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I just hugged her again before telling her "It's okay, Em. I'd be surprised if you didn't wonder what you tasted like. Whether or not you like it… well, that's up to you. I like how you taste, so there isn't any reason you shouldn't like it, too."

Somewhat mollified, she asked "Really?"

"Yeah, really.", I assured her.

I was content to hold her like that for however long she needed or wanted, and several minutes passed before she pulled back from me enough to look into my face and tell me "I decided that I want to do that for you, too. As good as you made ME feel, I… I want to see if I can do that for you."

I'd been fudging things a bit when I told her that I'd go first, and that she didn't "have" to reciprocate — I'd figured that once she found out what it was like to receive oral sex, she'd be more willing to have a try at giving it. I felt my penis twitch at the thought of having her lips wrapped around it before I told her "I'm not going to tell you 'no', because I have to admit that it would feel good if you helped me have a climax that way. You know that my semen will come out when I climax, and you're going to be using your mouth on me. You think about those two things, and let me know what you want to do."

I watched as she put those two little details together in her mind, and then considered them. It didn't take long before she said "If I'm using my mouth on you, then I might get your semen in it."

I nodded, and she asked "I could only get pregnant if I got semen in my vagina, right?"

"That's right.", I answered. She thought for another moment, and told me "I guess it would be okay if you squirted in my mouth, then. I… I was wondering what your stuff tasted like, too, so I'll just find out that way." A second later, she looked up at me and asked "Is there a lot of it?

Does it squirt out REAL hard?"

"There's only a couple tablespoons of it, from what I understand. It feels like it's coming out hard to me, but I'm told that it isn't that much — not like somebody suddenly turns on a garden hose, or anything."

Satisfied with my answers, she just nodded before moving close to me again.

Another few minutes went by before she gave me a little nudge to let me know to release her from my arms. When I did, she moved back from me far enough to sit up. Looking down at me, she said "As nice as you made me feel, I want to do that for you, too, before Gail gets home."

"Whenever you want to, Em. It doesn't have to be now or today if you want to wait."

She shook her head before answering "No, I don't want to wait. I really do want to try it; I'm just not sure what to do, and I don't want you to be disappointed after what you did for me."

"Emma, honey, I'm not going to be disappointed — not even if you change you mind and decide you don't want to. I told you, you're someone special to me; and I love you and care about you enough that I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with, okay?"

She gave me a pleased smile, then said "But I am comfortable with this … at least, that I want to do it. I'm just not sure how to start."

Hearing that, I realized that it was, quite literally, the truth. Feeling like an idiot, I patiently told her a couple of things to help get her going, then let her know that I wouldn't mind if she wanted to try other things to see what happened. That was all she needed, really.

Leaning over me, she took my penis in her hand and lifted it up so that she could give the head of it a somewhat tentative lick. Learning that it didn't taste bad, she took the head in her mouth and began softly sucking on it as she started to stroke the shaft. It was a little slow going at first, but as I began to grow in her hand, she got the feedback and confidence she needed to continue. It didn't take her long to realize that the head of my penis was pretty much like her clitoris as far as how sensitive it was, but that applying her growing skills to the rest of my cock worked, too. As I'd hoped, the transition from starting with my flaccid penis and then proceeding until she got me completely hard was enough to keep my erection from being something frightening to her. If anything, the knowledge that she'd been the one to get me to that state only seemed to please her.

Her lack of skill actually proved to do as much to help my arousal and enjoyment of her efforts as if she'd been far more experienced, for the simple reason that the mistakes she made accomplished what a much more talented woman would have to do deliberately — and I loved every minute of it. I only had to caution her about a couple of things, and make one small suggestion; the rest of it she pretty much figured out on her own by how I responded to what she did.

Her enthusiasm grew in proportion to her learning, and it wasn't all that long before she had me as aroused as I'd ever been, and a good way toward my release. When I finally told her that I was getting close, she increased her efforts; the rapid bobbing of her head on my hard cock as she softly sucked on it and ran her tongue along the underside were the final straw. Despite my efforts to enjoy her handiwork for as long as possible, there was simply no way to keep it from happening; when I managed to gasp out "Em! It's gonna happen!", she took me as far into her mouth as she could before using her tongue to tickle the underside of my erection right behind the head. That was all it took, and I felt it as the first wad of my cum raced through my cock to erupt against the back of her throat. Her eyes widened when it happened, and she let a little bit of my manhood slip from between her lips, but didn't react otherwise as I continued to empty my balls into her warm mouth. Only when the last trickle of semen dribbled out of me did she swallow my cum — while looking up at me with a pleased and self-satisfied expression on her face. As my penis began to shrink, she tightened her lips around it and pulled her head back, milking the last few drops of cum out of me.

When I gestured for her to come closer, I could see how happy she was that she'd made me climax; I held her body on top of mine and put my arms around her before giving her a kiss and a hug. Smiling down at me, she asked "I did okay? You liked that?"

I just smiled as I told her "Considering what just happened, I think you already know that you did just fine, and that I liked it a lot."

She laughed before telling me "Well, I thought so, but I just wanted to make sure. I was really surprised at how hard it came out, though — I know you said it wasn't like a hose, or anything, but still…!"

I chuckled and gave her a hug before asking "I guess you thought the taste was okay?"

She crinkled her nose as she answered "Yeah. I didn't expect it to taste salty like that, but it wasn't bad, or anything. If we do this some more, you don't have to tell me when it's going to happen, like that; I know what to expect, now, so it's okay if you want to squirt in my mouth."

"I'm glad to hear that", I told her, "because for guys, it makes our climax better when the girl does for them what you did for me. If you didn't want to have me in your mouth when that happened, you could have used your hand to finish me, and I still would have had a climax — it just wouldn't have been as good. Kind of like the difference for you when we use our hand, or when I use my mouth."

She nodded her understanding before lowering her head to rest on my chest. I softly kissed the top of her head, and she raised up enough to smile at me, letting me know that she liked what I'd done.

Several minutes went by with me just holding her lithe young body before I remembered that she'd expressed some concern about us finishing before Gail got home. Softly caressing one of her firm ass cheeks, I told her "I like having you lay on me like this, but you said you wanted to make sure we were done before Gail got home. If you want to, we can take a quick shower together; or you can take one by yourself, if you want."