The Millenary of St. Sophia of Kyiv

The Millenary of St. Sophia of Kyiv
Год: 2011
Добавил: Admin 15 Янв 13
Проверил: Admin 15 Янв 13
Формат:  PDF (1871 Kb)
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When was St. Sophia of Kyiv founded and who was its founder? It is written in textbooks that Yaroslav the Wise founded St. Sophia of Kyiv in 1037. But the scholars have refuted this, one would think, truism. It appears that Yaroslav only completed in 1018 the outstanding church founded in 1011 by his father Volodymyr the Great, baptizer of Rus. Therefore, in 2011 St. Sophia of Kyiv will celebrate its 1000th anniversary. This book, in an intelligible form, dwells on why and how the scholars have arrived at such a conclusion and what arguments they give to support their concept.
Intended for the general public.

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