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Wizard Of Rentoro
Героическая фантастика

Wizard Of Rentoro

Серия: Richard Blade #28
Язык: английский
Год: 1978
полная версия

Blade zeroes in on another incredible dimension--this a land of fourteenth-century Italian villages, surrounded by olive groves and vineyards. Immediately, Blade sees men-at-arms, wearing plate armor and bearing shields, raping beautiful women,...
Жемчуг Кархайма [Странствие 7]
Героическая фантастика

Жемчуг Кархайма [Странствие 7]

Язык: русский
полная версия

Двадцать семь миров распахивали перед ним свои врата; он странствовал по их бескрайним океанам и континентам, сражался и любил,...
Warlords Of Gaikon
Героическая фантастика

Warlords Of Gaikon

Серия: Richard Blade #18
Язык: английский
Год: 1977
полная версия

Ritual DeathBlade arrives in the Empire of Gaikon--a feudal society--a land much like Japan ruled by the Tokugawa Shoguns. In search of clothing, he appropriates a dark-blue robe not knowing that blue is a color reserved for the ruling class. He is...
Killer Plants Of Binaark
Героическая фантастика

Killer Plants Of Binaark

Серия: Richard Blade #33
Язык: английский
Год: 1980
полная версия

Plants Bite ManThrust into a medieval feudal society, Blade, as the scheming queen's favored lover, learns of an insidious plot abrew between the Jaghdi nation of farmers and the Elstani nation of mountain miners, who are separated only by a forest...
Empire Of Blood
Героическая фантастика

Empire Of Blood

Серия: Richard Blade #23
Язык: английский
Год: 1977
полная версия

Blade vs. The EmperorLanding in a dimension of small cities and kingdoms ruled by a tyrannical emperor, Richard Blade finds himself involved in a plan to depose the bloody ruler.After first considering death for Blade, the emperor graciously decides...
Guardians Of The Coral Throne
Героическая фантастика

Guardians Of The Coral Throne

Серия: Richard Blade #20
Язык: английский
Год: 1976
полная версия

Savage PrincessLanding in a New Dimension, Blade and a young barbarian woman who has befriended him are taken captive. Blade's fighting ability wins him first the role of gladiator, then he is appointed as a Guardian of the Coral Throne--the elite...
The Mountains Of Brega
Героическая фантастика

The Mountains Of Brega

Серия: Richard Blade #17
Язык: английский
Год: 1976
полная версия

WAR OF THE SEXESRichard Blade's trained hearing had picked up the sound of footsteps, approaching slowly and stealthily. With a quick jerk of his powerful arms, he pulled himself back up into the tree. Through the dense foliage he saw them--eight...