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Memories of Envy

Memories of Envy

Серия: Vampire Memories #3
Год: 2010
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A reluctant predator, Eleisha Clevon is determined to locate all vampires still existing in isolation, so she might offer them sanctuary at her home in Portland-and more importantly, so she can teach them to feed without killing. But the...
In Memories We Fear

In Memories We Fear

Серия: Vampire Memories #4
Год: 2011
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A series of killings in England point to a new-and feral-vampire. Vampires Eleisha and Philip and their human companion travel to London to make contact with the terrified creature, to offer him sanctuary and stop the bloodshed. But the vampire...
Королевства Злодеяний (Сборник) (ЛП)

Королевства Злодеяний (Сборник) (ЛП)

Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
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Никогда ранее не публиковавшиеся рассказы о злодействах из тайных хроник истории Королевств, с участием известнейших негодяев этого...