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We were at the mall when I got them and was so excited to show Jason while he got a gift for me. Jason just laughed at me and said, “As long as you’re happy Ashlynn then that’s all that matters.”

I shook my head and said, “No your happiness matters as well Jason.”

Stopping mid-step he turned, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me. Leaning away from me to look into my eyes he said, “I can’t not be happy when I’m with you.”

Today was Christmas Eve and we decided to just lounge around finishing up decorations and whatnot before the babies arrived. We also watched A Christmas Story, maybe four times. I also packed overnight bags for the delivery because we just needed to be prepared. I would rather be over prepared than under prepared.

Later in the night Jason decided to surprise me with a picnic in the living room. He had all of my favorite foods lying on the floor. Pickles (Pregnant here. Remember?), chips and salsa, yogurt, cheese and crackers, mango slices, and celery with peanut butter. He also made himself a sandwich and had some sparkling cider in glasses for us.

I was busy dipping a mango slice into some yogurt when Jason said, “Can you believe that next year we’ll be celebrating Christmas with our kids?”

Leaving the mango slice in the yogurt I crawled over to Jason and kissed him. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have him. Crawling back over to my seat I grabbed the mango slice and just as I was about to put it in my mouth I looked up and Jason was staring at me.

Waving the yogurt covered mango in the air I said, “What?”

Blinking a few times he said, “I just love you so much.”

Leaning over I said, “I love you too,” and kissed him. Finally getting to eat he went back to his sandwich. Swallowing my bite I said, “Jason?”

He looked over at me and around a mouthful said, “Yeah?”

Taking a deep breath I said, “I have two names I picked out and I wanted to see what you thought of them?”

Placing the sandwich on a napkin he took a sip of his drink and said, “Ashlynn, whatever you pick I’ll love.”

I smiled. Okay here goes nothing. “I combined our names so I thought for a little girl we would name her Jaylin. For our little boy I thought Bennett. For that I combined my mom’s name Annette and your dad’s name Benjamin.”

Closing his eyes he let out a breath. I thought he was pissed at me for bringing his dad into the name of our son so I quickly said, “We don’t have to-,” but he cut me off and leaned over.

Cupping my face in his hands he said, “Thank you,” and kissed me. After that we forgot all about the food on the floor as he carried me back to our room and we made love.

The day of Christmas Jason and I spent our time in bed talking and laughing. We also cuddled, kissed, and made love. Of course he surprised me with waffles with syrup and hot chocolate like our first time together. Unlike our first time I refused to share with him so he had to get his own plate. Neither of us wanted to cook anything so we ordered Chinese food and had another picnic in the living room and it was the best Christmas I have ever had so far.

We decided to exchange our gifts during dinner. Jason got me a spa package to get a massage, manicure, pedicure, facial, and my hair done before the babies were born. He also got me some comfy socks and slippers because I always complained about my feet hurting.

I was so nervous to give him mine I didn’t spend a lot of money on it but I wanted it come from the heart. I gave him a huge basket and filled it with little things he loved like licorice and Tootsie Roll pops. I also put in a case of his favorite beer and t-shirts and sweatpants he wanted but the most important part was a photo album I made for him. Jade had taken a picture of us together our freshman year of college. She said she wanted to have a picture of the two people she loved the most. Little did she know that three years later those two people would fall in love.

The picture wasn’t anything special. It was taken a night we were all studying in mine and Jade’s room. Jason and I were in an art class together and I was helping him study for a test we were having. Jade was doing homework for a business course she was enrolled in at the time. The three of us were also drinking so Jason and I didn’t get a lot of studying done, but somehow we both aced the test. I guess there really is logic in mixing together drinking alcohol and late night cram sessions.

Anyway, Jason and I were both in sweats and he was making a joke and I was laughing because it was funny. I would have probably laughed either way. There was a second where we both looked at one another and that’s when Jade took the photo. I placed it in the front of the album and across the bottom it had one word … memories. On the inside cover I wrote Jason a note that I wanted him to remember for the rest of our lives together.

Dear Jason,

I can’t believe how quickly everything has changed for us. You joke all the time about me being beautiful and you being a mess but really it’s the opposite. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known and will without a doubt in my mind ever know, both on the inside and the out. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you raising Jaylin and Bennett. Watching them grow and become beautiful little messes of their own.

I knew the day I met you that you were it for me. You stole my heart move-in day freshman year of college and I now know that I stole yours, I just wasn’t aware of it back then. I can’t wait to see where my life takes me and I know I will be happy because I’ll have you by my side. After all I’m the beautiful to your mess. This is the first of many albums to fill with all of the memories we have and will share together and I can’t wait to fill them up with you. I love you Jason Williams.

Forever Yours,


I don’t think I had ever seen Jason cry so much in my life as he read the letter and looked at all of the photos I picked out to put in it. I had put baby pictures of Jason and I in the album, along with a few when we were little, our senior pictures, and some from our time in college together. Then I put the first and second sonogram pictures in there. Finally the last was a picture Jade had also taken of me and Jason on move-in day to his apartment.

We had all just finished moving into our new apartments and Jason had walked up behind me and placed both his hands on my stomach. I smiled and placed my hands on top of his and turned my head to kiss when the flash went off.

We’d both then looked over to Jade who had tears in her eyes as she looked to us and said, “You’re no longer a mess.” 

Chapter 17


Two weeks have gone by since Christmas and Jason and I have fallen more in love if it’s even possible. We have fallen over the edge. We have fallen into oblivion and I hope we never get out. I had texted Jade because school was about to start and I had accidentally left a few things at her apartment.

God that feels weird now, calling the apartment hers instead of ours. We had shared some great memories in that little piece of crap. I was in another hole in the wall now but I was with the man who I loved and that is where we were going to start our family and I could not wait.