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“Of course.”

“Needless to say, everything I tell you is confidential.” She straightened her notes, making the paper crackle.

“Absolutely.” He tipped his head to one side. The sun chose that moment to break free of the clouds and a ray shot in through the window, illuminating Alicia. She reminded him more of a fairy queen than a lawyer. She looked as if she’d be just as comfortable sitting on some forest throne, giving directions to her faithful warriors, as she did sitting behind her desk.

Man, he was losing it. He’d never waxed poetic in his life. It felt strange, yet somehow right. He shook his head and forced himself to listen as she went over the particulars of the case. Or at least as much of it as he needed to be aware of.

The blouse she was wearing this morning matched her eyes. The v-neck was discreet, yet his gaze was drawn again and again to the slight expanse of skin exposed at her neckline. The material draped loosely over her breasts, yet he knew how firm and full they were. Gill wondered if she was wearing a sexy bra beneath it. Maybe. But then again, even if she wore plain white cotton, she’d be sexy. Her pants were tailored and looked expensive even to his masculine eye, as were the low-heeled leather boots she wore.

He realized she’d stopped talking. He’d gotten distracted by Alicia once again. If he didn’t pay attention, she’d fire him before he even started.

“So, you want me to talk to these folks and get statements from them.” He reached over and took the sheet she offered him. It contained a list of names, occupations and last known addresses.

“Yes.” Alicia tapped her pen against the blotter, stopping suddenly as if realizing what she was doing. “This is a very sensitive case. My client is divorcing a prominent member of the community.”


“Yes.” Alicia shoved her fingers through her hair before rubbing the back of her neck.

Gill wanted to rub it for her, maybe nibble on her nape. She looked tired.

“And it’s going to get messier. She’s suing for full custody of their daughter. Her husband abused her for years, but she kept silent about it, hiding it. She’s finally gotten the courage to leave him.”

All thought of seduction fled and he sat up straight. The thought of any woman being abused set him on edge. “How bad?”

“Bad enough.” Alicia shook her head. “I’m not sure she would have left him if her brother hadn’t moved back to town. Her husband, Jim, is a bully, but he’s a charismatic bastard who has half the town almost convinced that Elizabeth is mentally unstable and an unfit mother.”

“Don’t worry. I know how to ferret out information from people. I’ll get you what you need.”

She took out an official form, laying it on the desk in front of him. “Keep track of whatever hours you spend working on this. I’ll make sure you get paid.”

Irritation filled him. He wanted to be more to her than just the hired help. He folded the paper and tucked it into his back pocket. “It shouldn’t be any problem, even with the people who don’t live here any longer. It may take me a bit longer, but I’ll find them.”

He stood and so did she. Gill could see the dismissal in her eyes. He wasn’t having any of it.

“I’ve dreamed of you the past two nights.” He wanted a reaction out of her and he got it. Her face paled, then turned red. Sauntering around the side of the desk, he came to a halt just in front of her.

She tipped back her head so she was looking straight at him. “This is not a good idea.”

“Probably not,” he agreed, but that small fact wasn’t going to stop him. He cupped the back of her head with his palm and leaned down. Their lips met. Alicia kept her mouth closed and held herself stiff, but she didn’t push him away. He was a patient man, and continued his quiet assault on her senses.

He licked at her lips, remembering her unique taste. Memories of that mouth licking and sucking at his body made his temperature rise. He clasped her shoulder with his free hand, urging her closer.

Alicia moaned and the sound shot straight to his groin. His balls pulled tight against his body as his cock lengthened and thickened. Her mouth parted and her tongue darted out to touch his lips. He kept the pressure light, encouraging her to take what she wanted.

He could feel her quivering. Sense her indecision. He wanted to drag her up against him and grind his pelvis against hers. Instead, he waited, gradually deepening the kiss.

Their tongues tangled, breath mingling as they rediscovered one another. When her breasts grazed his chest, he almost howled with pleasure.

What the heck was she doing? Alicia couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Passion was making her lose all common sense. There was no other explanation for her actions. She shouldn’t encourage him. She couldn’t afford to have an affair with Gill, but oh, how she longed to.

She’d never met a man who could make her body sing like he could. A simple touch from Gill was as good as an hour’s foreplay from another man. She was a chocoholic and he was the finest dark chocolate available. He was addictive and too much of him wasn’t good for her.

He was working for her. She needed his expertise with this case. Alicia had always made it a policy never to mix work with pleasure. She’d watched other colleagues try it over the years and it never worked out well. There were always problems.

“We can’t,” she gasped as he broke away and kissed his way down her jawline and neck.

“Sure we can,” he whispered. “We’re both adults.” He captured her earlobe between his teeth and nipped gently. Alicia shivered. “And we want each other.”

She couldn’t argue with him when his tongue was tracing the sensitive whorl of her ear. His strong fingers slid down the back of her head to her nape, holding her in place as he nibbled on her earlobe. Dampness gathered between her thighs, making her squirm.

She wanted him to stop. She wanted him to never stop.

She was being torn apart. Two halves of a whole—one sensible, one passionate—

both warring for control. Her knees threatened to give out and she grabbed his shoulders for support. Big mistake. Her fingers curled into him. His muscles were thick and heavy.

He was so solid she wanted to lean on him if only for a moment.

His skin, so warm and firm was almost within her reach. She tugged at the fabric of his shirt, pulling it from his waistband and slipping her hands beneath. Her fingers played over the expanse of muscle beneath. The crisp hair in the center of his chest tickled her palm. He groaned when her thumb flicked his flat nipple.

Alarm bells went off in her brain. She couldn’t do this. She was in her office for heaven’s sake. What if someone walked in on them?

Sliding her fingers from beneath his shirt, she placed both hands on his chest and pushed. He went easily, stepping away from her. His blond hair was tousled and his eyes practically seared her with their heat. She was no longer cold from the walk in the chilly air. In fact, she felt as if she’d stepped into a sauna.

She licked her lips and tried to catch her breath. His gaze slid from her face and landed on her chest. Alicia didn’t need to look down to know that her nipples were visible through the silk of her blouse. She raked a hand through her hair and tried to gather her defenses. Better late than never.

“I’m sorry. As I said, that was a mistake.” She held up her hand before he could speak. “Hear me out.” He nodded, tucking in his shirt where she’d tugged it out of the waistband of his jeans. There was no mistaking the heavy erection outlined against his zipper. She forced her gaze away.

“I work in this town. You’re just passing through.” Alicia tried to figure out the best way to phrase this without sounding like a prude or a hypocrite. “The other night was wonderful, but it was just one night. This is a conservative town and I can’t risk my reputation on a fling.”