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As soon as it was light she slid out of the narrow bed, tapped out her slippers in case scorpions had decided they’d make a cosy lair (Dad had warned her about that), wrapped her anorak round her and crept out. Day came as fast as it had gone. On the way up the path from the latrines she found that Africa had its own smell, which the dawn dew brought out, faint and sharp, like cold wet iron, plus an animal smell – not death or dung or urine because the sun dried things out before they could rot, but the living hide. She felt as if the whole continent might be a single sleeping animal, with its own special odour. You didn’t get that on TV.

Not wanting to wake Dad – he’d seemed really tired last night, with the long drive, or perhaps with his own anger – she drifted round the camp, exploring. One of the awnings covered rows of fossils, laid out with numbered cards in places. She decided they must all be bits of jaw, or single teeth. The numbers read 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 and so on up to 4.8. These must be Dr Wessler’s pigs, she thought, and the numbers would be millions of years. More than half the fossils seemed to be somewhere round the four-million-year mark. All those pigs! There must have been thousands and thousands of them, rootling and snuffling. What did pigs like? Boggy sorts of places, reeds, marshes, wallows. Or had pigs been different then? If we’d evolved out of pigs instead of monkeys, what would we be like? Try that on Dad.

The camp began to stir. Someone was cooking. An African came in under the awning. She remembered his face from last night, long and narrow with rather protruding teeth, but not his name. He smiled and answered when she said ‘Good morning,’ then went to a particular place in the lines of fossils, picked one of them up and took it out into the open, where he stood studying it, turning it this way and that. Beyond him, Vinny saw Dad at the door of the hut, gazing blearily out as if he was looking for her. She ran across.

‘You’re an early bird,’ he said. ‘Sleep well?’

‘Fine, thanks. Do Dads get kissed good morning in our family?’

‘No harm in trying.’

He seemed in a much better humour than yesterday. He fetched a bowl of warm water so that she could wash and dress while he went down to the latrines, and then another bowl for himself.

‘Hang on a mo. I’m just doing my laces.’

‘No hurry.’

By the time Vinny looked up, he had stripped off his pyjama top and was brushing his teeth. He had the most incredibly hairy chest. It was difficult not to stare. Funny that Mum, who sometimes used to tell anyone listening about things to do with Dad that had niggled her, had never mentioned it. He saw her looking, and with his toothbrush sticking sideways out of his mouth stretched and beat his chest like a gorilla. She laughed.

‘That reminds me,’ she said. ‘This book I read – it wasn’t one of the ones you said, but it was on the same shelf. It said the reason we don’t have fur like chimps and gorillas . . .’

‘Some of us don’t,’ he mumbled, still brushing.

‘. . . is that we’re really half sea-animals.’

He rinsed his mouth and spat as if the toothpaste had suddenly tasted wrong.

‘It was really interesting, Dad. The sea rose and there must have been an island which got cut off with a few apes on it, and they had to get most of their food out of the sea, so they learnt to walk on their hind legs and they lost their fur and used stones to crack shells open, oh, and all sorts of other things. Language. And did you know if you put your face under water your heart slows down to help you hold your breath? And we’ve got fat under our skins and our tears are salty . . . Why didn’t any of the other books mention all that? I thought they were mean.’

‘She’s not respectable.’

‘But she’s interesting, Dad. I’ve got her name in my diary. Hold on. What do you mean, respectable? And she made me laugh. Not a lot of laughs in the other books. Here – Elaine Morgan. Have you read it?’

‘As a matter of fact, no.’

‘Bother. There’s a lot of things I wanted to ask you about it. I mean, fur. You know before we’re born we’ve got fur on our bodies for a bit? She says that with us it’s sort of streamlined, for swimming, but it isn’t with chimps and gorillas. Is that right?’

‘I wouldn’t know. I’m only a taphonomist.’

‘That’s what I mean. You all know your own bits, and you’re so absolutely sure they’re the most important . . . I’m sorry . . . But it was interesting.’

She had stopped because she had sensed a change in him, a closing down. She’d thought she’d been just teasing, but now she realized she’d gone too far in some way she didn’t understand. But at the same time she sensed he hadn’t wanted it to happen. She could see the disappointment in his eyes.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said again. ‘You’ll have to tell me.’

He sighed, made an effort and managed to shake himself out of the mood.

‘Just remember you’re your mother’s daughter,’ he said. ‘You can tell me about the fur, if you insist.’

‘All right. Stand still. Do you mind?’

He made a clown face as he spread his arms and allowed her to run her fingers through the mat of hair on his chest, trying to feel for the flow-lines.

‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I need a chimp to compare you with.’

‘The nearest chimp is several hundred miles away. May I put my shirt on?’

‘All right. Do you honestly think it’s nonsense?’

‘I think there isn’t any serious evidence for it. I think, in fact, there is very little serious evidence for any theories of early hominid evolution.’

‘But we aren’t chimps, Dad. Something happened. We’re different.’

‘That’s the trouble. Now clear out, will you, while I finish dressing.’

The camp was busier now, with people going to and fro, getting ready for the day. The man who’d taken the fossil from the awning was sitting at one of the tables, sketching it. Vinny moved closer to watch. He was using a very hard pencil, so that the lines he made were almost invisible. Each movement he made was slow, firm, exact. Already the knobbly shapeless lump on the table seemed to have become clear and ordered on the pad.

After a few minutes he put his pencil down to stretch and yawn. He was clearly surprised to see Vinny standing so close.

‘That’s beautiful,’ she said. ‘I’m afraid I’ve forgotten your name.’

‘Thank you. I’m Nikki Mako. Now you’re going to say why don’t I just take a photograph?’

‘But you can see a lot more in a drawing.’

‘You’re right. Know what? I don’t know nothing about fossils. I’m at college studying commercial art when the Minister tells our Principal he better find some fellows to come on Joe’s expedition, right?’

‘Why did they choose you?’

‘’Cause I get this prize last year. They send us along to the museum, tell us go and draw something for the competition, so I draw this big old dinosaur and I win the prize, you know?’

He laughed at the joke. His eyes were lively with the absurdity. Despite being narrow-set they didn’t make him look mean, any more than his prominent teeth made him look ugly. They were right for him.

‘Well, they’re lucky to get someone who can draw like you,’ said Vinny.