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He reaches for her hand. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Katie.”

Katie’s eyes shift between us, and I can see a thousand questions dancing in them, but, unlike my parents, she seems to get that now might not be the time. “That dress is killer,” she says. “You look like something out of a fairy tale.”

I smile at her. “You look incredible. I’ve always known you were gorgeous. I’m glad you see it now too.”

She flicks a glance between her date and me and blushes a pale pink. “Does Lexie know you’re here?”

“No. Not yet.”

She takes my hand and starts towing me to where I see Lexie and Trent circulating between tables near the dance floor. “She’s going to die.”

Blake and Ethan follow us as Katie wends us through the thickening crowd up front and stops us behind Lexie, where she’s talking to a couple I don’t recognize—a tall black girl with kinky reddish hair, and a good-looking guy with black hair and olive skin.

Trent is on her other side, and when he looks at Lexie, his eyes catch on me and go momentarily wide. He skirts around his new bride and stops in front of me. “Sam. Wow.”

“Hey, Trent. Congratulations.”

He bends down and gives me a peck on the cheek. “It’s so great that you’re here. Lexie’s going to flip,” he says, caressing her back with his fingertips.

Lexie stretches up and kisses the tall guy’s cheek. “I’m so glad you came, Alessandro,” she says, squeezing his hand. “We’ll catch up later, okay?”

She turns and smiles at Trent, but then her face pulls into an O of surprise when she sees me. I’m not quite sure how this will go, considering I haven’t spoken to her in a year, but then her whole face smiles. “No way!”

I cringe a little, suddenly embarrassed that I’ve been so juvenile. “Way. I hope you’re not mad we crashed your reception.”

“You can’t crash if you were invited.” Her eyes get moist as she pulls me into a hug. “Thank you,” she whispers in my ear. She lets me go after a long minute and grabs Katie’s and my hands, towing us onto the dance floor.

I shoot a glance over my shoulder at Blake, who’s talking to Ethan. He gives me a secret smile.

As Lexie, Katie, and I dance, it’s like the last year melts away and we’re just best friends, with none of the drama or angst, and I’m sorry I ever let a guy come between us. We dance through at least three songs before the band segues into a slow song, and Trent comes up behind Lexie. “Mind if I cut in?” he asks us, taking her hand.

I smile at him and lean close. “Treat her right.”

He smiles back as he pulls her to the middle of the dance floor.

I’m still watching after them when there’s a hand on my shoulder, and when I turn, Blake and Ethan are there. Ethan sweeps Katie into his arms and kisses her hand as they barely move to the rhythm. I look up at Blake.

He holds out his hand with a question in his eyes. “If I’m supposed to be your date, shouldn’t we dance?”

I take his hand and he folds mine into his as he lays his other hand on my waist, careful to keep a respectable distance between us. And then he starts to sway us to the slow beat.

I look at everything but him, because if I get caught in his eyes, I’m not going to be able to hold back. I watch Lexie and Trent, in the middle of the dance floor moving together and looking as if they’ve forgotten the rest of the world exists. I watch the band and try not to cry when I think about how much I wish it was Jonathan. I think about anything but how much the electricity of Blake’s touch brings me alive, and how strong his hand is, clasping mine so gently. And, more than anything, I try not to notice how my whole being reacts to his scent and the heat of his body, so close to mine.

But then the music shifts into the Bruno Mars song that was playing the night I met Blake in the VIP room—and I melt inside. I don’t stop him when he steps into me and draws me against the curve of his body. I don’t stop him as his hand releases mine and his fingers weave into the hair on the back of my head, pulling me to his shoulder. I lay my face against his chest, listening to the beat of his heart as I sink into the music and melt into Blake, and forget everything else.

THREE  DA NCES AND a weepy good-bye scene with Mom later, we’re driving home.

Blake reaches for my hand in my lap. “Did you have a good time?”

My eyes follow the strong lines of his face, illuminated by only the dashboard lights as he watches the road unfold. “I did. Thanks for doing this.”

His hand tightens around mine. “You deserve more. I wish I could turn back time and give you your life back.”

I tip my head into the headrest. “My life went to shit way before I met you, and it was no one’s fault but mine.” When I think about everything Blake has been through, it’s embarrassing to think how much I’ve taken for granted in my life. Maybe it’s seeing what he’s overcome to get where he is that’s made me regret some of my choices.

How to Ruin Your Life 101: When your mother pushes, you pull, and screw the consequences.

He shoots me a sideways glance. “Your life can be anything you want it to be, Sam. It’s far from over.”

“Maybe.” I turn my head and just stare at him. It’s all I want to do anymore. “What did you tell my stepdad, anyway?”

His jaw flexes as he twists his hand in mine and weaves our fingers together so we’re palm-to-palm. “I told him not to worry about you.”

I blow out a laugh. “And that shut him up?”

He turns the Escalade up the entrance ramp to the Bay Bridge and his eyes linger on mine for a second. “I told him I would die before I’d let anything happen to you.”

My heart stalls in my chest. I can’t think of a single thing to say. All I want to do is kiss him. My breathing’s a little shaky as I lean my head back again and close my eyes, forcing myself to stay put in this seat.

When we get back to the house, Blake walks me to the door of my bedroom. I want to open the door and pull him through, but after the magic of tonight, I don’t want to ruin whatever is happening between us by forcing him to shut me down.

My heart pumps faster when he stands here, gazing down into my eyes. He lifts his hand and traces my scar with his finger. “It’s been a while since I’ve danced like that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” It comes out breathier than I mean it to, and the ice in his eyes melts into deep blue pools.

His hand scoops around the nape of my neck and he tips my face up. Oh-so-slowly, he bends down to meet me, his liquid eyes watching me the whole way. I sigh as he closes the rest of the distance between us and seals his mouth over mine. His kiss is slow, and soft, but not tentative. He kisses me thoroughly, and I feel it to the toes of my champagne shoes.

Too soon, he pulls back. There’s fire in his gaze. “Good night, Sam West. I’ll dream about you in that dress tonight.”

I kiss him again, just a peck on the lips. “Good night, Blake Montgomery. After a kiss like that, I’ll be dreaming about you too.”

He smiles and backs toward the stairs, and it’s everything I can do not to follow. Once he’s out of sight and the stairwell goes dark, I push through my door. As I undress, I picture Blake downstairs, doing the same. And, as much as I still want to climb into that bed with him, it’s different somehow.

I’ve been afraid to admit to myself the feeling growing inside me because I was sure Blake couldn’t return it. But tonight I began to believe that maybe he could. When this is all over, when I’m no longer his job . . . I think he might be able to love me.

Chapter Thirty-Four

ALL DAY SUNDAY, Blake and I find reasons to be in the same places. I spend less time in my room, and he spends less working out. He doesn’t touch me, but every time our arms or knees “accidentally” brush as we’re sitting on the sofa, or at the breakfast bar, it sets my heart ablaze. It’s different than anything I’ve ever felt before—deeper and more visceral, as if Blake has taken root somewhere in my very being.