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She thought about it and said: “His Highness, right now, my clansman and me are nowhere to go. I heard that the empire may recover this place at any time. I listened to the Lasmeque elder sister who said you and your elder sister. I want to beg. You can take us for a temporary stay, we can definitely help you.”

“Ah?” Halutz groaned. He knew that Dark Elf who had fled to the ground must not be one or two people. Since it can be called a clan, there must be at least a few hundred. Although Dark Elf is a matriarchal clan society, but brave and good at war, they have to compete with other nations under the Underground for the territory, and they fight the demons all the year round. The individual combat power is actually far better than their relatives on the surface.

These people are both good strengths, but they can also be a problem. His understanding of this nation is limited to the knowledge that Brando told him, but he is not sure what the other person’s character is.

If these Dark Elfs are both aggressive and greedy, and they are ambitious, wouldn’t he bring back a trouble to the elder sister?

The Little Prince for a moment can’t help but feel annoyed, thinking that if the teacher is here, he will be able to make a decision easily.

“His Royal Highness,” Lasmeque said suddenly: “Promise her, Dark Elf will not stay on the surface, until the devil recedes, we will return to the tip of the ashes. But before that, we can help you and your elder sister A lot of busy.”

Halutz frowned and frowned, this action was like his elder sister. If Brando is here, maybe he would mistakenly think that he saw the ‘Little Princess’ that he saw in his dreams.

“Miss Kaya,” he thought for a moment. Imagine what it would be like if Brando was here, and then started talking: “Can you talk about the Dragon of Twilight? What happened?”

Halutz decided to confirm that the demon would return to chaos before deciding how to answer this question.

When Kaya heard this question, she probably didn’t think about the connection between the two, but she responded very quickly and almost subconsciously answered something.

But this sentence is too fast, and unlike the language on the ground, Halutz didn’t understand it at all.

However, Little Prince did not understand, but Lasmeque understood it. Her face changed slightly, and subconsciously said: “Impossible!”

Unexpectedly, this time Kaya did not obey her. The Dark Elf girl shook her head firmly and said something, because she was talking to Lasmeque, so the opening was a series of underground words.

When Lasmeque heard this, she was shocked with expression on her face. She subconsciously put her hand on her chest and felt the necklace on her neck again.

Then it suddenly began to glow and slowly rose from the white cleavage of Ms. Medusa.

Kaya stared at the pendant in a burning gaze, and the eyes seemed to see something sacred.


Have you seen the lonely mountain?

The mountain is as green as ever, and the white clouds surround the lonely peak. It is like a sharp sword. It is inserted directly into the cloud summit. The goshawk soars only on its mountainside. The mountains can only serve as its background.

Brando looked up at this lonely peak for a long time. He thought that the mountain range of Faithwind Circle was called majestic. The mountains of Alkash were called steep, but they were to be convinced in front of this lonely mountain, just like a monarch.

There are some natural scenery that can hit people’s hearts, which is shocking. This lonely mountain is undoubtedly one of them.

A long ladder hangs down from the foothills, and there are countless steps. Each level is paved with grey marble. On both sides of the long ladder, there are equally numerous marble columns. The long ladder connects the Holy Cathedral on the top of the mountain. The more and more fine the people’s vision, the more they become a straight black line.

“The leader of the Blade of Flame, now I also believe a bit about Miss Tilias…” Rutter flew up from Brando’s shoulder and watched the majestic mountain peak muttering.

“What?” Brando looked at him inexplicably.

“This is the throne of Schimilud…”

Brando dumbfounded, he looked toward towards Lut in the air, as if to confirm whether the latter is joking. Legend has it that Schimilud placed her throne at the top of the high mountain, which is home to the Holy Cathedral of the Earth Goddess Gaia, the home of the shepherdess of Schimilud. Legend has it that it is located in the mountains to the north of Holy White Plain, but since the three relics of the Holy Cathedral of Earth have disappeared, the Torquine Leonin and the sacred mountain of the dwarf have disappeared for thousands of years.

The expression on the face of Little Fairy is very serious. Let Brando realize that the other person is not joking, and he understands what the sacred mountain that Ruth said earlier.

That is the sacred mountain of Torquine Leonin and the dwarf.

“Can it not be in Vaunde?”

“No,” Rute shook his head. “This mountain is here. It has been on the land, but it has been a long history. Since the mortal people lost three relic. Schmimilud Wrath of Thunder Then, move it back outside the element barrier.”

It turns out that there is such a secrets, Brando knows this. He stared at the palace complex in the clouds and asked: “That is the Holy Cathedral of the Gaia Goddess? The Scepter of Flame is in this place?”

“I don’t know this.”

“You don’t know?”

Rute is seriously nodded. “I only know that the Scepter of Flame exists in Storm’s Rest Mountain, because every Emissary of Fosdes will come here for a pilgrimage. Only the talents recognized by Jinyan can decide the fate of the Fairy. Every generation of Fairy is generally Not talking about their trial process, so the specific location of the Scepter of Flame is not known to most of the people of Fusedes.”

“But,” he continued, “it is very likely to be here. On this.”

Brando’s eyes looked up the first level ladder. The marble columns on both sides of the stairs are engraved with the quaint Rune. This is a pilgrimage road. For thousands of years, the believers gently caress these stone pillars with their hands. The first level walks up the stone ladder and sings in the mouth. Prayer, up to the top of the mountain.

His eyes have been seeing far away, as if crossing the long river of Time. I saw a scene belonging to that era: the shepherdess wore robes, armed with shepherd’s poles, and laid a thin layer of soil on the stone steps to symbolize the people on the earth to live and live in the footsteps of Goddess. The teachings are passed down from generation to generation.

It wasn’t until a long time that Brando regained his eye.

He took a step forward, but Rutter fell and stopped him: “Wait, do you know who was the last summon out of the holy mountain?”

Brando stopped and looked towards the latter and replied: “Isn’t that your fire Fairy? The last generation of Fire Fairy King?”

Rutter shook his head like a rattle: “That’s not the same. I’m talking about mortals, no… maybe not mortals.” His expression looked awkwardly at Brando: “It should be someone like you.”

“People like me, Planeswalker?”

“Maybe you can say that, but it’s not exactly, in the end, it’s about people like you. Do you know who it is?” Then he waited for Brando to answer. I continued to say it myself: “The leader of the Blade of Flame, the holy mountain is completely different for people like you, it is a trial…”

Brando has already guessed who he wants to say at this time: “A high mountain test is Azure Knight?”

Rut nodded, silently watching him, murmured: “…Mr. Tilias’s oracles may be true, the high mountain test is just the beginning, but it is the highest specification…”