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and up to greet her friend.

They left in a boat yesterday. Something must

have happened because they were supposed to

come back for me.

May is looking a little consternated, but her friend has hardened her

face. They both turn to go up the hill, the friend’s arm around May’s

frail frame. May’s friend says grimly

I never did like that man.

Finegan is bargaining with the farm matron. She complains that the

group staying with her


Ate everything.

Ready to barter, Finegan says

I’ve got some fine fish here, fresh from last

night, and if you let me stay for dinner I’d be


Finegan reaches behind him to pull a rusty child’s wagon out and heaves

the wooden box of fish into it. They set out up the hill, side by side,


How’d you catch all that? We don’t get but an

occasional with the line.

The sky is beginning to turn orange, signaling eventide.


Fish are sizzling in a pan placed over a campfire. Finegan is milling

around in the background, talking to several people over a pile of junk

that has been assembled. There are children in the group, curious as


A man jogs up holding what looks like a radio setup, including a long

stiff wire that has been used as an antenna. Finegan takes this in his

hands and looks it over, talking to the man at the same time, and

glancing up at the rooftop.

Can’t get anything from there?

The man shakes his head.

Not lately. I think the base tower went down.

The group is drifting away, moving toward the picnic table in

anticipation of supper. The farm matron comes up from behind Finegan

and begins talking behind him, so the group won’t be alerted to their

conversation. She has a bag of onions hanging from one hand, her barter

for the fish, to explain why she is approaching him. Finegan looks up,

but does not yet turn around to face her, sensing the agenda.

The farm matron speaks quietly.

I have a favor to ask. We’ve got little Joey

here, was trapped here with his grandad when

the waters started to rise. Grandpa died

yesterday, and the boy wants to go home. Take

the boy up aways and give his folks the body.

I’m afraid if you don’t do this, someone here

will eat him.


Finegan nods, then turns for their official conversation about the


Fine mess you have there! Keep well too. You

grow these here?

As the farm matron backs away, Finegan moves to the side to address an

old timer at the fringe.

Finegan is desperate for a drink, the burning issue on his alcohol

sopped mind. Of all the casualties in the flood, the disappearance of

readily available booze has been the worst, to his way of thinking.

Where you folks keep the still?

The old timer laughs and points.

Out yonder in the flood.


Chapter 2: Burial at Sea

The following morning Finegan has a couple passengers on the houseboat.

Joey is sleeping at the side of his dead grandpa, who has been wrapped

in a sheet. Joey has one arm over the chest of the corpse, his head

resting on grandpa’s shoulder despite the flies beginning to buzz

about. Finegan is standing in the doorway of the house, arms folded,

looking at the scene and pondering.

Barney had been sleeping next to Joey, but looks up at Finegan

expectantly. Feeling Barney move, Joey wakens. He points across the


We lived over there, but yonder, behind that


Seeing the cloud of buzzing flies, Finegan is seeking a quick solution.

You ever heard of burial at sea?

Joey is clearly anxious about being separated from his only flesh and

blood relative at hand, even if the flesh and blood are not too


But then I could never go visit my granpa!

Finegan unties the houseboat and peddals out into open water, away from

any danger of sunken trees. Joey is at the front of the boat, holding

onto one of the corner posts, pointing on occasion as he sees a

landmark he recognizes.

The corpse has been moved up to the front of the boat and positioned so

it is sitting up, as though grandpa were participating in the

homecoming. The flies have gotten thicker now, buzzing around in angry


As the houseboat moves along in a parallel line to the new coastline,

it rounds the hill Joey had been pointing to, and Joey can suddenly see

the spot where his home used to be. He gets a stunned look on his face,

stumbles backwards toward grandpa and falls into his lap. Joey is

batting at the buzzing flies and starting to tear up. He scrambles to

his feet and up onto the rooftop where he can face Finegan.

That’s the house, there, in the water!

The one-story suburban ranch house is situated on a hillside so that

the basement is developed with a patio out into the backyard. The house

is flooded to the extent that the basement is under water by a couple

feet. The house appears to be deserted.



Finegan and Joey slosh up toward the basement sliding doors. Joey is

calling for his mom and dad, but the house is empty. Finegan pulls on

the sliding doors and after a few tugs manages to get one to slide

open. They wade into the basement, developed as a rec room with a pool

table. Finegan heads straight toward the bar and begins rummaging

around. He finds a half filled bottle of whiskey, and looks at it with

satisfaction, puts it on the counter and checks for more.

Joey is clamoring up the stairs in search of his family but returns,

standing at the top of the stairs.

They’re gone.

Finegan has his whiskey bottle and some other booze he has located,

half filled bottles, in an ice pail tucked under his arm as he mounts

the stairs.

Did they leave a note?

The house has an open style, so there are no walls between the kitchen

and living areas. Finegan and Joey are looking around on table tops,

the refrigerator door, the bathroom mirror, and the kitchen counter

top, but are finding no indication of anything but disorganized panic.

Some items of clothing have been left on the sofa. A glass of juice

sits half empty on the kitchen countertop.