A Concise History of Russia (Cambridge Concise Histories) [calibre 0.9.25]

A Concise History of Russia (Cambridge Concise Histories) [calibre 0.9.25]
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 7 Июн 19
Проверил: Admin 7 Июн 19
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Accessible to students, tourists, and general readers alike, this book provides a broad overview of Russian history since the ninth century. Paul Bushkovitch emphasizes the enormous changes in the understanding of Russian history resulting from the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. Since then, new material has come to light on the history of the Soviet era, reshaping conceptions of Russia's pre-revolutionary past. Considering that Communism is no longer the predominant reason for interest in Russian history, other aspects of Russian history, culture, religion, and science are discussed in this book alongside political and social developments. Though the 1917 revolution, the Soviet system, and the Cold War were major parts of Russian history, Bushkovitch gives equal weight to each time period discussed.

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