Dancing on the Edge

Dancing on the Edge
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Нолан Хан
Год: 1997
Добавил: Admin 9 Окт 16
Проверил: Admin 9 Окт 16
Формат:  EPUB (332 Kb)
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Miracle McCloy has always known that there is something different about her: She was pulled from the womb of a dead woman--a “miracle” birth--and Gigi, her clairvoyant grandmother, expects Miracle to be a prodigy, much like Dane, the girl’s brooding novelist father. Having been raised according to a set of mystical rules and beliefs, Miracle is unable to cope in the real world. Lost in a desperate dance among lit candles, Miracle sets herself afire and is hospitalized. There Dr. DeAngelis, a young psychiatrist, helps her through her painful struggle to take charge of her life.

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