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stay,to continue to be in the same place;  remain,

record,an official piece of evidence or document about past events,

mind,"the part of person that enables us to think, feel, and reason",

remember,to bring a previous image or idea to your mind,

past,a time before the present,

office,a building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities,

force,"to use physical strength, power, or energy used on something",

grow,to become larger,

town,"a place people live, larger than a village, smaller than a city",

light,the form of energy that makes things visible,

stop,to not move or come to an end,

several,more than two but not many,

period,a length or portion of time during a series of events,

class,a group of students who often meet and are taught together,

matter,the physical substance things are made of,

food,the things that people and animals eat,

social,involving activities among people,

require,"to need something, to make it necessary",

political,relating to government or public affairs,

win,to achieve victory in a fight or game,

decide,to make a choice about something or choose after thinking,

staff,a group of people who work for an organization or business,

figure,a an amount that is expressed in numbers,

real,"actually existing or happening, not imagined or supposed",

future,the period of time coming after the present,

policy,a course of action proposed by an organization,

answer,a reaction to a question someone asks,

laugh,to show that you are happy or that you think something is funny by smiling and making a sound from your throat,

remain,"to be left behind, to continue to exist",

ago,in the past,

type,a particular category of people or objects with a common characteristic,

shop,a building or room where goods and services are sold,

security,the things that are done to keep someone or something safe,

receive,to get or be presented with something,

401- note,"a brief, short record of something",

minute,a period of time equal to 60 seconds,

fund,a sum of money that is used for a special purpose,

top,"the highest part, point, or level of something",

game,one of the games that are part of a larger contest,

involve,to have or include in a part of something,

account,a story or report about something,

half,one of two equal parts something can be divided into,

history,the study of past event,

create,"to make, cause, or bring into existence",

break,to separate into pieces,

moment,a very short or brief period of time,

individual,existing as just one member,

across,from one side to the other of something,

either,one or the other of two,

music,the art of making sounds that are sung or played,

further,at a more distant place than here,

reach,to come to or arrive at a goal or destination,

clear,very obvious or easy to perceive,

rule,something that is not allowed in some situations,

computer,an electronic machine that can store and process large amounts of information,

wait,to stay or remain until an expected event happens,

sound,something that is heard,

team,"a group of people who compete in a sport, game",

along,at a point on something,

research,careful study to find and report new knowledge,

appear,come into sight,

drive,to control the movement of a car,

activity,something which you do for enjoyment; action,

black,having the very dark color of coal or the night sky,

produce,to use machines to make something from raw materials,

free,without control by others,

general,"widespread, normal or usual",

body,a person's physical self,

toward,in the direction of,

please,used to ask for something in a polite way,

sense,one of our natural abilities for receiving information,

perhaps,"possibly but not certainly, maybe",

add,to put something together with another thing,

everything,every thing there is or all that exists,

law,the system or rules made by the government,

easy,"not hard to do, not difficult",

sell,to exchange (something) for money,

full,containing or holding as much as possible,

film,movie or a special material that is used for taking photographs ,

model,a usually small copy of something ,

war,"a period of fighting or conflict between countries, ",

forward,toward the front : to or toward what is ahead or in front ,

himself,the reflexive form of the pronoun 'he',

maybe,possibly but not certainly : perhaps,

design,to make something for a specific use or purpose,

morning,the early part of the day,

pass,to move past something,

condition,a way or quality of living or existing,

near,close to something,

door,a movable entrance to a building or room,

human,relating to or characteristic of people,

above,in a higher place,

available,when something is there to be used easily,

position,the place something is located in,

agree,to  the same opinion about something,

short,a small distance from one end to the other ,

situation,"a condition, location or position",

paper,the material that is used in the form of thin sheets for writing,

cover,put something over or on top of something else,

major,"important, serious,  or large in number",

customer,someone who buys goods or services from a business ,

father,a male parent,

bear,to accept or endure difficulties,

choose,to decide that a particular person or thing is the one that you want,

main, most important,

describe,"to tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of",

someone,some person;  somebody,

date,a particular day of a month or year ,

event,something especially something important or notable that happens,

nice,giving pleasure or joy : good and enjoyable ,

special,"different from what is usual, better or greater than normal",

certain,not having any doubt about something,

phone,a communication system that is used to talk to someone who is in another place,

join,to put or bring (two or more things) together ,

else,in a different or additional manner or place,

girl,"a female child,  a young woman",

sometimes,"occasionally; only at certain times,",

table,a piece of furniture with a flat top and legs,

community,a group of people who share a common idea or area,

carry,to move something from one place to another,

decision,a choice that you make about something after thinking about it,

role,the character played by an actor,

president,the head of a government,

particular,used to single out an individual member,

cut,to use a sharp tool or object to open or divide something,

difference,a quality that is unlike something else,

die,to stop living or end life,

eat,to take food into your mouth and swallow it,

enjoy,to take pleasure in (something) ,

rise,to move from a lower position to a higher one,