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She quickly lifted her head to look at me, and eagerly asked "I can take a shower with you? Both of us naked, together?"

Laughing, I answered "Well, I'm pretty sure 'with me' means we'd be together, yeah. And I don't think that getting dressed for it would make a lot of sense, so I suppose we'd better be naked, too."

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I mimed kissing it, to her amusement, before she clambered off of me. As she moved toward the edge of the bed, she informed me "I most certainly do want to take a naked shower with you. What are you waiting for?"

Amused at her demeanor, I was soon standing with her next to the bed; she led the way into the bathroom, where she took charge of getting the water started, then adjusted to a satisfactory temperature. With the admonition to be careful not to get her hair wet, she got the two of us under the spray — where we had a brief, but certainly enjoyable, cleanup that included a fair measure of rubbing up against each other and mutual molestation.

Once we were dried off and dressed again, we resumed our seats on the couch, where she snuggled into my side while holding my hand over her breast as I softly caressed it.

We were still like that when Gail turned up from school. Gail didn't have any visible reaction to seeing me with my hand on her sister's breast; when Emma got up and told Gail to go ahead and sit next to me if she wanted, the younger girl was just as willing to draw my hand down so that I could do the same thing to her, as Emma looked on.

It took less than a month for Gail to decide that she wanted to find out about oral sex, too. Her labia were a bit thicker than Emma's, but just as small and soft. Her female oils had a slightly tangy taste, though they were still light and fresh. To my pleasure, it took a little longer before she had her orgasm. She wasn't sure she was ready to have me cum in her mouth, so she used her hand to finish me; when I was done, she collected a dollop of my semen for taste-testing. On deciding that she liked it, she quickly transferred all she could to her mouth with a happy smile.

There was a period there that I was feasting on fresh, young pussy at least once a week, sometimes a couple or more — and getting blowjobs just as often.

Then there was a sudden and dramatic increase in the amount of business I had. Several companies that I'd done work before all wanted to come out with new products at pretty close to the same time, which had me as busy as the proverbial one-armed paper-hanger. That didn't leave me with as much time for Emma and Gail as I would have liked… something that left them more than a little unhappy.

I'd finished a tricky bit of code, and was taking a break one Monday morning when the two of them came over to see me. It was some school holiday, and they'd gotten bored trying to watch daytime television; despite knowing that I was busy with work, they'd come over anyway. Cute as they were, I couldn't get upset with them, though I did tell them that I couldn't take too much time away from my work — I simply had too much to do. Both said they understood, and were just glad I could talk to them.

We chatted for a little while, then each of them let me know that they'd like to have some

"private" time with me. With me leaving it up to them how much of what we did, it had always worked out that I was intimate with just one of them at a time; that day, both of them wanted to be with me, and they started to disagree about which one of them it would be. While it was a little flattering to have two nubile teeny-boppers arguing over which one got to have me, it was also rather annoying listening to them — particularly when they actually started to argue about it.

Hoping they'd settle down again, I waited a couple of minutes; but when they kept at it, I finally figured I had to put an end to it.

"All right, you two! Settle down!", I commanded, a bit loudly. I'd never been that loud or forceful with them before, so they immediately quieted down, and began to stare at me.

At a more normal tone, I told them "You should listen to yourselves! Both of you arguing with each other about which one of you I'm going to be with. Neither one of you has bothered to ask what I might want; you've just assumed that I'll do whatever you want me to. And that's despite the fact that I've already told you that I'm just too damn busy with work. So all you're doing is getting mad and fussing at each other about something that isn't going to happen anyway.

Now what, exactly, is the problem with you two?"

Abashed, they looked at each other for a moment before Emma told me "Both of us really like it when you use your mouth on us, 'cause you make it feel so much better than when we just take care of ourselves. It's been weeks since you were with us, and both of us want to feel good like that again."

To that, Gail added "We both like to give you blowjobs, too, and we wanted to do that for you to help you maybe relax a little bit about all the work you're doing. And we just miss being with you, too, and doing stuff like getting cleaned up after we're together."

Patiently, I asked them "Did it ever occur to either of you that you could help each other while I'm busy?"

Both sat there, looking at me with blank expressions. Realizing that they literally didn't know what I was getting at, I told them "There isn't a reason in the world that you two can't do things together, just like you do them with me. Both of you have told me that you don't think your own juices taste bad; has it ever crossed your minds to see if maybe your sisters taste okay, too? That if you like the way I touch you, then maybe you could do the same thing for your sister?"

Once I'd pointed out the option, both of them turned their head to look at the other and consider the possibility. When they were facing me again, Gail asked "Wouldn't that mean we were, like, lesbians?", followed by Emma's plaintive "What happens if someone finds out?"

I snorted before answering "You can't know if you're lesbians until you know whether or not you like to have sex with a guy; lesbians only want to have sex with other girls. If you like to do stuff with girls AND guys, then you're what they call 'bi-sexual', which just means that you like both.

There isn't anything wrong with being bi-sexual, or even a lesbian; it's just different, is all. If it turns out you like it, and you can make each other feel good, does it really matter? And who's going to find out, and how? If you're doing things with each other, I don't think you're going to say anything, and you know I'm sure not going to… so who's going to know, except you?"

They looked at each other again for several seconds before turning back to me and Emma saying

"I… I guess we could, um, try." A moment later, Gail asked "Gary? Could you… could you maybe be with us at first? Kind of help us get started?", followed by Emma nodding her agreement.

I really hadn't expected to be asked to help them find out what it was like to be with another girl; but once the question had been asked, the idea of watching and being involved as they got intimate with each other did wonders for my libido. My answer was delayed only by the necessity of calming myself before I told them "Sure, I can do that."

After they'd shared another look, both of them got up to stand next to the couch; I followed their example, and each of them took one of my hands before leading the way back to my bedroom.

When all three of us were naked and on the bed, we sat there in a rough triangle for a few moments before I leaned over to give Gail a soft kiss on the lips — then did the same for Emma.