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The television cameraman was stunned for a moment, unable to think of any possible explanation for this incredible phenomenon. He checked the channel setting and discovered that the set was still tuned to WRT-TV. He checked his watch and realized that his station should have been off the air a half-hour ago. The only explanation was that some depraved television employee was broadcasting this filth on WRT-TV's airwaves, for some incomprehensible motive. For the good name of the station he had to do something fast, before someone saw this monstrous business and called the police. Matt jumped for the phone to call Phil Agard's home.


The spasm of pain was unbearable, and the nakedly chained young wife twisted and screamed, bellowing so loudly that the technicians, smiling lewdly at one another, turned down the sound to protect the ears of their future viewers. Lynn's frantically quivering buttocks seemed to be on fire, and she wiggled and squirmed like a creature possessed, not capable of rational thought and driven only by an overwhelming need to free her poor fragmented anus from the tree trunk which had suddenly been rammed up inside of it. She bucked back at him with all the strength on her nakedly straining body, but her frail muscles were no match for the three hundred pound giant of a man who had thrown himself on top of her.

"Aaaaaaggggghhhhh, oh God!" she beseeched, feeling as if this dreadful impalement had reduced her to something less than human.

Freddy skewered himself forward another time, drops of saliva drooling from his open mouth and onto her white naked back as he instinctively established a rhythm and began fucking steadily in and out of her heatedly clenched rectum with steady regular strokes. Lynn felt that the battle was over, and her strength disappeared suddenly. She collapsed forward on her belly, her ripely dangling breasts cushioning her against the hardness of the floor.

"Like it, Lynn – baby?" whispered Kelly lecherously, wanting to deepen the young woman's torment.

The girl's response was a heart-felt groan as her pain wracked body was jerked involuntarily back and forth by the violence of the giant's sodomizing thrusts. The pain had not gone away by any means, but it was more manageable now and Lynn found her mind clearing somewhat. She had to survive, if only to have her revenge on the Agard's for what they had subjected her to. She had to live long enough to see them both in jail. Her life was finished, though! After this, she could never look another decent person in the face again. Now she was running on hate alone.

She began to fight back, somehow! She had to show them how much she hated and despised them and in a sudden burst of rage, she slammed her much-abused white buttocks back against the giant who was savagely molesting her. She thrust back again and again, trying to tear his great beating cock right out of his groin if she could!


No one answered at the Agard household, and Matt decided that Phil and Kelly had probably gone out for a night on the town. Involuntarily, his eyes crept back to the grossly degenerate scene on his television tube. Incredible, he told himself, his mind searching unsuccessfully for a set of circumstances which would explain this strange phenomenon. He moved closer to the screen, a tiny bit aroused by the unfamiliar sight of a woman being anally raped… wait a minute, that gal isn't being raped, he decided. At first it had seemed as if she were being taken against her will, and those screams had certainly sounded realistic enough, but now it looked much more as if she were cooperating fully in this degenerate sodomistic adventure.

Her lush young breasts were shaking back and forth excitingly as she surged to and fro, and the girl's hips were now slamming back energetically into the giant's massive groin. Matt had little experience with this sort of thing, but all the evidence told him this was not a rape. Wait, the camera was moving in for a close-up, and Matt stepped nearer to the set, hoping for a clue as to what was going on.

"Hmmmmmmmmm," he said aloud in the empty room. "Pity you can't see her face because that is a very attractive woman there. Looks vaguely familiar somehow. Ah, she's turning her head…"

The world suddenly fell in on the young cameraman and his knees unexpectedly went weak, forcing him to sit down hard. It was Lynn, her lips drawn back up over her ivory teeth and her face contorted into a mask of what was actually pain, but which Matt interpreted as passion.

A cold sweat broke out on the young man's face and for a moment he was seriously afraid he was going to faint. It couldn't be!

It was! The camera panned in directly on her clean-cut attractive features, leaving no doubt about her identity. It was his wife being fouly violated on television for everyone in town to see.

Suddenly a great many things began to fall in place in the man's head. Agard's strange enthusiasm for sending him away on constant field trips; Lynn's unusual behavior, her unexpected interest in knitting mittens for refugees until late at night; there were a great many questions still left unanswered, but the main outlines of the situation were clear. His wife had become something worse than a whore. Matt Langley knew his duty.

A great many questions, thought the young sports enthusiast as he pulled his battered suitcase down off the closet shelf, but I don't really want to know anymore answers.

"Ugggggh!" grunted Freddy as he felt the powerful internal muscles of her sphincter close around his wetly pistoning penis. He grunted again and found that the increased pressure was doubling his pleasure and the giant smiled to himself as he felt Lynn's voluptuous young body start to come to life under him. At first he had feared that he was hurting her, but now it seemed to his feeble brain that she was enjoying herself, just as Kelly said she would.

The chained young wife's body undulated fiercely, her smoothly rounded buttocks rotating in vicious little circles, and Freddy's massively throbbing cock was tingling with a strange mysterious excitement which he had never experienced before. With his huge muscular hands, he spread the cheeks of her firmly working ass even farther apart, and his eyes almost bulged from his head as he watched the glistening thickness of his long rubbery cock as it glided smoothly in and out of the tortured receptacle of her rectum. Mistaking the girl's frantic writhing and moaning for intense passion, he increased the tempo of his stroke, ploughing into her with a maniac's sexual fury and feeling the beginnings of a wildly exciting sensation deep inside his own body.

"Ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh Christ!" groaned the girl as she felt him jerk convulsively inside of her, and realized that he was now about to fill her helpless belly with his hot churning cum, and that there was nothing in the world she could do to prevent it. She would have to take it, kneeling submissively and chained to the floor in front of him like the most humble slave in the world.

"Oh cum, Freddy, cum!" she encouraged him, wanting him to spew his vile seed into her nakedly trembling body and get it over with, freeing her from the bestial indignity which was being heaped upon her. Freddy gurgled like an animal and dug his sharp fingernails into her sensitive flesh, trying to force his mammothly swollen hardness even farther into the girl's helpless young body, his great murderous cock throbbing for an instant and then exploding like a damn.