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The Leviathan
Классическая проза

The Leviathan

Автор: Рот Йозеф
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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In the small town of Progrody, Nissen Piczenik makes his living as the most respected coral merchant of the region. Nissen has never been outside of his town, deep in the Russian interior, and fantasizes that a Leviathan watches over the coral...
Сказка 1002-й ночи
Современная русская и зарубежная проза

Сказка 1002-й ночи

Автор: Рот Йозеф
Язык: русский
Год: 2001
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Действие печально-иронического любовного романа всемирно известного австрийского писателя разворачивается в декорациях...
The Antichrist
Классическая проза

The Antichrist

Автор: Рот Йозеф
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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Long out of print in English, this dizzying hybrid of novel, essay, and polemic has less to do with religion than with what Roth sees as the disintegrating moral fabric of the modern world. Written while Roth was in exile from Germany and his...
The Emperor's Tomb
Классическая проза

The Emperor's Tomb

Автор: Рот Йозеф
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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The Emperor’s Tomb — the last novel Joseph Roth wrote — is a haunting elegy to the vanished world of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and a magically evocative paean to the passing of time and the loss of hope. The Emperor’s Tomb runs from 1913...