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He’d known it from the moment she’d walked into the house. Even without scent or touch, her very presence called to him and to Derrick. She was the one destined to be theirs. The one who would accept them and love them, bearing them the sons that would continue their line. That is if they could ever regain their solid bodies.

Just thinking about that made Mark want to go on a tantrum of his own, but he prided himself on having better control. He sat beside his brother on the stairs and watched the woman, whose name they had no way of knowing, as she made several trips in and out, bringing in boxes and bags.

She was perfect, from her short, rounded figure with a plump ass and a nice handful of tits to her long, dark hair that tickled the top of her waist. She had a face made for smiling with rosebud lips, lustrous brown eyes, and apple cheeks. Just the type of woman he and his brother preferred, and all they could do was watch helplessly as she moved into their house, untouchable.

She left most of the belongings in the front hall, but carried one large suitcase upstairs. As expected, she didn’t react as she walked through them. But they sure as hell felt it.

Mark looked with interest at the items she’d left behind while Derrick bemoaned their dilemma.

“So unfair. I’m going to kill that witch.”

“Uh-huh,” Mark absently replied as he drifted looking through her belongs searching for her name. He found it on a faded tag on a carry-on bag. “Jenna. Jenna Fairbanks.”


“Her name is Jenna.”

“Great. That makes me feel so much better,” grumbled Derrick.

Regardless of what Derrick said or thought, Mark actually did feel better. For the moment, their situation hadn’t changed, but with Halloween fast approaching and their true mate in residence, perhaps the time had come for things to happen.

And when she settled down to sleep for the first time in their house, Mark did his best to rush things along.

* * * * *

Jenna woke with the oddest sense of not being alone. She lay on the bed and held her breath, listening. She didn’t hear a sound, and yet the pervasive sensation of someone watching would not disappear. Mentally slapping herself for being so imaginative, she got up and stretched her body. I’m home.

She set about unpacking, glad she’d left most of her old life behind. Selling all her furniture and various other items had been liberating. She’d brought only the things she couldn’t bear to part with: photo albums, books, and, of course, her laptop.

Around noon, she’d finished putting everything away, and was more in love with the house than ever. She’d assumed she’d have to clean, but the lack of dust was nothing short of amazing.

And now she was starving. She’d eaten some of the fruit in the basket for breakfast, but she needed to hit the grocery store. She showered quickly in the claw foot tub, shivering at the occasional cold draft, and dressed. She grabbed her keys and purse then headed to town.

In the daylight, the shops looked quaintly old-fashioned with large window displays, hand-painted signs, and wide sidewalks in front of them. Jenna parked quickly, loving that she didn’t have to circle the block waiting for someone to pull out.

The bakery was her first destination. She walked in to the scent of fresh bread, and her mouth watered.

A red-cheeked matron beamed at her from behind the counter. “Hello dearie, what are you looking for today?”

Jenna smiled back. “A loaf of bread and a few buns please. Oh, and do you have any banana muffins?”

“We do.” The woman began wrapping Jenna’s order. “Are you here on a visit?”

“No. I bought a house actually.”

The matron regarded her with round eyes and an open mouth. “You bought the house?”

“If you mean the one on Changeling drive, then yes.”

The shopkeeper handed Jenna her purchases and shook her head. “Good luck.

Jenna didn’t make much of her reaction till it was echoed in every store she visited.

Only when she was driving back to the house did she give into laughter. Oh, that’s too funny. They all really think the place is haunted. How absurd in this day and age that they believed in ghosts. Although, she thanked their superstition about drafts and creaky houses, else she wouldn’t have gotten the house so cheaply. And she repeated that the rest of the day every time a cold spot made her shiver, and whenever she looked over her shoulder expecting to see eyes staring back at her.

I don’t believe in ghosts, she told herself firmly before going to bed.

However, the townsfolk’s gullibility must have been contagious for the house’s quirks followed her into her dreams.

Chapter Two

Derrick watched over her as she slept. The sweet curve of her cheek blushing a light pink, her thick lashes fluttering slightly, her dark hair spread like a veil over her pillow. He brushed his fingers over her smooth skin, and she shivered in her repose. He trailed his hand lower over the skimpy silk top she wore, his ghostly touch puckering her nipples. She shifted and rolled onto her back, sprawling her legs wide. He trailed his insubstantial fingers down the curve of her belly to the apex of her thighs. The crotch of her panties darkened with moisture, her unconscious arousal soaking them. He brought his face down, wishing he could smell her.

“What the fuck are you doing?” His brother’s disgusted comment made Derrick whirl around.

“Enjoying myself. You should try it sometime. Besides it’s not like she knows I’m here.”

Mark shook his head at him. “That’s not the point. It’s wrong, and you know it.”

Derrick sneered. “Oh, please. I’ve seen the way you watch her as well.”

“Watch, not try to touch.” Mark sighed. “I won’t deny she calls to me even in this insubstantial shape. But at least I’ve retained enough common decency to not act on it.”

“What else is there for us to do?” railed Derrick. “We’re fucking ghosts. No one hears us or sees us. And even worse, our mate has finally arrived and instead of claiming her, I’m reduced to fucking jerking off instead of plowing her like I should.” He slumped on the bed, shoulders drooping. “I’m tired of this.”

Mark sat beside him. “I am too, brother, but the alternative isn’t much better.”

“No, it’s not. I just can’t believe there’s nothing we can do. Surely there must be another way to break this spell.”

Mark stood and paced. “Well…”

“Well what?” Derrick looked at him with suspicion. “Have you been hiding something from me?”

“Not exactly. But you and I both know Jenna is our mate, right?”

Derrick looked over at the woman who slept in the room he used to call his own. When she’d arrived just under a week ago, he’d rampaged for days, both he and his brother recognizing her for what she was-their true mate. Not that they could do anything about it. “Yeah, trust me, I know who she is, not that it does us any good.”

“Ah, but while you’ve been perving, I’ve been acting and observing.”

“And?” Derrick restrained an urge to pounce on his brother and shake him. Hurrying Mark never worked though.

“She senses us. I think she even dreams of us.”

“You’re fucking with me.” Derrick looked back at Jenna. She was still sound asleep, but a crease marred her brow and her eyelids fluttered.

“No I’m not messing with you. Mind, we haven’t had anybody else to test my theory on, but she knows we’re here.”

“Okay, say for a second, she does. How does that help us?”

“Don’t you see? If she knows we’re here, and we can communicate with her, maybe she can find a spell to reverse what’s been done.”