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"Yes… yes, I hear…" Katie answered, dropping slowly to her knees and feeling his finger slide out of her… while her eyes locked anticipatingly on the tremendous bulge at the front of his pants…


Before leaving the house for Darrel Jenkins' apartment, fully prepared to do whatever was necessary to save her husband from the horror hanging over him, Jan Martin had gone to Katie's room with a message. She wanted her daughter to tell her Daddy that it had been necessary for her to run into town, but that she'd be home for cocktails and not to worry. However, she'd found the room empty, except for a growling Genghis when she'd knocked, and decided that Katie was probably down at the stables… although she seldom went anywhere around the ranch without the faithful Wolf trailing close behind her… Nevertheless, she'd try the stables.

"No, Ma'am," Juan answered her. "The little Missy's in town… I drove her there over an hour ago… to the building where Mr. Jenkins lives."

Jan stared at the fat Mexican for a long moment while the full impact of his information reached her brain. She felt her knees grow watery and the blood drain from her face as she realized the danger Katie had unconsciously exposed herself to!

"My God!" she gasped, staggering slightly from the shock and feeling Juan's hand suddenly reaching out to steady her.

"You all right, Ma'am?" he questioned, his eyes widening with concern.

"Y-Yes… yes, I'm all right Juan," Jan replied, forcing herself to gain control. "Why? Did she say why she was going there?"

"No, Ma'am," he replied, tilting his head and shrugging heavy shoulders. "She just ordered me to take her to Mr. Jenkins' place in Phoenix… that's all I know…"

Abruptly, Jan swung on her heels, breaking into a little run toward her car. Dear God, there was no time to lose… and as she jumped in behind the wheel starting the engine, it suddenly occurred to her that perhaps their daughter's action was not an unconscious one, but an intentional one! Lord in heaven! Had she somehow overheard Gil and her talking… and knew the trouble her Daddy was in… even worse, that Darrel Jenkins was trying to barter for her… sexually? A sensation of utter mental anguish near-overwhelmed her at the horrifying thought. Why else would she have gone there… except to help her father? She loved him that much, Jan was well aware, swift mental scenes of their beautiful daughter's antics, expressions, and the way she hung to Gil at every opportunity, flashing through her mind… carryings-on that Jan had jealously watched and tolerated only because of her own feelings for Lee.

Oh, God… oh God! If only she wasn't too late!


Katie stood in a naked, erotic daze between the now stripped, grotesque little monstrosity's legs, having undressed him at his command, the nauseating sight of his deformed body minimized only by the unbelievable spectacle of his massive swollen cock. She had never even imagined such a shaft on a grown man, let alone this little spindle-legged bizarre creature, and now she stared at it in trembling awe while he returned his small stubby finger between the moist lips of her pussy sliding it once more up into her tight vaginal passage lustfully.

"You love it, don't you, my little bitch?" he whispered hoarsely. "Love to have someone playing with your cunt… something hard like a finger, tongue or prick shoved right up into it… eh? Tell me! Don't you?"

"Uunnhhh… oohhh!" Katie groaned, her lips unable to form words in the throes of the ecstatic sensations he was causing inside her.

He began to thumb diligently at the tiny moist nub of her clitoris again, while his other hand reached behind her to press into her buttocks, all simultaneous with the swirling movements of his stubby finger inserted as far as it would go in the rapidly dilating channel of her cunt.

She heard the choking gasps burst from her own throat and couldn't restrain the need to circulate her hips onto, and down against, his knowing small hand, her excited young loins suddenly bathed in pleasurable rapture she couldn't resist.

Darrel Jenkins laughed outright, his distorted-featured face twisted now into an unbelievable grimace of salacity. "Oh, you luscious bitch!" he hissed. "The fucking long hours of pleasure you're going to bring me!" He laughed again while he sadistically ground his thumb against the delicate, warm and moist flesh of her tender plexus, watching the tremors ripple over her gorgeous satin-skinned young body in ruffles of paralyzing pleasure that had caused her mouth to slacken and her eyes to roll in their sockets in the mesmerizing rapture that had taken complete charge of her.

Jesus Christ! He'd struck the richest ore of all… no question! Damn! What a delicious, warm sweet little cunt she had! Fuck, he had to eat it… to bury his face in that golden hair and raw liquid flesh! "Bitch! Lie down on the floor! Quick! And spread those soft white thighs as far as you can! I'm going to show you what it's like to have your cunt licked! Hurry!"

Katie whimpered aloud in anticipation as she responded with desire-filled obedience, moving quickly down onto her back, bending her shapely legs at the knees and spreading them wide, while she stared up at him with glazed eyes, the unpleasant sight of his ill-formed, pointed breastbone hardly noticeable to her now in her oestriol expectation, and she focused her vision on his magnificent throbbing cock with its bulbous, purple head peeking from its thick foreskinned sheath and the heavy sac hanging at its base beneath!

And then, he was lowering himself between her legs like a little gargoyle, panting licentiously as he moved in close, until his nubbin head was just above her sensitive and completely exposed genitals. She felt him place his hands against the inner sides of her trembling thighs, then he was spreading them apart even more open to his madly excited face. She couldn't resist the desire to raise her head, staring down between her firm breasts to see him sprawled there like some naked and obscene little freak, his face hovering between her widespread legs.

Jenkins grinned sadistically up at her, thinking that at least, she was going to be a cherry-lick, and with little hands still strategically placed against the warm smooth flesh of her thighs, he gazed hungrily down at the thin, pink split fringed so provocatively with its soft blonde hair, several tiny glistening droplets of viscid moisture dampening its dainty pink inner petals that peeked out at him, and as she lay with quivering buttocks against the nap of the carpeting, he placed his thumbs to rest on the soft fleshy lips of her cunt and tormentingly drew them apart, spreading the curls of burnished pubic hair and laying open her moist, coral-tinted, secret flesh to his lust-inflamed eyes.

Katie felt the hot wisps of his breath graze her sensitive, dampened vulva and she moaned sensuously, her head still raised as she heard him grunt then saw his face drop, abruptly feeling the full length of his hot tongue slide moistly up into her quivering vagina.

Her excited body responded automatically, jerking with convulsing lurches, a loud moan of rapture emitting from deep in her chest, while her buttocks again squirmed downward against the hard floor as his tongue slithered in and out of her receptive pussy in wild, lecherous fury. Oh God! Nothing else in the whole world mattered! Insane electriclike jolts were setting her whole supple body aglow with little palpitating sensations of carnal enchantment! Eagerly, she moved her hands down over her firm full breasts, caressing them hedonistically as they began to throb, then smoothing down over the little bowl of her stomach and coming to rest on either side of her feverish cuntlips. She could hear him panting and feel his hot breath against her soft pubic hair. Slowly and deliberately, she spread the puffy, ragged flanges of her tight pink split open for him with delicate fingers, her hands brushing the cheeks of his face as he grunted and drew his hot, moist tongue up through the viscid-coated fissure of her sensitive, flowered-open cunt.