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“There won’t be anything for you to do there,” her stepfather explained patiently.

“There won’t be anything for me to do HERE!” she retorted. “At least if I go with you, then we can all relax together in the evening. It’s so pretty up there and it’s so hot down here!”

“Do you really want to spend a week in a lodge with a bunch of guys?” he asked.

Normally, she would have said no, but these guys were different. Her step-father was gorgeous, with dark hair and bright blue eyes that seemed to look right through her, but his friends were just as hot! They were all independently wealthy, fun-loving, world-traveling gods and Rachel didn’t mind spending a single minute around them.

They always flirted with her when they were around, they complimented her and they never made her feel like she was a bother. She’d caught them sneaking glances at her and had made sure to bend over even more and wear the skimpiest clothing when they were around. So yes, she DID want to spend a week in a lodge with these guys.

“It will be fun!” she said. I won’t get in the way, I promise!”

“What would your mother say?” her stepfather asked.

“She would probably do a dance to show her feelings and then start crying.”

He snorted. Rachel’s mother had gone off the deep-end about a year earlier. She’d decided that being married to a gorgeous, loving man, even though they lived in a beautiful house was something she couldn’t take anymore so she’d packed her clothes and left them. The last they’d heard, she had joined some commune where she could express herself through painting and interpretive dance.

Rachel hadn’t been close with her mother in a long time and when her new stepfather said she could stay, she was happier than she’d ever been. Now, if she could only convince him to bring her!

She approached him slowly and put her arms around his neck. Her breasts pressing into his chest, she looked up and with the biggest eyes she could make, she said, “Please?”

Her body was pressed up against his and she felt his cock begin to stiffen. “Please,” she whispered again, hugging him tighter.

She could feel his cock even harder through his light slacks and her bare midriff was right against it.

“Please,” she said again, sultry and throaty.

“Oh goddam it. Ok, you can come,” he said finally, breathing hard.

“Hooray!” she said joyfully, then raised up and kissed him, directly on the lips. She’d meant to kiss him on the cheek but he’d turned and as their lips met, she felt a shock race through her. She prolonged the kiss, opening her mouth to him and his tongue darted in! She moaned into his mouth and felt his hands travel down to her ass when…


The doorbell rang! His hands completed their leisurely tour of her ass then gave her a little spank. “Now I’m REALLY glad I said you could come,” he joked and answered the door.

It was her stepfather's three friends, ready to take him to the airport.

“We have a stowaway coming along,” he laughed. “Rachel’s going to join us. Is that okay Scotty?”

Rachel heard a deep rumble from behind the door. “Plenty of room on the plane,” Scott answered. “And you know we always love having her around.”

Rachel felt a thrill. Scotty was always incredibly nice to her, and she wondered if he were that considerate in bed.

Get your mind out of the gutter! Rachel thought, but ever since that unexpected kiss with her stepfather, she’d been turned on as hell.

The guys came in laughing and joking and Rachel took stock of them. They were workout buddies and spent a fair amount of time in the gym, plus she knew they were highly competitive, so all of them were rock-hard and built like gods. Scotty had a shy smile on his face when he saw her but Jason and Hugh lit up as soon as they walked in.

“Rachel!” Jason said, giving her a big hug and twirling her around.

“Hi Jason!” she said happily, feeling herself get wet as she hugged his hard body tightly against her own. He was a shaggy blonde giant, over six feet tall and she’d often wondered what it would be like to have him take her. He had been an NFL quarterback before an injury forced an early retirement but his good looks and business sense had turned him into a multi-millionaire. She just knew he’d be like a force of nature between her thighs.

“My turn,” said Hugh smiling and reached out his arms. Jason set her down and she melted into Hugh’s arms.

“Mmmm,” he said. “You smell good! Are you wearing one of my fragrances?”

“You noticed!” she said, blushing.

Hugh owned a perfume company and his products were in the top retail stores all over the country.

“Of course I noticed,” he said laughing. “I created it. I can’t exactly forget that.” He was dressed stylishly and appropriately, as if he were going fox hunting on the English countryside.

Scotty hung back but when she disentangled herself from Hugh, he smiled shyly. She’d never understood why he wasn’t married. He ran some big hedge fund company in New York and was richer than god. She was sure that women were crazy for him but when she walked over to him, his eyes crinkled and she could tell he was happy.

She put her arms up and he gave her a big hug too. “Hiya Rach,” he said and she felt his hard body against hers, strong and sure.

Yeah, she didn’t mind spending a week with these four men.

“So, do I really get to spend an entire week with four beautiful, sexy men?” she asked with a grin.

“It would be our honor,” Hugh said and ostentatiously took her and kissed it.

“Well, you better get packed,” her stepfather said laughing. “We’d like to get in before it gets too late.”

“Right,” she said. “What time’s the flight?”

Scotty laughed. “Well, it’s actually my plane, so it leaves when we get there.”

She knew he was rich, but she didn’t know HOW rich. He actually had his own plane!

“Be right back down,” she said.

“Pack warm!” Jason called up to her. “It’s chilly up there in Montana!”

Upstairs, she packed quickly, throwing clothes into her suitcase willy-nilly. Lacy panties, delicate bras, tight, thin shirts and short skirts filled it up quickly but she threw in a set of long-johns and some jeans, just in case. She found some boots and a warm coat and before long, she was ready.

Outside, a limo waited and the driver quickly put her suitcase as well as her stepfather's gear in the back.

They were off!

Inside the limo, the guys laughed and opened up their traditional bottle of 25-year-old scotch.

“Who’s turn is it this year?” Hugh asked.

“Mine,” said Scotty and they all fell silent as he held up his glass.

“To another trip with the best friends I’ve ever had, to the journey that takes us to new places, to the success we’ve been fortunate enough to achieve, and to the people who said we’d never make it. Fuck ‘em!”

“FUCK ‘EM!” they all chorused together and all at once, downed the shot.

Rachel burst out laughing. She’d never heard Scotty swear and it was somehow adorable.

The ride went quickly and before they knew it, they were at the airport. The limo pulled directly up to a hanger and when the door opened up, she gasped. Scotty didn’t just have A plane. Scotty had a private JET!!!!

She felt so happy and excited, knowing she was about to head out for an adventure with four big sexy men on a private jet! She felt like a kid in a candy shop!

Before long they were on the plane and up in the air. The inside was surprisingly spacious, with leather and polished wood everywhere. Instead of normal airline seats, there were four large, comfortable recliner-type chairs and a long couch. The men sat casually in their seats and she stretched out on the couch.

“So, no ‘hostess’ this flight?” Jason asked with a knowing grin.

“Well, I thought since Rachel was coming, we probably shouldn’t bring her along,” said Scotty sheepishly.