thought it strange that the princess would be receiving a guest, Climb responded.