An Enemy of the State

An Enemy of the State
Научная фантастика
Серия: LaNague Federation #1
Язык: английский
Год: 1984
Добавил: Admin 26 Июн 12
Проверил: Admin 26 Июн 12
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An Enemy of the State (Book 1 of the LaNague Series) is the heart and soul of F. Paul Wilson's LaNague series, the story of the apocalyptic birth of the LaNague Federation.
Peter LaNague's unique revolution sets out to topple the entrenched Outworld Imperium as well as fundamentally altering every Outworlder's concept of government. To accomplish this he must ally himself with a madman, trust the word of the last of Sol System's robber barons, make incisive use of the consummate warriors from the planet Flint (without allowing them to run amok), confound at every turn the omnipresent forces of the Imperium, and, every now and then, make it rain money.
And those are the easy parts.
LaNague's greatest challenge is to see his plan through to successful completion without becoming the very enemy he has vowed to destroy.
Short stories "Lipidleggin'" and "Ratman" are reprinted in this edition as well as an introduction by the author.

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