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“I love you, Alicia.”

Never in all her years had she ever heard anything so romantic. She’d never expected a declaration of love, let alone one so eloquent or beautiful. “Oh, Gill,” she breathed.

“This is the part where you tell me that you love me back.”

She could sense the unease behind the bravado and realized that he had no idea how she truly felt about him. Her lips parted. She leaned forward. “Gill,” she began.

And then the phone rang.

Alicia jumped and Gill swore. It rang the second time and he offered her a wry smile. “Answer or ignore it?”

The answering machine kicked in and her quick message was played. After the tone came a voice all too familiar.

“Alicia, I know you’re there. Millie told me you’d gone home. If you don’t answer, I’m coming over there.”

Alicia sighed. “It’s my mother.” She unhooked her legs and slowly slid down Gill’s body. “Hold my place?”

He nodded, slowly lowering his arms from around her. She grabbed the phone before her mother hung up and made good on her threat. “Mom.”

Her mother began to babble incoherently, and Alicia held the phone away from her ear for a moment before attempting to speak. “Mom, calm down.”

The chatter stopped and she heard her mother take a breath. “I heard that the fact you’re having an affair is all over town and that clients are leaving your practice in droves.”

Alicia’s stomach dropped, but she ignored it. “I think that droves is a bit too dramatic, Mom. I might lose one or two clients, but that’s it. I can always get more. I’ve worked hard in this town and my reputation can weather this.” As she said it, she realized that she truly believed it. “Besides which, I still have several large clients who won’t leave my practice.”

Now that she was truly thinking logically about it, Cyndi O’Rourke’s account alone was huge for her practice, and she knew without a doubt that Cyndi wouldn’t pull her business just because of Gill. If anything, Cyndi was likely to cheer the fact that Alicia had a lover. Her long years of work would speak for itself with the community. Yes, there would be some problems, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She felt her worries about her law practice slip away.

“But you’ve worked so hard to have a place in the community.” Alicia could hear the concern in her mother’s voice.

“Mom, I still have a place in the community.” She’d built her business from scratch and could do it again if it came to that, although she didn’t think it would. She had faith in herself and her abilities. “Maybe even more than I realized before.”

“But to risk it all for some man!” her mother wailed.

“He’s not just any man.” Alicia paused and stared at Gill, who had wiped up the spilled tea and now stood beside her patiently waiting. She had a sudden sense that he would always stand beside her if she’d let him. Now that the moment was at hand, all her old fears seemed silly and immature. “I love him, Mom.”

She sensed the flood of relief as he pulled her into his arms. She leaned against his chest and sighed with relief. His muscles tensed and then relaxed. She could hear the heavy, reassuring thud of his heart beneath her ear. This is where she belonged.

Her mother had gone silent. “Mom, are you still there?”

“Are you sure, Alicia?”

“More certain than I’ve ever been about anything in my life.” And she wasn’t just saying the words. She truly felt it right to the marrow of her bones.

“You’ll bring him to supper to meet me and your father?” She could picture her mother already planning what she would serve and what china she would put on the table.

Being proper was very important to Crystal Flint. She and her mother might be very different in the way they viewed life, but Alicia never doubted that her mother loved her.

Alicia smiled. It wouldn’t take Gill long to get her family’s stamp of approval. Not that he needed it, but she wanted her family to get along with him. She had no idea where their relationship would go from here. It was enough for now that she loved him and he loved her.

“I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you later.”

“Alicia,” her mother paused. “I only want what’s best for you. I don’t want you to be hurt.” That was her mother’s way of letting her know she cared and Alicia felt the last of her tension seep out of her body.

“That’s what I want too. Talk to you later.” She hung up the phone and turned to face Gill. She felt strangely light, almost buoyant. “Now, where were we?”

“You were about to tell me how much you loved me.” His voice was thick with emotion.

“I was, wasn’t I?” She took his face between her palms, feeling the slight scratch of scruff on his chin. She met his gaze and saw her love reflected in his steel-blue eyes. “I love you, Gill Baron. No matter what happens, no matter what comes of it. I don’t care what anyone else thinks about our relationship. All that matters is us.”

“Alicia,” he groaned as he buried his face in the curve of her neck. He leaned down and grasped her bottom and lifted her. She tucked her legs around his waist, and wrapped her arms around his neck, as he started walking toward the bedroom. She couldn’t wait to make love with him.

Chapter Nine

Gill kept his face buried in Alicia’s neck, inhaling her sweet, seductive fragrance as he carried her to their room. He no longer thought of it as just hers. He’d put his stamp on the place in the short time he’d been here. Some of his clothes were in the drawers, his shaving kit was in her bathroom, his shirts hung in the closet alongside her blouses and the book he was reading rested on the nightstand. He felt more at home here then he did in the apartment he’d lived in for the past ten years in Alabama.

Alicia signified home.

He kicked the door shut behind him, and made his way quickly to the bed. He had to get her naked, to touch her soft skin, to taste her intoxicating cream, to claim her as his.

She touched his face and tugged lightly on his hair. “Are you okay?”

Was he okay? He was overwhelmed by the emotions churning inside him. He’d never expected to feel this way about anyone, but somehow with Alicia, it was the most natural thing in the world. “Yeah, sugar. Everything is perfect.” Or at least it would be when he buried himself deep in her body.

With more haste than finesse, he placed her on the bed and stripped her jeans from her body. She lifted her butt and wiggled to help him slide the denim down her legs. He yanked off her socks, tossing them aside. Lifting one of her legs, he placed a kiss on the inside of her ankle, against the curve of her knee and then on the inside of her thigh. He inhaled deeply, breathing in her unique scent. She smelled of flowers and honey and hope.

Alicia didn’t wait for him. She yanked her top over her head, and then reached for him. Grabbing him by the shoulders, she pulled him close, plastering her lips against his.

Their tongues entwined, their breath mingled as he tasted the sweetness of her lips.

She pushed him away and started tugging on his sweater. He ripped it over his head, eager to feel his flesh against hers. He couldn’t get enough of her. As always, she wore the most enticing lingerie. This set was a deep purple that made her pale skin glow.

He thumbed her nipples through the stretchy purple lace. The hard tips were outlined against the fragile fabric. She moaned and stretched out on the bed, trailing her fingers down his chest. Her nails gently scraped against his belly as they dipped just inside the waistband of his jeans.