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Paul Gable

Whipped raped daughter


It was a kinky bar, one Tina Mathis knew she shouldn't be in. There were all sorts of guys in weird outfits, and the music drummed on like a giant heart. She was underage to boot, although her face and body made most people think she was twenty-one. Her best girlfriend, Kathy Harrington, had coaxed her into coming even though she felt wildly out of place.

Now, sitting meekly at the corner table, tapping one finger against her glass in time with the music, Tina felt as if she should leave. After all, she had told her mother she'd be in by eleven, and it was already ten.

"You like suckin' cock, baby?"

The horrible words whispered in her ear made the young blonde jump from her chair, nearly upending her drink. Kathy said something, grabbing for the drinks while Tina tried recovering from her shock. Turning, Tina saw a tall dark-haired man with, a bushy mustache and beard facing her. He was holding a beer in one hand, one leg propped up on the bottom rung of her chair. She couldn't tell if he was smiling at her, and wasn't sure now if she had heard him correctly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't…"

"I said, do you like suckin' cock? You know, wrappin' those pretty little lips around my prick and pulling down hard till I shoot in your throat. That kinda shit."

His voice was even moderated. Still Tina couldn't believe he was talking to her like this. She gathered her white wool sweater from the chair and flung it over her narrow shoulders, leaving the table.

"You you pig!" she gasped, casting a baleful glance at Kathy, who had missed the conversation.

"Tina, wait! Wait up!" Kathy shouted, grabbing her purse and racing after her friend.

"That man! That awful man! He ohhhh, I don't even want to talk about it!"

"What did he say?" Kathy asked, holding her friend while looking back into the crowd. The man Tina was referring to had disappeared.

"I don't even want to talk about it. Kathy, I don't want to stay here. The people are creepy, and it's getting late. We could get arrested for being here even," Tina said, shaking her friend free and walking quickly to the door.

"All right. If that's the way you are. I'm staying for a while," Kathy said, shrugging her shoulders and walking back to her chair.

Outside Tina gathered her sweater around her blue dress. She was all wrong. She should have worn leather with whips, she thought dryly as she began walking quickly down the street. But then her mother certainly would have been suspicious. A girl didn't go out to the library and soda shop looking like a slut. And Kathy the way she flirted with everyone in that horrid bar. It was no surprise some loathsome man like that that animal came up and said such awful things. She wouldn't have been surprised if he wanted to fuck her right in front of everyone.


The word bubbled from her mouth, making her virgin cunt pucker, while ticklish electric like rushes shivered up and down her thighs. Kathy tried driving the image of the man from her mind. She would put him from her mind and would never remember what happened here. She would tell Kathy to find someone else to go with her to such offbeat places.


Something grabbed her wrist just as she reached the curb. It was a hand, pulling her into a narrow alleyway. Her sweater fell from her shoulders as a set of hands slipped down over her tits, then down to her crotch.

Tina screamed, feeling rude fingers slipping under her panties, sliding ever her cunt, poking into the tight, hot hairy little pussy. She shrieked as a jagged nail creased against her clit, one knee rubbing into her asscrack. Someone was raping it with his hand, finger-fucking her while tearing her dress. Twisting her head around, she saw it was the awful man from the bar.

"Help! God in heaven, help me! Someone – rape! Rape!"

Tina used everything she had learned in school to protect herself. She stomped back with her feet, used her elbows, and slapped back with her hands. But nothing worked. He was wrestling her down to the filthy street, drawing her back into the alleyway. Tina felt her shoes coming loose as her legs kicked against several garbage cans. Her dress tore, the material slipping from her body as she shrieked again for help.

"Shut up or I'll knock the shit outta you right now!" the man growled.

His hands slipped along her waist once more, leaving her cunt alone for the moment. Tina took advantage of his move to kick back, hitting her attacker in the knee. He let out a groan, letting go of her as she twisted free and bolted for the alleyway entrance.

Tina slipped, regained her balance, then pitched forward again, her hair flying into her face. She felt herself come to rest in a pile of filth, garbage clinging to her anus and face while her fret were pushed into a sooty pile of dirt. The big man was near her, laughing softly, then bending down and grabbing her wrist.

"You don't smell so good now. But we'll clean you up fast."

"No, don't!"

Tina felt weak and her ankles hurt terribly from her fall. Still she fought the big man with every ounce of strength she had, beating her fists against his chest. She saw something suddenly rise over her head and realized it was his right hand. It came down in a broad arc, the shadow cutting across her body like a knife. Tina barely had time to scream before the fist crashed against her cheek. The world crashed in on her as she fell back, her arms dropping to either side of her body.


She felt hands scooping her up, carrying her quickly down the alley to a car. She thought about her sweater, about how she could tell him to pick it up. But the young teen fell into a deeper faint, hardly feeling the hands toying with her thighs.

When Tina started to regain consciousness she was already indoors, thrown onto a cement floor; it had happened so quickly, so horribly. Tina pushed herself up and shook her head, staring around at what appeared to be a cell of some sort.

"Shut up slut!"

Tina bristled at the words. Someone was shouting in another part of the building. There was another shout, then the sound of wild sobbing. Tina rose from the floor, noticing a small rectangular window high on the stone wall. It all felt so medieval, she thought, throwing her arms around her shoulders.

She stood, peering through the bars which reinforced the window. Tina thought she could make out barbed wire outside curled and black, with tiny steel points like the short, curly hairs covering her cuntlips. The thought shot into her mind almost by mistake. What on earth could she be thinking of? What could be going through her mind?


Tina sobbed, fighting back tears, then came up against the wall where the window was. It was black outside, the sky punctuated by a nearly unbrokened cluster of stars. She wanted to be out there, free of everything around her. Oh, if only she could shout out to someone for help. But there didn't seem to be any buildings out there at least, none she could see.

Then she heard footsteps.

Tina thought of the big man who had torn off her dress, who had fingered her brutally, and finally, who had knocked her senseless. She wheeled around hugging herself, feeling faint as she heard rattling at the keyhole. The door creaked open and he strode in, his body filling the doorway. In the small room he seemed larger than life.

"So, you enjoying yourself? Nice view, especially at night," he said, nodding at the window.

Tina swallowed a lump of fear, tilting her chin defiantly up.

"Why have you brought me here? Who are you?"

He laughed softly, rubbing his nose and kicking the door shut behind him. Tina heard the latch drop, and wanted to scream.

"I always hang out at that bar," the man said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Tina felt nervous, seeing the unholy gleam grow in his eyes. "I look for types, you know types like you. Ain't many around. Too used, you know? Then I saw you and your little friend pop in. And I thought, there's a pair who can work out real fine."