A Dance of Chaos

A Dance of Chaos
Серия: shadowdance #6
Год: 2015
Добавил: Admin 11 Апр 21
Проверил: Admin 11 Апр 21
Формат:  EPUB (728 Kb)
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Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Fear comes in the hands of prophets....
Upon returning to his beloved city of Veldaren, Haern the Watcher finds nothing but chaos. The Sun Guild has conquered all but a few stubborn remnants of the former thief guilds, destroying the peace Haern fought so hard to obtain. The Trifect is their next target, and Alyssa Gemcroft must reach out in desperation to whatever allies she can obtain, even if it means casting aside longtime friends.
Within such chaos move the faithful to the dark god Karak, preparing for what the priest Luther had long feared: a siege of Veldaren by an army sworn to Karak's mysterious prophet. If the castle falls, all the world will suffer greatly. Through an artifact given to him by Luther, the legendary Thren Felhorn, broken, guileless, and rejected by his own son, holds the fate of the entire city in his hands.
Unless Haern can stop his father, Thren will at last have the legacy of fire and destruction he has always desired. Father or son; some choices must be made in blood.

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