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She nodded before telling me "I think I do, but I'm not sure, yet.", a trifle apprehensive.

"That's fine, honey. How about if I do it to you, first; then if you don't want to do that, you don't have to?"

"Yeah, that'd be okay.", she answered. I could tell that she was feeling a certain amount of eager anticipation, even though she was trying to play it cool. I just gave her a small smile before moving my lips to hers again.

As we exchanged a number of progressively longer kisses, I put my hand on her waist, then began gently petting her abdomen and belly with my fingertips. When she started revealing some of her increasing desire, I expanded my touch to include her breasts — and when she parted them for me, the insides of her thighs. With us about to try something new for her, I was deliberately keeping the level of my contact with her body a little bit behind the arousal she exhibited.

Her desire was clear as it could be when she did something new — parted her lips slightly, and briefly touched her tongue to my lips. I'd avoided that kind of kissing with her up until then for fear of frightening her; but with her making the first move that way, I was quite willing to follow her lead. I separated my own lips, and sent my tongue out in search of hers, and it wasn't but a few seconds before they were introducing themselves to each other. As our tongues slowly danced from my mouth to hers and back again, I could feel her desire growing. When I let my hand finally come to rest on her mound, I could feel the warmth emanating from her opening. It took only a few moments for me to collect enough of her oils on my finger so that I could begin toying with her clitoris — something that had her moaning into my mouth.

We continued to kiss for as long as we could while I slowly and gently tended to the little knob of flesh at the top of her cleft; when her breathing became impassioned enough that she needed her mouth to breathe with, I simply shifted my oral attentions to the warm mounds of her breasts, and the inviting targets of her puckered areolas and erect nipples.

I could have easily, and happily, stayed like that with her; I already knew that it wouldn't be difficult to help her have a perfectly dandy orgasm that way. But what both of us wanted was for her to find out what it was like to have her virginal young snatch eaten. So I didn't spend as much time using my mouth and hand on her as I had before; in fact, I doubt that I paid her much more than token attention that way, because I was so eager to finally get my head between her firm, smooth thighs.

She didn't have any noticeable reaction when I eased my hand away from her mons, but she opened her eyes to watch me when she felt me begin to kiss my way down her body. When I moved my body over hers, and between her spread legs, she didn't exhibit even the slightest concern about what I might do… she was simply too focused on what I was doing, and where she knew I was going.

At her navel, I spent a few seconds tonguing her slight "innie" before continuing my journey.

When my lips reached her small pubic thatch, I used my lips to gently pull on the fine, pale strands of her soft bush as I slowly and steadily moved my head closer and closer to my goal.

With my head finally between her silken thighs, she let me guide her into bringing her knees up and spreading her legs a little more — leaving her open to whatever I might subject her to. A quick glance up told me that she was a little concerned about what I might think about being so close to such an intimate part of her body. Lowering my head, I applied a soft kiss to her mons before looking up at her and saying "This part of you is as pretty as everything else."

She was surprised at what I said, but pleased by it, too; when I lowered my head and kissed her again, she let her head lower to the pillow again, ready to accept what I was about to offer her.

Not only did I have a better view of her than when she'd exposed herself to me on my couch, but I also had the pleasure of seeing her in no small state of arousal. Her labia weren't as thin as the first time I'd seen them, and a bit darker, too — no doubt from her excitement. Between them, I could see the obviously wet entrance to her vagina. The scent of her was clear as could be; light, fresh, and somehow spicy and sweet at the same time, it made my mouth water in anticipation.

Her pubic hair was thin and sparse enough that I knew that there weren't going to be any problems with it. She didn't flinch when I cupped her cute ass cheeks in my hands, and used my thumbs to slightly open her up a little more so that I could see her half-exposed clitoris. In the few seconds I figured I had before she'd begin to get nervous again, I memorized the sight of her as best I could before lowering my head and running the tip of my tongue across her opening.

Her juices were light and thin, and proved to be every bit as tasty as they'd smelled… I happily collected another sample of them before drawing my tongue upwards and lightly tracing it across her clitoris — and having her arch her pelvis upwards slightly in response.

Slowly, patiently, and with great pleasure, I spent the next little while teaching her the pleasures of being the recipient of oral sex. I put my mouth over her opening and tried to gently suck her oils out; I softly "nibbled" her soft labia with my lips; I teased and generally bedeviled her clitoris with my tongue; I licked her as though she were an ice cream cone; I even tried (unsuccessfully) to see if I couldn't worm the tip of my tongue through the tight ring of her vaginal entrance. As her excitement and arousal grew, so did the availability of her woman's oils, which I greedily lapped up; there was no doubting that she enjoyed my efforts.

As she got closer and closer to orgasm, I concentrated my attentions more and more on her clitoris (though I did make sure none of her escaping essence was wasted). Though I'll confess to the temptation, I restrained myself from trying to make her rapidly-approaching climax any stronger than it was going to be — young as she was, and that being her first time, I didn't want to ruin a good thing by frightening her with something she likely wasn't ready for.

So when I felt the tension building in her, I simply continued what I was doing by twirling the tip of my tongue around her clitoris until she found her release.

I was half-afraid that her legs were going to meet at the middle of my head, she tried to slam them together so hard as the first powerful wave of her orgasm overwhelmed her. It wasn't that I minded having my head trapped between her firm thighs, but I was worried whether or not she'd broken an eardrum…

As she practically convulsed with the power of her orgasm, her vagina pushed out small waves of her juices for me to lick up, being careful to avoid stimulating her any more than I had to as I gave my taste buds that last little treat. When the force of the spasms coursing through her began to taper off, her legs fell apart again; I was relieved to discover that I could still hear. After giving her one last pass with my tongue, I crawled up to where I could take her into my arms and hold her as she got herself back together again. As she panted, I could clearly see that she was a little stunned at what had just happened to her. More than a little pleased, but stunned.

It was probably close to a couple of minutes before she could tell me "I thought that would maybe feel good — but I wasn't expecting anything like that! I mean, your tongue and everything… it felt way different than just fingers. Now I know why the older girls say they like that so much!"

Grinning, I hugged her before answering "I kinda figured you'd like it. I know I sure liked doing it!"

"I could tell. I… I was kinda surprised, a little, when you kept licking me like that. I mean, when I tasted the juice that comes out there, I thought it was kind of nice, but I didn't know if you'd like it." Promptly on the heels of that, I felt her blush with the realization of what she'd just admitted to doing.