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Jonah looked at the big watch on his wrist for a moment. It had stopped. It never stopped, warning him when new batteries were needed, and he’d just put in fresh ones barely two weeks ago. It was more of a sportsman’s watch, with more than one dial so he knew his current elevation, and the time in another country if he wished, and he could also use the device as a stopwatch.

Not digital.

Staring at the still face and keeping the time on Clyde’s clock in mind, then as far as he could remember the time it showed would have been just about when he’d reached the abandoned car and the mysteries surrounding it. It was also showing zero elevation when the town was several thousand feet above sea level.

He stared at it for a moment, then fished for his cell phone and checked the time. It appeared to be still working normally, showing the correct date. But . . .

The time on the cell was off by more than half an hour. Pretty close to the amount of time he’d spent out at Simon Church’s abandoned car.

“Well, shit,” he said under his breath.

“WHERE COULD THEY have gone?” Monica Church twisted a handkerchief in her hands anxiously. Long married to a man who, if he had deep feelings about anything, never showed them, she tended to be emotional enough for both of them. She also tended to dress in simple, elegant outfits that usually stood out in Serenity, which was more of a jeans-and-sweatshirt sort of town.

The pretty spring dress she wore now, colorful and a bit filmy, would have looked more in place in a larger town and warmer weather. But neither ever seemed to dictate Monica’s choices. Gossip said she had found a man who showed her more attention than her husband, but if said lover had been identified, Jonah hadn’t heard about it.

“Told you they were going to elope,” Ed Church said, taciturn as always, and casual as always in jeans and a black T-shirt. “Been obvious for weeks. No sense in trying to stop them.”

“But something did stop them.” Monica’s reddened eyes turned to Jonah’s face. “Mildred Bates called me and told me she saw the police tow truck taking Simon’s car toward town.”

Of course she did.

“Where is my son, Chief?”

Jonah sighed as he leaned forward in his chair, elbows on his cluttered blotter. He was expecting the second set of parents any minute now. “I’ll tell you what I can, but let’s wait for Stuart and Sue Grimes; they called they were on their way.”

Five loudly silent minutes later, the other set of parents burst in. Sue Grimes was every bit as emotional as Monica, but not crying and not neat; she was wearing pale slacks and a bright pink blouse that was buttoned wrong and almost matched her almost neon lipstick. Which had clearly been applied in haste. One eyebrow was darker than the other as well, and her blond hair didn’t look as if it had seen a comb since at least the night before.

Jonah wasn’t tempted to laugh. Much.

Stuart Grimes wasn’t as taciturn as Ed Church, nor could he claim the other man’s lazy stillness. Stuart waved his arms a lot. And his voice was loud most of the time.

Jonah took in those details automatically, saving what amusement or annoyance he found in them for later.

“Where are they, Jonah?” Stuart Grimes demanded. “Where are the kids? Why was Simon’s car towed back to town, and why is it in the police garage now?”

Jonah was accustomed to the fact that many people in town called him casually by his first name, just as many used his title. It didn’t really matter to him.

“If you’ll just sit down, Stuart, you and Sue, I’ll tell you as much as I know.” Which was a lie but a necessary one. The only saving grace he personally found in the situation was that these two couples were friends all the way back to high school, and it was unlikely that either set of parents would blame the other set’s kid for . . . whatever.

Small comfort.

He decided to start with blunt information, not because he was a cruel man, but because he knew the bottom line would have to be reached, and he preferred to reach it sooner than later.

“The kids are missing,” he told their parents, keeping his voice matter-of-fact. “We have no evidence that anything happened to them, no signs of a struggle, nothing else to indicate they were taken away by force.”

Monica let out a sob into her handkerchief.

“And Simon’s Jeep?” his father asked. “It was in perfect working order.”

Jonah nodded. “As far as we can tell, that’s entirely true. There was gas in the tank, the tires were fine, it cranked easily when we tried it. Still, I have my best people going over it inch by inch to see if there’s something not so obvious that might have stopped it.”

With ominous timing, a loud boom of thunder rattled the windows, and it really let go outside, raining heavily.

Jonah hoped Sarah had been able to get all the pictures she could, because there sure as hell wouldn’t be anything remotely resembling evidence at the scene when the storm passed.

“Were they eloping?” Sue Grimes demanded, showing less emotion except for the fierceness in her eyes and voice.

Jonah answered honestly. “Looks like it. The back of the Jeep was packed full of everything from clothes and a golf bag to a big screen and a goldfish bowl.” He felt compelled to add, “I had one of my people get the fishbowl out and bring it up to this floor, to the lounge.”

He didn’t add that the solitary fish had seemed much more relaxed with more water in his bowl—and a bowl that was not in motion. He made a note to ask his people to look for fish food in the car.

In his usual lazy voice, Ed Church said, “We got the car was pulled off the main road, doors open, engine off. Robbery?”

Jonah wondered if Mildred Bates had a zoom-lens camera. Maybe they should have asked her for photos.

Maybe they would, before this was over with.

Shaking his head, Jonah said, “I don’t see how. Too many valuables left in the car.” He looked at Sue Grimes. “Amy’s purse was in the front seat, undisturbed. There’s several thousand dollars in her billfold. I had it and everything in the purse printed just to be sure; lotta smudges on the money, but otherwise no prints except Amy’s.”

Every student entering high school in Serenity got an ID with photo and fingerprints as a matter of both school and town policy.

He added, “Jean’s holding it for you at the front desk; you can pick it up when you leave. I doubt it has any value as evidence.”

Stuart Grimes said, “Where are the kids? It’s not like there’s a romantic trail off the side of the road to tempt them to stop. Where did they go?

Jonah kept his voice even. “I don’t know, Stuart. At this point, all I can tell you is what I have told you. The car was pulled off the road, doors left standing open, personal items and other valuables left in the car. Key in the ignition but engine off. And the kids gone.”

“You didn’t find a fucking clue? Not a footprint or anything to tell you what happened to the kids?” Stuart all but shouted.

“I didn’t find anything that told me what happened,” Jonah replied, honestly. “Maybe friends came by and picked them up, for whatever reason. Maybe they set out walking—for whatever reason—and stuck to the pavement so they didn’t leave prints.” He finished with that lie without a blink. “Look, when it comes to missing people, it’s still early yet. We have to start calling their friends—we’ll need your info and probably your help for that—and see if any of them have information worth sharing.”

Or are willing to talk.

“And then?” Stuart demanded.

“Let’s cross that bridge when we get there. The most likely explanation is that one of their friends knows where they are, and that they’re somewhere waiting out the rain. So we start calling their friends.”

“And then?” Stuart demanded again.

Jonah had never responded well to bullies, but his job had taught him to at least be calm. “Stuart, as I said, we’ll take this a step at a time, following the procedures for missing persons. While this storm is pounding us and most of the other kids are either at home or with friends, we have an excellent opportunity to make phone calls. I assume you’re all willing to help?”