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especially,"more than usually;  very, extremely",

detail,a small part of something,

data,facts or information used usually to calculate or analyze,

charge,to ask for money as a price for a service or goods,

501 - practice,to do something again and again in order to become better at it,

cell,the smallest living part of an animal or a plant,

improve,to make or to become something better,

kid,a child or young person,

action,something that a person does,

strong,having physical power or strength,

happy,feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life,

health,the condition of being well or free from disease,

economic,"relating to trade, industry, and money",

difficult,not easy : requiring much work or skill to do or make ,

regard,to care or think about something in a specific way,

travel,to go on a trip or journey : to go to a place and especially one that is far away ,

approach,to get close to reaching something or somewhere,

amount,a quantity of something,

investment,"the money that you put in a bank, business, etc. in order to make a profit",

white,"having the color of snow, to be light or pale in color",

draw,to produce by making lines on a paper,

site,"the place where something is, was, or will be located",

round,shaped like a circle or ball ,

behind,in or toward the back,

claim,to say something is true when others may not agree,

step,moving by lifting  a foot and putting it down in a different place,

patient,able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people,

true,"agreeing with the facts, not false, real or actual",

teacher,"someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc.",

range,the area of variation on a particular scale,

percent,a certain part of a whole ,

themselves,the reflexive form of the pronoun 'they',

organization,an official group of people who work together for the same purpose,

vote,to make an official choice for or against someone or something,

front,the forward part of an object,

measure,"an amount or degree of something, ascertain in size or degree",

trade,"the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging",

therefore,for that reason or because of that,

finally,after a long time or some difficulty;  the last point or idea,

raise,to lift or move something to a higher position,

wear,to use or have as clothing over part of your body,

industry,referring to the making of all products in a given field,

explain,to make clear or easy to understand by describing,

relationship,a connection between two or more people or things,

quality,how good or bad something is ,

accord,a formal or official agreement,

outside,an area around or near something such as a building,

wish,to want something to be true or to happen,

death,"the end of life, the fact of dying, being killed",

project,a planned piece of work for specific purpose,

land,the solid part of the surface of the Earth,

sign,"something which shows that something else exists, is true, or will happen",

boy,"a male child or youth, a young man",

news, new information or a report about something that has happened recently,

risk,the possibility that something bad or unpleasant (such as an injury or a loss) will happen ,

total,the whole number or amount of something,

couple,two people or things being together,

national,relating to the whole of a country,

list,"a series of written names, words or numbers ",

opportunity,an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done,

act,take action,

sport,a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other,

road,a hard flat surface for people or vehicles can use,

kill,"to cause the death of a person, animal or plant",

serve,to give or provide something to another person,

education,the process of giving or receiving instruction,

picture,"a painting, drawing or photograph on paper or screen ",

likely,used to indicate the chance that something will happen,

standard,a level of quality or achievement that is considered acceptable,

benefit,"a good result or effect, something helpful",

stage,a particular point in a process,

performance, an activity (such as singing a song or acting in a play) that a person or group does to entertain an audience ,

rest,"not at work, to have time to relax, sleep or do nothing",

certainly,used to emphasize something and show that there is no doubt about it; used to agree to a request,

culture,the beliefs and customs of a particular group,

focus,the main purpose or center of interest or activity,

itself,the reflexive form of the pronoun 'it',

arrive,"to come to or reach a place after traveling, being sent, etc.",

employee,a person who works for another person or for a company for wages or a salary ,

upon,"more formal term for ""on""",

voice,the sound a person produces with their mouth,

due,required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a particular time ,

technology,"the use, knowledge of science in industry, engineering",

field,"an open area of land, especially without trees or buildings",

air,the invisible mixture of gases that we breathe,

material,a substance from which a thing is made of,

current,happening or existing now :belonging to or existing in the present time ,

teach,to instruct or help to learn,

financial,relating to money or how money is managed,

century,a period of 100 years,

society,a community of people living together,

analysis,the process of analyzing something,

limit,a point beyond which it is not possible to pass,

evidence,something that makes you believe that something is true or exists,

reduce,"to make something smaller in size, amount or number",

listen,"to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said, sung, played, etc. ",

usually,in the way that most often happens,

lie,to be in a horizontal or flat position,

foot,the part of the leg below ankle,

single,"not having or including another, only one",

common,something that is found or done often,

space,"the amount of an area, room, or surface",

realize,to understand or become aware of something,

former,used to say what someone or something was in the past,

601- animal, a living thing that is not a human being or plant ,

instead,used to say that one thing is done or is chosen when another is not chosen,

similar,"almost the same, alike as something else",

thus,"as a result, in this way",

address,"the words and numbers that are used to describe the location of a building and that are written on letters, envelopes, and packages so that they can be mailed to that location ",

leader,"a person in control of a group, country, or situation",

complete,having all necessary parts,

arm,each of the two long body parts from shoulder to the hand,

function,a particular purpose for which something is used,