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"That, I believe, is what this meeting has been called to determine. Am I wrong?" yu

"Matter is simple," Taan Churok answered. "I will leave here now. All Drazi will leave. We return home, and we fight to get home back. You smart, you all fight too." sy

"You cannot do that," Lethke said calmly. ou

"We try." wi

"This cannot be resolved by war." ll

"War is all we have." Taan looked at G'Kael. "If you helped when we fought last time, perhaps you still have homeworld left. We fight and we lose. Maybe we lose this time, but we fight, and maybe others fight too." ob

"But surely a peaceful solution...." ey

"Alliance built for peace. Alliance built for good intentions. But things change. Alliance change. This not Alliance we helped create. You know this. Something wrong. Very wrong. We fight it." us

Lethke bowed his head. He had known, somehow, that it would come to this. Peace was still possible. He knew it. But he could not create peace alone. yo

"Is this a private party," said a solemn voice. "Or can anyone join in?" uw

Lethke looked up. G'Kar stood in the doorway. il

* * *

"It's beginning, isn't it?"


"The storm."

"It has already begun. We just have not noticed it yet."

"My mother was a telepath. She used to play music for me, sing for me, old Russian songs of lost love and old Gods and the old country. My mother's dead, my country is dead, the songs are dead. I try to remember them, but they all slip away. I try to remember the names of the Gods and they.... aren't there."

"We are the Gods now. Or we will be. You are a God now."

"Me? Hah. The God of what exactly? Cynicism, melancholy and bad jokes?"

"There are worse things to be a God of."

"And you? No, forget I asked."

"I feel no shame for what I am, and nor should I. If I am to be the God of War, worshipped and feared as such, then let me be the God of War. Then no one else has to be."

"You scare me."

"Good. I should."

"And are the Gods going to war?"

"The old Gods have been at war for a very long time. We are going to end it."

"But it isn't ending, is it? It's just beginning."

"Everything is a cycle. Sometimes, to end a thing, you have to begin it. To break the circle, you have to know where it starts."

"I don't get you."

"Sometimes neither do I."

"Have you contacted your friends?"

"Yes. They are prepared."

"Are you nervous?"

"No. I am oddly calm. Are you?"


"Perhaps you could be the God of Terror."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Like everything else, a little of both."

* * *

"There is danger. Remember." lo

Dexter reeled beneath the onslaught of sheer.... wrongness. The very air seemed thick and heavy and poisonous. Blood filled his mouth and his eyes and his senses. Blood filled his whole being. be

Talia was motionless. As he looked at her through a thin veil of crimson, Dexter thought she looked like a statue, a statue constructed of blood and pain. yu

The creature looming above her was simply looking around. It seemed to be receiving information from its senses, not the pitiful five or six that humans possessed, but hundreds of senses, every one created for a single purpose. sy

"There is danger," the Vindrizi hissed again. "Remember." ou

The words were thick and hollow and emotionless. Or perhaps that was just the way Dexter heard them. wi

He slumped forward, on his knees. This creature, this thing, this God, was so awesomely, unutterably alien. He had known Minbari, had fought against them for so long and even fallen in love with one. He had known Narns and Centauri and Brakiri. He had met a Pak'ma'ra and thought it was the most revolting thing he had ever seen. ll

But this was more alien than any of them. This was ancient and powerful and other. The very earth and air seemed to revolt beneath it and shy away from its touch. The ground beneath the Box was growing black and twisted, a foul smell rising from it. ob

A torrent of blood filled his mouth. ey

Dexter felt the creature look at him, look at him with those countless extra senses. He felt his memories being opened and violated - his mother's death, his first kiss, his first drink, cheating at cards, kissing Talia, killing Delenn. us

If he could put a human emotion to it, and he knew that even attempting such a thing was an absurdity, he would say that the creature was amused by the sheer insignificance of his existence. He was nothing, not even an insect. He had thought he was something more, something special.... yo

"There is danger. Remember." uw

When all he was was a drop of water screaming 'look at me' to the other drops of water. il

A single voice in a multitude of voices that together made up nothing more than an infinitesimal whisper in the universe. Everyone he had ever met, ever heard of, that had ever been alive. lo

They were all nothing. be

He sank further forward, smelling the foulness of his own blood hitting the ground. He felt as if his mouth were full of his own vomit, his nostrils filled with the scent of his own excrement. yu

"There is danger. Remember." sy

Head lolling on his shoulders, thick and heavy and empty, he looked up, his eyes bleeding simply from looking at the creature, at the monarch of this tiny and pathetic kingdom of ants. ou

"There is danger. Remember." wi

That was when Talia screamed, when a brilliant burst of light filled the room, and when his mind suddenly became a great deal clearer. ll

* * *

I was not there when G'Kar went to speak with the group Ambassador Lethke had gathered. Sometimes I wish I had been, but if I had gone, maybe I would never have left that room, and maybe these words would never have been written. My life is built on such flimsy and fragile choices and coincidences that sometimes I think I must have been blessed by some higher power, that my every breath is part of some grander scheme.

Then in my arrogance I stop, and realise that the same is true of every other living thing in existence.

It was not my choice not to go to that meeting. It was G'Kar's, and of course it was understandable. He was going to speak to some of the most powerful people in the Alliance, in the galaxy even. His words could affect the entire future of the Alliance. He had no wish for a child to accompany him.

But to that child, his decision seemed painful and treacherous. He had left me alone with a hard–faced, stern–looking woman called Na'Toth, who seemed too busy checking weapons and contacting ships outside the station to worry about me.

Tired and upset and a little angry, I waited in the corner of the room.

Everything I know about that meeting I heard later. I have heard some truly horrific rumours, some horrible reports.

I believe every one of them.

L'Neer of Narn, Learning at the Prophet's Feet.

There was silence for a moment as G'Kar stood framed in the doorway. Lethke did not know what to say, and he imagined everyone else was in the same position. ob