КАРЛ ЦИММЕР — автор книги «Линия прибоя» (At Ihe water's edge) и постоянный участник научно-популярных программ и изданий Discovery, National Geographic, Natural...
КАРЛ ЦИММЕР — автор книги «Линия прибоя» (At Ihe water's edge) и постоянный участник научно-популярных программ и изданий Discovery, National Geographic, Natural...
Imagine a world where parasites control the minds of their hosts, sending them to their destruction.
Imagine a world where parasites are masters of chemical warfare and camouflage, able to cloak themselves with their hosts’ own molecules.
This remarkable book presents a rich and up-to-date view of evolution that explores the far-reaching implications of Darwin’s theory and emphasizes the power, significance, and relevance of evolution to our lives today. After all, we ourselves are...