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Nimhelli (“place of great fogs”) a smaller island southwest of Thäerie, traditionally under Thäerian rule.

Noz the little hunchback with a battered face and seemingly everything else against him, who nevertheless managed, by virtue of a keen mind and unquestioned loyalty, to rise to the position of Ouriána’s Lord Chancellor. Most of her other servants, and particularly the Furiádhin, considered him a despicable upstart.

Old Fortress see Tirfang.

Omair (“amber”) acolyte-servant to the furiádh Iobhar.

Orri one of Kivik’s scouts.

Otöi (aht-OY ) empire ruling over much of the southern continent until it was destroyed in the same cataclysmic battle as Alluinn. Reputedly a realm of black magics and even blacker rites, since the Otöwan rulers and magicians were themselves enslaved to powers of Darkness and Unlife.

Ouriána (oh-ree-ON-ah) Queen of Phaôrax, self-declared Empress and Goddess, and mother to Guindeluc, Cuillioc, and Meriasec. A sorceress steeped in the black arts, she was also known as the Dark Lady of Phaôrax.

Pehlidor (“the far realm”) this is the name that appears on maps of the period indicating a land in the northeast. Believed to be Éireamhóine’s intended destination when he left Thäerie with the infant princess.

Penadamin (literally “the only high mountain”) a mountain in the Fenéille Galadan range. It was not, in fact, the highest mountain in the world, or even in the Fenéille Galadan, but its onetime inhabitants must have thought it was.

Pendawer (“land ruler”) family name of the imperial house of Alluinn. After the fall of the Empire, the last surviving heir found refuge on Thäerie, where his descendants ruled as High Kings.

Pentheirie (“high place of the eagles”) Réodan’s capital city on Thäerie.

Persit (per-SIT ) a city-state in Mirizandi, a short distance from Xanthipei. Ruled by Lord Vaz.

Phaôrax (FAY-oh-racks) island kingdom ruled (some might say enslaved) by Ouriána. Though the Pharaxions were once known as a proud, strong, honorable people, Ouriána’s rule and her endless wars eliminated too many of the best and promoted too many of the worst.

Regin Skyrran warrior, one of Kivik’s captains.

Reichünterwelt (rike-OON-ter-velt) one of the nine underground kingdoms of the dwarves. Ruled by King Yri.

Réodan (“ice man,” originally a nickname given to those with very fair skin and hair; RAY-oh-don) Pendawer High King, ruler of Thäerie, and leader of the alliance against Ouriána.

Rheithûn (“where the water comes down from the hills”) kingdom south of Mere and north of Rhuadllyn which put up a long resistance against Ouriána’s invading armies, but was finally overrun. When the last three fortresses fell to the Furiádhin, it was said that Goezenou gave the order to execute all the leaders of the “rebellion” against the Empress.

Rhuadllyn (“red rivers”) the first nation to be conquered by Phaôrax. Because of the two nations’ long-standing political ties, there is reason to believe the issue was already decided before Ouriána’s troops ever invaded, and that the very slight resistance the Pharaxions met was only a token effort meant by the Prince of Rhuadllyn to appease the populace. Within a decade, the people had come to identify themselves as, essentially, citizens of Phaôrax.

Ristil (RIZ-till) King of Skyrra, father of Kivik, adoptive uncle of Winloki, husband of Sigvith.

Rivanon acolyte-servant to Camhóinhann. One of the eldest acolytes at Ouriána’s temple, he was privy to many of the High Priest’s secrets.

Roric Skyrran warrior, one of Kivik’s captains.

Ruan (rune) see Anëruian Pendawer.

Saer hill fort in Mere. See Dreyde, Thaga.

Sea of Orania the waters between Thäerie, Phaôrax, and the continent.

Shionneth (“like a fox,” a name denoting either cleverness or red hair) Sindérian’s late mother. This elderly and reclusive wizard became Faolein’s second wife.

Sigvith Queen-Consort in Skyrra, King Ristil’s second wife and Kivik’s stepmother; her past was a mystery to her.

Sindérian (“star maiden” or “bright daughter”; sin-DAY-reeon) daughter of Shionneth and Faolein, descended from seven generations of wizards on either side. An instinctive healer and seer.

Skerry (rhymes with ferry) as the great-grandson of a Skyrran king, he was accorded princely rank, but not the title. He and Winloki made a childhood pact to marry.

Skørnhäär a race of ice giants.

Skyrra (skee-RAH) northern realm, ruled by King Ristil. Once allied to the Empire of Alluinn, after the Change they threw off all southern influences and returned to an earlier way of life, only maintaining ties with the kindred nations of Mistlewald and Arkenfell. An essentially peaceful people, they could be the fiercest of fighters when threatened. Their only indigenous magic-workers were healers and runestonereaders.

Syvi a Skyrran healer, second only to Thyra in age and experience.

Thäerian Sea the waters north of Thäerie, west of Mere, Hythe, and Weye. The point where the Thäerian Sea ended and the great ocean began was a matter of some dispute.

Thäerie (roughly translated, “home of the eagle-hearted men”; THAY-ree) island kingdom ruled in former days by their own native princes, later by the Pendawers. The realm of the High King Réodan. As the sea formed a natural barrier, and because of strong ties with the wizards on Leal, Thäerie had never been invaded.

Thaga (“bat”) an Otöwan magus in service to Ouriána who attempted to kill Faolein. It was he who corrupted Lord Dreyde and played some part in the Duke of Mere’s decision to forsake the alliance.

Thyra a healer in Kivik’s army who had seen many campaigns.

Tirfang a valley in the Drakenskaller Mountains, site of an ancient, reputedly haunted city-fortress built by the legendary witch-lords. Sometimes synonymous with the Old Fortress itself.

Tuillo (“mistletoe”) a common soldier under Prince Ruan’s command. He was killed by a sea dragon on the voyage to Mere.

Tyr (teer) Prince of the dwarf kingdom of Reichünterwelt and son of King Yri.

Varjolükka (singular and plural) a type of skinchanger. Skinchangers were a race of humans capable of transforming themselves into bearlike creatures, although some sources claim the reverse: that they were bears who could take on the shape of humans.

Vaz ruler of Persit. One of the lords of Mirizandi, who considered themselves semidivine.

Weye coastal principality, the most northern nation in the alliance against Ouriána. Ruled by Prince Gwynnek.

Whathig Wood (“tangled wood” or “wood of dark sorceries”) forest in Alluinn, believed to be haunted by witches, ghosts, and dangerous wild animals.

Xanthipei (zahn-thip-EYE) a large city in Mirizandi, on the Bay of Mir. When Prince Cuillioc arrived with his fleet to invade the realm, the citizens of Xanthipei gave up without a fight.

Yri (eerie) King of Reichünterwelt. This dwarf of immense age (far in excess of two hundred years) was a powerful seer whose other gifts included the ability to talk with animals.

Ëanoris—Times of the Year

lüenien —year, solar cycle