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"Still, it's an insult to me," Harvey said. "And a serious breach of etiquette. How can a man who can't control his wife handle any responsibilities in this company? A man like that would have to be dismissed."

Kim lost all her composure at that point and fell to the floor sobbing. Ike Harvey rounded his desk and took her firmly by the shoulders and helped her to the couch. Her face fell against his chest and she sobbed out the frustration and loneliness of the last five weeks.

Harvey said, in a much softer voice, "Suppose you tell me all about what's going on. Maybe you have a reason for all this, maybe you're not here to tease."

The young bride lifted her tearful face up and opened her eyes to the man who was hatching one of the most diabolical schemes he had ever tried to put into effect. He remembered the guy now, Stevens, Kirk, or something like that. He remembered that the young man had insulted him in the elevator some weeks ago, not knowing who Harvey was, had called him a fat old man. Ike was heavy, he admitted, but not fat, and he could never brook such an insult without seeking of some kind of revenge. That was why Stevens had been kept at the bottom and not moved to a junior management level soon after his arrival, why he would stay there until Ike was satisfied that he had been punished. That was why he hadn't been summarily fired. Ike had wanted to keep him around to see what could be done.

And now his breathtaking young wife had come along with the answer to the question. Ike Harvey fully intended using Stevens' innocent young bride for his revenge.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Harvey posed the question. "I can't just let it go by. I'm sure you came to tease me into acceding to your wishes. You're going to have to prove to me that you're not a tease."

"Anything," Kim conceded. "Only don't tell him, don't fire him. He'd kill me."

"I'll have to put him on probation. And you as well. I'll have to see just what you're willing to do in the future to make amends for all this."

Kim tried to smile. "You'll see how well he can do. And I'll help him."

"Then you're willing to do what you must to help your husband rise in the company, and to keep his job, at the very least."

Kim's eyes were drying now and she wiped her cheeks. "Yes, I'm willing to help in your public relations department, go to the parties, whatever it is that he has to do to make things better for us."

"You realize that you'll be given specific tasks to do on your own, without your husband."

"I'll do it," she said eagerly.

Ike smiled. "That's good. Now you're going to have to prove it to me. Why don't you start by telling me what brought this all on?"

Kim tried to speak and the tears began to flow again. "He's so frustrated. It's affecting our whole lives. We used to be so happy."

Ike smiled, slipping his arm around her shoulders. "You mean he's stopped being a husband to you?"

Kim shook her head. "He's stopped being."

Ike smiled again. "You mean it's affecting your love life. He can't make love to you anymore?"

Kim's eyes searched his face miserably. It was as if he were reading her mind. "Y-yes, I guess so."

"Are you telling me he's impotent, that he can't get it up?"

Kim stared at him in astonishment, then broke down in sobs.

Ike cradled the young woman against his chest and spoke to her softly. "There, there, my child, it can't be as bad as all that. There's always a way to remedy every situation."

"How?" Kim cried. "We have so little as it is. When we don't even have love left between us."

"Well, think of how bad it will be if he loses his job," Ike said, reminding her that even that was in jeopardy. Still…

"But if a young girl has that, that physical fulfilment, the joy of sex, she can forget about a lot of the hardships that she has to go through in her marriage. She needs a man's touch. Her body craves it. It calms her nerves and her soul." Harvey, one arm around her shoulders, moved the other hand up to one of her full, round breasts, stroking lightly, feeling the shape of the throbbing orbs.

Kim caught her breath, vaguely aware, through the haze of the alcohol he had pushed on her, that she was being touched in a place that only Curt had touched her before. He was touching her breasts and she remembered the times in high school when the football players she had gone out with had tried to put their hands inside her blouse. And she remembered that she had pushed them away as roughly as she could. And then she remembered that she was in Ike Harvey's office and that she and Curt were "on probation" and that if she did anything at all to offend this man that her husband would know that she had come here and that he would lose his job and that he would be destroyed inside himself and that their marriage and their relationship and their sex life and her dream life would all be destroyed because she had offended this very rich and powerful man who now wanted to touch her beautiful, tender white breasts.

So she forced herself to relax and let him run his hands over the fabric covered mounds and she felt her flesh tingling in spite of herself. It was the kind of touch she had been missing from her beloved Curt and she felt her nipple area contract against her will. So she let him do it because she was frightened and desperate and because the alcohol had clouded her judgement and left her without her usual moral defenses.

"A healthy young woman like you needs what a man can give her," Harvey droned. "Society says you must leave it out if your husband can't do it for you. They say you must forget the joy of having a man's hands running gently over your breasts, like this." And Harvey undid her top buttons and slid his hand slowly inside, across her bra-encased tits. His other hand slid down over her shoulder and found the snap that held the bra in place and released it and with a grunt of approval he slid the caressing hand under the loosened undergarment and palmed the huge firm mound. The hard nipples rasped against his palms, so excited that he could hardly believe it. "A girl loves to have her breasts caressed and squeezed when she's feeling insecure." And Ike squeezed them just as he said, and heard her sigh almost inaudibly. At first, her body was tense, but as the sweet sensations grew, she melted against him, resigning herself to the fact that he held her future in his hands figuratively even as he held her breasts in his hands literally.

"You know what your body craves," he crooned in her ear, kissing her cheek lightly. "And he hasn't been giving it to you the way you need it. Your nipples are so hard. I've never felt harder nipples, or tits so big and round and firm."

Kim winced inwardly at the word "tits" but the mild shock was not enough to break the spell he was weaving over her alcohol numbed senses.

"Just think of Kirk's hands running gently over your lovely tits, bringing all the pleasure into them that they can possibly feel, and then the ecstasy when his mouth covers your pink, tingling nipples." And Ike Harvey, his mouth watering, covered one of her pink and erect nipples in a deep sucking kiss. His hands and mouth travelled freely now over the young bride's burning flesh, recalling the wonderful feelings she had formerly only enjoyed with her beloved husband. His hands kneaded the doughy mounds and tested their weight and shape and firmness and he marvelled at the size and consistency of them. Breasts as large as these usually fell or sagged, but these had as yet not surrendered to the ravages of gravity. Her whole body was gradually losing its rigidity, becoming putty in his hands.