Уэбб Кэтрин

Уэбб Кэтрин
Страницы автора на других языках и псевдонимы:
Язык страницы автора: русский
Пол: женский
Дата рождения: 1977
Место рождения: Великобритания
ID: 84383

Об авторе

Кэтрин Уэбб / Katherine Webb.
Katherine Webb was born in Kent in 1977 and grew up in rural Hampshire. She was educated at a local comprehensive school and sixth form college, before reading History at Durham University. A childhood fascination with ruined castles and the secrets of the past has carried forward into her fiction, which incorporates historical story lines and explores how past events can reverberate in the present.

Since graduating from Durham in 1998, Katherine has had various day jobs – from kiln operator in a pottery, to waitress, librarian and seller of fairy costumes. In recent years she has worked in service as a housekeeper for high status families; in formal households where age-old structures of class behaviour are alive and well, uniforms are worn and staff are expected to be both invisible and omnipresent; and (currently) in pleasantly relaxed households with more up-to-date attitudes.

After a nomadic period in her twenties, having lived in London and Venice, Katherine has now settled in a cottage in the countryside near Newbury, Berkshire. DIY is more of a necessity than a hobby, and her other interests include cookery, running and horse riding.

Прежде, чем серьезно заняться литературой, Кэтрин Вебб пробовала себя в роли официантки, личного ассистента, переплетчика, горничной, библиотекаря и даже продавца сказочных костюмов. Однако ее книга "Наследство" сразу же была номинирована на премию "Роман года", а в 2010-ом популярный портал TV Book Club назвал ее "Лучшей книгой года".
Сейчас писательница живет в Англии, в графстве Сомерсетшир, с двумя кошками. В свободное от работы время она занимается верховой ездой, путешествует и печет лучшие в мире фруктовые пироги.

The Legacy - Наследство (2010)
The Unseen (2011)
A Half-Forgotten Song (2012)
The Misbegotten (2013)

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