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Hell at the Breech

Hell at the Breech

Автор: Franklin Tom
Язык: русский
Год: 2003
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In 1897, an aspiring politician is mysteriously murdered in the rural area of Alabama known as Mitcham Beat. His outraged friends -- —mostly poor cotton farmers -- form a secret society, Hell-at-the-Breech, to punish the townspeople they...
Fugitives' Fire

Fugitives' Fire

Серия: Torridon #4
Язык: английский
Год: 1928
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Imprisoned by the Cheyenne, Paul Torridon is nevertheless revered by his captors for his supposed spiritual powers, but suspicious members of the tribe are trying to prove him an imposter, and Torridon must fight to stay...
Ghost Valley

Ghost Valley

Язык: русский
Год: 2001
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Outlaws have taken Frank Morgan's son, and with all the good gunfighting men either dead or dying, Morgan knows he'll be riding after the kidnappers alone. But just as he gets close to the men he's hunting, he comes upon a ghost town nestled into...
Укротяване на степта

Укротяване на степта

Язык: болгарский
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Казвам се Райън Тайлър… … и хората говорят, че съм убил двадесет и седем мъже. В действителност убих само десет и всеки, без изключение,...
The Sky-Liners

The Sky-Liners

Серия: Sacketts #13
Язык: английский
Год: 1967
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Filled with action, adventure, mystery, and historical detail, the Sackett series is a remarkable contribution by one of America’s greatest storytellers. The Sky-liners Flagan and Galloway Sackett had made a deal to escort...


Язык: русский
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Тесно стало на берегах реки Каухаус. Угроза передела земли срывала многих переселенцев с обжитого места и гнала дальше на Запад в...