Snow Storm

Snow Storm
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Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Добавил: Admin 20 Дек 14
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Jim Burke is under pressure. About to hit the half-way point in his three score years and ten and about to be someone’s dad, he’s struggling to balance life with work and a worsening red bull and e-cigarette habit. He’s got a lot more going on than anyone really knows, including himself.
It doesn’t help when there seems to be a sudden drug war with a mounting body count and you’re the Detective Inspector on the case.
Victor wants to be a one stop sin shop. He’ll sell you everything you ever wanted, and a whole lot more you didn’t. The Russian Mafia isn’t what it was though. You just can’t get the staff these days.
A small Scottish town has received a big investment from an offshore holding company. But what are the new owners of the old military base up to? Andy and his mates thought they’d have a laugh finding out. They might have bitten off a little more than they can chew.
Snow Storm is a crime novel with a dark comic edge, set across the backdrops of Edinburgh and Galloway.

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