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Curóide (“hero”) a wizard, formerly Éireamhóine’s apprentice, who later took his place on the council of the Nine Master Wizards of Leal. His most notable talent was as a weather-worker.

Deor Skyrran warrior, one of Kivik’s captains.

Drakenskaller (“dragon’s skull”) Mountains a high range in the northern part of Skyrra and the western part of Eisenlonde. Winters in the Drakenskallers were very harsh, and inhabitants were few.

Dreyde lord of Saer. He welcomed Faolein, Sindérian, and their companions into his fortress and then betrayed them.

Dyonas (dye-OH-nahs) youngest of the Furiádhin, but also the most powerful after Camhóinhann.

Efflam in Apharos, one of Ouriána’s temple guards. He accompanied the Furiádhin to Skyrra.

Éireamhóine (“noble eagle”; AIR-ah-vhoyn) at one time the most powerful wizard on Leal, he disappeared while trying to smuggle Guenloie away to safety.

Eisenlonde a region east of Skyrra, occupied by a loose confederation of barbarian tribes, given to border raids and horse thievery. The formation of a vast Eisenlonder army took the Skyrrans by surprise.

Elidûc High King Réodan’s court wizard, close friend, and valued counselor. Because he was also a great scholar, he acted as a tutor to Réodan’s sons and grandsons, including Prince Ruan.

Erios (“shining hills”) an island in the sea of Orania, invaded by Pharaxion forces.

Faellanëos (“dark hair”) family name belonging to a long line of wizards, including Faolein and Sindérian.

Faey a long-lived nonhuman race. Divided into two subraces, the Ni-Ferys and the Ni-Féa. Each branch regarded the other with unfailing suspicion, for though they came of similar stock they were temperamentally opposite. The Ni-Ferys often intermixed with humans, but the Ni-Féa remained extremely insular.

Faolein (“sea-lion”; FAY-oh-LINE) Master Wizard and Sindérian’s father. Adept in all aspects of wizardry, though his particular gift was the ability to divine the name of anyone he met.

Faol-Mora (“the ocean sea”) in one sense, all the oceans of the world, more commonly applied to the uncharted waters beyond the named seas.

Fenéille Galadan (“crown of the north”) a high range of mountains roughly describing an arc from east to west, north of Alluinn and south of Arkenfell and Mistlewald.

Furiádhin (“the changed men” or “the mutated ones”; FOO-ree-AHD-in) Ouriána’s warrior-magician-priests. Singular: furiádh.

Gerig a knight in the household of Prince Cuillioc.

Gilaefri a fortress that long held out against Ouriána’s invading forces, until the Furiádhin overthrew it with magic. See Rheithûn and Cailltin of Aefri.

Goezenou furiádh who served as one of Ouriána’s generals in Rheithûn.

Guenloie (translation uncertain; may be a variant of Guinalli, “lily,” or a combination of guin, “white, clear,” and hloë, “aura, halo”) Princess of Phaôrax, daughter of Ouriána’s twin sister Nimenoë, and therefore regarded as the child of the prophecy. Hidden away in Skyrra for many years, she grew to womanhood under the name Winloki.

Guindeluc (“unblemished honor”) Prince Cuillioc’s late brother. Ouriána’s eldest son, and a dazzling figure to whom Cuillioc was always comparing himself, to his own disadvantage.

Haakon young rider in Kivik’s army, briefly Winloki’s bodyguard.

Haestan Skyrran warrior, one of Kivik’s captains.

Haestfilke an eastern region of Skyrra.

Heldenhof (“the house of heroes”) King Ristil’s palace at Luckenbörg.

Herzenmark the most central province of Skyrra.

Hythe coastal principality. Part of the alliance headed by the High King Réodan. Ruled by Prince Bael.

Iobhar (“yew”; EYE-oh-vhar) furiádh, sent to Mirizandi with Prince Cuillioc to counsel and spy on him.

Jago (“younger son”) a common soldier under Prince Ruan’s command. After surviving most of the journey to Skyrra, he was killed during the crossing from Arkenfell.

Kerion one of the temple guards who accompanied the Furiádhin to Skyrra.

Kivik (KIV-ick) Prince of Skyrra; King Ristil’s middle son and a general in his armies.

Lasaire (“flames”) acolyte-servant to Dyonas.

Leal (leel) a smaller island off the east coast of Thäerie, the location of a great school of wizardry. For all intents and purposes, Leal was ruled by the Nine Master Wizards, but the island had long been so closely allied with Thäerie that there was a sense of shared national identity.

Lochdaen (“swarthy man”) a temple guard in Apharos, he was chosen to accompany the Furiádhin on their journey to Skyrra.

Lückenbörg a town in Skyrra, site of King Ristil’s palace.

Luenil (originally a diminutive of Meluine, “color of the sun”) young Thäerian widow who was chosen as Guenloie’s wet nurse after her own child was stillborn. Believed to be lost in the Cadmin Aernan with Éireamhóine.

Lünerion (LOO-nair-ee-ON) principality of Alluinn, formerly a rich and populous region; a hundred years after the Change it was an uninhabited wilderness.

Maël acolyte-servant to the furiádh Iobhar.

Maelor (MAY-lore) the Astromancer a befuddled old man reputed to have once been a great magician.

Malindor (“the wide realm”) kingdom at the very southern tip of the northern continent. By the time of Réodan’s council, so much territory had been lost to Phaôrax that Ouriána held more of Malindor than its own king.

Mallion (“clover”) Penn legendary wizard. The most powerful of his own era, and generally regarded as the most gifted wizard ever.

Marrec one of Ouriána’s temple guards, who accompanied the Furiádhin to Skyrra.

Meraz city-state in Mirizandi, between Xanthipei and Persit.

Mere coastal duchy just to the north of Rheithûn. The Duke of Mere’s sudden change of heart—his decision to foresake his former allies by declaring his neutrality—was widely regarded as an act of betrayal.

Meriasec a Prince of Phaôrax, the youngest and in every way the least of Ouriána’s sons.

Mirizandi (meer-ah-ZAHN-dee) a nation of city-states on the southern continent, ruled by “semidivine”

nobles and princes. It was reputed to be a fabulously wealthy region because of legendary mines somewhere in the interior.

Mistlewald (MIST-el-vahld) a northern kingdom, originally of the same tribal stock as Skyrra and Arkenfell, with whom they continued to be loosely allied.

Morquant acolyte-servant to Camhóinhann.

Necke the channel between the subcontinent of Skyrra/Eisenlonde and the northern continent.

Nephuar a kingdom on the southern continent, unfriendly to the city-states of Mirizandi.

Ni-Féa Prince Ruan’s mother’s people, a sub-race of the Faey. Little was known of them, though they were rumored to be glamourously beautiful and masters and mistresses of enchantment. Ruan himself, who had long been estranged from his Ni-Féa kin, painted a less pleasing picture. They were ruled by Queen Gäiä. See Faey.

Nimenöe (“bright mist, shining cloud”; nim-en-OH-ee) a Princess of Phaôrax, Ouriána’s twin sister, and Guenloie/Winloki’s mother. Trained in wizardry at the Scholia on Leal, her most notable talents were warding and healing.