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Teeth of the Tiger

Teeth of the Tiger

Серия: Jack Ryan Jr. #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
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The old rules no longer apply — anybody with a spare AK47 or a knowledge of kitchen chemistry can become a player. In a nondescript office building in suburban Maryland, 'The Campus', set up with the knowledge of President John Patrick Ryan...
Без жалости

Без жалости

Год: 2013
полная версия

В Соединенных Штатах существует глобальная проблема расширения влияния наркобизнеса из стран Латинской Америки. Картели из...
Choke Point

Choke Point

Серия: Ghost Recon #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Choke Point by Peter Telep is a brand new tie-in title to the phenomenal game series. The U.S. Army's Special Forces are known for their highly specialized training and courage behind enemy lines. But there's a...
Full Force and Effect

Full Force and Effect

Серия: Jack Ryan #14
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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A North Korean ICBM crashes into the Sea of Japan. A veteran CIA officer is murdered in Ho Chi Minh City, and a package of forged documents goes missing. The pieces are there, but assembling the puzzle will cost Jack Ryan, Jr. and his fellow...
Blacklist Aftermath

Blacklist Aftermath

Серия: Splinter Cell #7
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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Sam Fisher must save one man’s life to save his own country. Eccentric billionaire Igor Kasperov owns one of the most influential and successful anti-virus software companies in the world. But when the Kremlin orders him to unleash a...


Серия: Net Force #1
Язык: болгарский
Год: 1998
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Том Кланси, най-скъпо платеният американски писател, продал повече от 20 милиона екземпляра от своите книги през 1999 г., представя на...
Под обсада

Под обсада

Серия: op-center #6
Язык: болгарский
Год: 2000
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Тласкани от алчност, неколцина военни от мироопазващите части на ООН се забъркват в престъпления и далавери. След края на мандата им се...