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Can you predict exactly what you will wear to work every day this week?

If you were to be fired or promoted, what would be the most likely reasons?

What do you think about drug screening of employees?

What is your best excuse for not going to work?

What occupation do you think will be popular in fifty years?

Are you too amenable or too good-natured at work?

At your workplace, what type of excuse for leaving early would be most acceptable?


… place for a business lunch?

… thing to put on after work?

… day of the workweek?

… thing to do after work?

… word-processing software?

Have you ever gone on strike or had to deal with a strike at your workplace?

What about you led to your career choices?

What are the most important things you can do in your job within the next twelve months?

What things would you rather be doing when you are at work?

Would you prefer to be a research scientist or a senator?

What should all companies provide for all employees?

Where would you like to relocate your workplace?

Should employees have a say in the salaries of their superiors?

What is needed to make “work” more fun?

What things do you do to make it through a tough workday?

Are you willing to pay the price of success?

What is your greatest creative ability or gift?

Do you use your talents at work?

Do you like to take or give orders?

What was the first time you discovered power?

What is your major concern about big-business mergers?

What is your job stress level?

Why don’t kids want to be President of the United States anymore?

Do you think success at work is more likely if you improve the way you look?

How often do you feel others are better, smarter, richer, happier, or more successful than you?

Have you ever achieved a success without experiencing fulfillment?

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

What do you consider wasting time to be?

What is the highest honor you ever received?


Dr. Barbara Ann Kipfer is a lexicographer and archaeologist. She is the author of more than twenty-five books, including the bestselling 14,000 Things to Be Happy About and Page-a-Day calendars based on it. She has also authored Instant Karma, The Wish List, 1,400 Things for Kids to be Happy About, and 8,789 Words of Wisdom. Her other books are Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, The Order of Things, Roget’s International Thesaurus, 6th Edition, and The Flip Dictionary. She has an M.Phil. and Ph.D. in linguistics, a Ph.D. in archaeology, and an M.A. in Buddhist studies. Dr. Kipfer is the senior lexicographer of Lexico, the parent company of Dictionary.com, Reference.com, and Thesaurus.com.