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I saw that my little sister was alive – and that made me happy. But she was tied up, which immediately made me think that this woman wants to conduct some kind of ceremony and she needs a child for that.

After a long silence, the old woman turned to me in her squeaky voice, who I am and whether I came alone. I had to tell everything, because fear acted on me, which forced me to stand still and speak only the truth.

At my words, the witch only grinned dismissively, saying that she could simply kill me now, since she only needs one child. But she would like to offer me an exchange.

I didn't understand what she was getting at, what she wanted to do and why. It was so confusing to me that I could not think sanely. Just helplessly looking at your beloved sister and thinking how to help her.

Seeing that I am not in the mood to listen to her. The old woman decided to bring me to my senses, taking a knife, holding it to her sister's throat. I immediately woke up, realizing that I must do everything for her to survive.

Here the old woman said those fatal words that I remembered forever: "These people never understood my strength, they were always afraid of me. I always helped them, even when they turned away from me. They killed my whole family, and now they want to reach me. . I'm only here to avenge my relatives. The first thought is to send the plague to the human race, but this required a sacrifice, so I stole your sister. Now, seeing that you are protecting her so zealously. I understand that you remind me of my brother. I want to offer you a choice. Either the girl becomes a victim, or you become an instrument of revenge. "

Then her motives became clear, so I immediately realized that in fact, there was no choice. I was always ready to sacrifice myself for the sake of my family.

I asked to let my sister go, she agreed, but on condition that she would leave her unconscious. It was a guarantee that I would fulfill my end of the deal.

Realizing that this is probably the last time I see my sister. I said goodbye to her, saying everything that was in my soul. Maybe it was worth doing differently, but no one knew how it would all end.

The essence of the witch's ritual was that I would turn into a wild beast, of unprecedented strength, to destroy people with a bad conscience. As I understand it, she only wanted to thin out humanity, killing all who ever done evil deeds.

It was difficult for me to judge her. She was inflicted great pain by killing all her relatives. And she only wanted revenge by making this world a little better.

As soon as the ritual began, I felt intense pain, as if my whole body was being torn to pieces. At some point, everything darkened sharply, it seemed to me that I had lost consciousness, but something was wrong. I looked at everything that was happening from the side, understanding and realizing everything, but I could not control my body, or, more correctly, say what it turned into.

Yes, I saw and understood everything that happened next, but I could not do anything. I think the greatest pain is when you have no control over the situation.

The very moment the witch finished her ritual. My sister woke up, seeing what was being done to me. She did not hesitate to grab a knife and hit the old woman. As expected, the witch fell before realizing what had happened. But at that moment, my sister shed human blood.

Everything happened quickly, at one point I tore it into small pieces. In my heart I screamed, cried, prayed. But the spell was already unstoppable. I was a warrior who takes revenge on the human race.

So I began my endless struggle with the animal that is inside me. Yes, I can hardly forgive myself for what I have done and will do. It only remained to drag this senseless existence.

I hope that this diary will bring clarity to the events that happened to me and my family.


The young guy woke up in the morning with a strange feeling of anxiety and misunderstanding. Is this all true? Is this wolf actually the owner of this diary? It all looked like some kind of joke that the villagers decided to make with this house. But deep down, our hero understood that there was something real in this …