The Wolf

The Wolf
Автор: Кэрью Лео
Серия: Under the Northern Sky #1
Год: 2018
Добавил: Admin 20 Фев 22
Проверил: Admin 20 Фев 22
Формат:  EPUB (3851 Kb)
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Beyond the Black River, among the forests and mountains of the north, lives an ancient race of people. Their lives are measured in centuries, not decades; they revel in wilderness and resilience, and they scorn wealth and comfort.
By contrast, those in the south live in the moment, their lives more fleeting. They crave wealth and power; their ambition is limitless, and their cunning unmatched.
When the armies of the south flood across the Black river, the fragile peace between the two races is shattered. On a lightning-struck battlefield, the two sides will fight -- for their people, for their land, for their very survival.

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