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Lifting her head from my shoulder and releasing her arms from around me she wiped away her tears and sniffled. Slumping her head she said, “For the longest time I didn’t think I would ever get what you and Jason have. But –”


Sucking in a breath Jade whispered, “But with Neil I have it. I fell in love with him Ash.”

It was now my turn to suck in a breath. With tears forming in my eyes I said, “He’s it?”

Nodding her head slightly she looked at me and whispered, “Yes.”

A small smile appeared on my face. I was so happy for Jade, but then my smile disappeared because of something. Or should I say someone.

Opening my mouth I uttered, “We have to tell Jason.”

Immediately shaking her head Jade jumped up from the couch and said, “No please Ash! Please don’t tell him!”

Shaking my head back and forth I said, “I can’t lie to him Ash.”

With tears falling from her face Jade whispered, “Please, don’t tell him Ash. For once I’m happy and I just want to enjoy it for a little while before it all goes to hell. Because you know Jason will get pissed off and start something with Neil.”

Letting my head backwards and land on the couch I closed my eyes and said, “This is a big mistake, Jade.” Lifting my head up I looked at Jade and said, “You know that, right?”

With a small smile on her face she shook her head and said, “I don’t care because I’ve learned that every mistake I’ve ever made has taught me a lesson in one way or another.”

Letting out a breath I said, “I’m giving you until graduation Jade.”

Closing her eyes Jade nodded her head. Slowly opening her eyes I saw unshed tears in them. Before I could contemplate it Jade wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.

Wrapping my arms around her waist I whispered in her ear, “I love you Jade.”

Nodding her head in the crook of my neck she kissed it and whispered, “Right back ‘atcha.”

Holding onto each other for a few seconds we released and sat back on the couch. I watched as Jade looked down at her intertwined fingers and smiled. In turn I smiled but I wondered what would happen when Jason found out just exactly what his sister was up to.

Two months have gone by since school has started and I’m doing great. I thought online classes would be a piece of cake but they are actually really difficult. I have to write a lot of papers and there are a ton of group discussion chat forums I have to do a week. I no longer work at the library because it was just too much on my poor swollen ankles. I’m now eight and a half months pregnant and it’s March 12th. It’s a rather difficult day because this was the day my mom was born and I kept tearing up because I miss her so much.

Calling my dad I cried and told him about how much I missed mom and how I wish she was going to be here for the birth of Jaylin and Bennett. Dad did something unexpected and laughed. He said, “Ashlynn, your mother will be there with you every step of the way whether you can see her or not.”

Smiling through the phone I told him that I loved him and I would see him in a week then hung up.

Dad and Janie were going to be staying in a hotel for a week and helping Jason and I with the twins. Those little lovebirds were still going strong and I saw wedding bells in their future. I was just so happy that dad had found someone because over the years I worried about him living in the house all by himself.

As soon as I hung up the phone I went back to our room to take a nap. Before lying down on the bed I looked at the calendar. Jason and I were counting down the days until we got to finally see Jaylin and Bennett. We can’t wait to hold them in our arms and watch them grow right in front of our eyes into amazing beautiful people. I’m also excited to finally be able to sleep again. The little troublemakers move around all night long so I don’t really get a lot of sleep. Just a ton of cat naps here and there.

I have totally given up reading romance books and have filled my Kindle shelf with baby books instead. Jason and I read together at night about anything and everything baby related. He loves laying on his side and resting his head on my stomach. He gets a kick out of feeling the little ones kick in my stomach. While he finds it to be the coolest thing ever I find it rather uncomfortable now.

I remember the first time I felt the babies kick I was so scared because I didn’t know what it was. Jason was cooking dinner as I was reading in the baby book and I jumped in my seat. He dropped the spatula in the omelet mixture and ran right over to me and asked, “Are you okay Ashlynn? Is it the babies? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”

Jumping again I smiled and said, “I think the babies just kicked. Jason put your hand on my stomach and talk.”

With tears in his eyes he knelt down so his head was right next to my stomach and said, “I love you both and your mommy so mu – Whoa!”

Looking up at me he got up from his knees and said, “I love you so much Ashlynn.”

Letting a tear escape my eye I said, “I love you too.”

Just as we were about to kiss the babies kicked again and I jumped. Resting his forehead against mine he said, “Those little ones aren’t even here and they’re already getting in the way of us having sex.” I couldn’t do anything but laugh.

Jason had late night classes every Tuesday and Thursday so I decided to make us a romantic dinner and surprise him. Of course I had to ask Jade for her help because my feet were just killing me so much from these little munchkins. After she helped me make Jason’s favorite meal, spaghetti with garlic bread, I thanked her for all of her help and she went on home.

Placing the table I poured us some ginger ale and waited for Jason to come home. Of course I only had to wait maybe five minutes and when he walked in he dropped his backpack on the floor and looked over at me. “What’s all this for?”

Getting up from the couch he ran over to me and I said, “I just wanted you to know how much I love you.”

Kissing me on the lips he said, “Thank you so much baby.” Kneeling down in front of me he kissed my stomach and asked, “How have you guys been for mommy today?”

Giggling I said, “Good for the most part. Although in the afternoon, they were bouncing all around. I swear I had to pee like fifty times.”

Looking up at me he said, “How are you doing today Ashlynn?”

Through teary eyes I said, “Good, I talked to dad and he said that he loved you and would see us soon.” That made Jason smile. After kissing me again because he just couldn’t resist he took my hand in his and walked us over to the dinner table and helped me in my seat.

During dinner Jason told me all about his classes and how he did all of his homework beforehand because he just wanted to spend the night with me. Looking at him it still took my breath away. I don’t think I would ever get over the fact that we took a chance and we came out on top. We made it through all of our messes we finally made it to a place of happiness. A place of tranquility. A place filled with love.

Tilting his head Jason asked, “What are you thinking about Ash?”

Letting tears fall from my eyes I said, “Just how everything has changed. This time last year we were getting ready to leave for Vegas. I just don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that this is what I had in store for me. What we had in store for each other and I can’t even begin to imagine where we’ll be next year. Six years from now. Twenty years from now. Jason, with you anything is possible. The word impossible doesn’t exist in my vocabulary when it comes to you.”