Signs of Spiritual Awakening [CASSIOPEIA 12]

Signs of Spiritual Awakening [CASSIOPEIA 12]
Год: 2024
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Signs of Spiritual Awakening CASSIOPEIA 12 - Irina Podzorova -
Signs of spiritual awakening
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.
2.0K subscribers1 162 articles
#295 Energy cleansing of space. Practice of harmonization and raising vibrations. Alien answers.
#297 Extraterrestrial source of inspiration. Explanations from aliens. Art from aliens. The secret of poetry.
#298 Enlightenment, awareness, unconditional love. Signs of spiritual awakening. The path of the heart.
#302 Oncology. Causes of tumors, psychosomatics, gene mutation, treatment. Do aliens get cancer?
#303 What is truth? Why the sky is blue? Spiritual path, philosophy and reality. Aliens' opinion.
#304 Jupiter, Aliens, and Aliens. The matrix, quantum holography, the effect of paintings on human DNA.
#306 Dimensions. Densities. Parallel realities
#307 How does the real world work? Alien science and advanced technology. Laws of physics in the Universe.
#308 What does the future hold for us? Quantum predetermination. Opinion of aliens and the Spiritual world. Channeling.
#311 CASSIOPEIA takes off her PINK GLASSES: SHOCKING INFORMATION about some grays and reptilians of the “ORDER OF SIX”.
#313 Live broadcast. Answers based on materials from “Cassiopeia takes off her rose-colored glasses.” New project “Mental Healing”.
#314 Alien economy. Financial security of citizens of the Interstellar Union. Channeling.
#315 What is the meaning of life? How to live in harmony with yourself and the world? Motivation to achieve goals. Channeling
#317 How to get physical contact? Conditions for contactee
#318 Physical flight to Mars! Traveling across the surface of the planet. Secret rovers of the Earth. Part 1
#319 Physical flight to Mars. Traveling across the surface of the planet. Secret rovers of the Earth. (Part 2)
#320 PHYSICAL flight to Mars! Traveling across the surface of the planet. Secret rovers of the Earth. Part 3
#322 The water cycle in nature through the eyes of aliens. The mystery of the origin of water on Earth. Channeling
#323 History of the languages ​​of the Earth. Messages from extraterrestrial civilizations: how to communicate with aliens? Linguist
#325 Reiki. What is Reiki? Sacred knowledge about healing from extraterrestrial civilizations. Reiki symbols
#329 Physical contact. Irina Podzorova visited the alien base under Lake Baikal! Real contact with aliens. Part 1.
#330 Irina Podzorova visited the alien base under Lake Baikal! Real contact with aliens. Part 2.
#331 Irina Podzorova visited the alien base under Lake Baikal! Real contact with aliens. Part 3
#333 Autism in a child. Why are autistic people born? Special children, cerebral palsy, Asperger's syndrome, epilepsy, ASD.
#334 Paleocontact: ancient artifacts, Phaistos disc, megaliths of Baalbek, Antikythera mechanism, Sumerians
#336 Ufologist L.E. Chulkov. Keys to the great mysteries of existence. Engine powered by physical vacuum energy
#338 Truth is born in dispute. How to conduct a discussion correctly? Psychology of alien communication.
#343 Mesopotamia and Sumerians. Aliens of ancient civilizations. Are the Sumerian gods aliens?
#344 Petr Garyaev - a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations? Wave genetics, Garyaev matrices.
#346 The afterlife. How does the universe work? The structure of the Spiritual world, levels of incarnation of Spirits.
#347 Conspiracy against humanity or illusion? Global trends in world development. Human evolution
#348 Are people in power random? Political egregors of the planet. Levels of spiritual development of politicians

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