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Back From The Dead

Back From The Dead

Автор: Gonzalez J. F.
Язык: английский
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Tim Gaines was the town pariah. Mocked and teased continuously since he was in the sixth grade, he approaches his senior year of high school with a sense of cautious trepidation. Years before, when he was in the sixth grade, a group of boys led...


Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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Adelle Smith has lived her entire life for the betterment of mankind. A Civil Rights Activist in the Sixties and Seventies, she has spent most of her adult life attending marches, giving speeches, and lending a hand to anyone in need. But on the...
Триллер, Ужасы


Автор: Gonzalez J. F.
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
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BEFORE HOSTEL…BEFORE SAW..THERE WAS SURVIVOR… It was supposed to be a romantic weekend getaway. Lisa was looking forward to spending time alone with her husband-and telling him that they are going to have a baby. Instead, it becomes a...
The Corporation

The Corporation

Автор: Gonzalez J. F.
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Michelle Dowling found her dream job. The offer on her desk from Corporate Financial Consultants included a high five figure salary, generous benefits and cushy perks. Finally, after a escaping the psychological abuse of an emotionally cold mother...


Автор: Gonzalez J. F.
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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They walk among us unnoticed, unassuming. A year after the auto accident that killed his wife, Vince Walters is finally beginning to move forward with his life. With the support of friends, he’s digging back into his career and even beginning...