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"You can have it in the morning, if you'd like. I get up before you do and make a pot anyway. I'll bring some in to you tomorrow."

"Hey, you are good to me."

"Well…" Joan hesitated. Then, almost as though she had rehearsed it, "You're my roommate and I like doing things for you. It kind of makes me feel close, you know? Incidentally, I washed out your panties and hose again."

"You did? Really?"

"Sure. It was no bother."

"Real sweet of you. I mean that." Elspeth squinted quizzically across the rim of her coffee cup. "After all, you didn't even have the fun of taking them off me."

Joan dropped her gaze, cheeks turning pink. Elspeth felt suddenly bold, brazen; she had spoken on impulse but certainly had no reason to regret her words. That blushing face told her all she needed to know – and now, unaccountably, she was finding the role of wicked seductress rather stimulating.

"Well? It's true, isn't it, Joanie? You do have fun doing that. I'll bet you'd like to make love to me."

"Oh! You-you're so beautiful…"

"How come you waited so long to tell me? Why didn't you say that the night I moved in?"

"I-I wanted to. But I felt guilty."

"Guilty? Guilty about what?" Then, abruptly, "Oh the hell with it, let's have some action." Elspeth flipped the sheet all the way down, kicking it off with her feet. "There now, do you really think I'm beautiful? Tell me. Would you like to kiss my beautiful body?"


"Do it, then. I want you to. Do me good."

With a soft moan, Joan crumpled to the bed. Elspeth felt the weight upon her legs, the unfamiliar but long-anticipated touch of female hands on her bare skin; it set up a responsive stirring in her loins as the secret flesh seemed to prepare itself for the touch of female lips. That nice cunt feeling. But somehow the kiss didn't materialize and Joan just went on hugging her around the knees as though she lacked courage to go any farther.

"Don't quit now. Is that all you want?"

"Please… oh, I'm so mixed up…"

"Oh shit, you know damn well what you want. And right now it's the same thing I want. You know. So what the hell are you waiting for?"

Another moan sounded down there as Elspeth lay motionless, quelling the urge to dig her fingers into that mousy head of hair and haul that flushed face up between her thighs. Right up where she needed it. But this was their first time and she wanted Joan to do it all by herself. Let there be no recriminations afterward, let there be no doubt about who was doing what and with which and to whom. If this lesbian desired her beautiful body, okay, it was right there for the taking. All she had to do was take it.

Then, tentatively, Joan's face moved and Elspeth quivered to the warmth of soft lesbian lips browsing along the skin of her thighs. Browsing but not taking. No. More like… worshipping? Mmm, yes, that was it, worshipping with each tiny advance, dallying and worshipping as though she had to work up fresh courage to gain every intimate inch. And in a flash of near-blinding insight Elspeth got a glimpse of the total pattern, the whole thing, not just the main motif – this lesbian roomie of hers wasn't just a lesbian, she was a lesbian masochist!

For a moment Elspeth was tempted to put her wild new thought into words and bring the truth out into the open. Find out the truth, one way or the other. But the thought itself only increased her already seething excitement and now she could no longer stave off that big need. Okay, why wait, why not kill two birds with one stone? – oh shit, maybe she was guessing all wrong, maybe it would kill the whole Goddamn deal too, but she just had to go ahead and say it. Say it loud and clear. Even if the crazy words sounded embarrassing to her own ears.

"Listen, I'm getting impatient, you hear me? Come on, you lezzie bitch, kiss my cunt!"

The reaction came fast and frantically, sending Elspeth into a swirl of pleasure; she reveled in the fervid lapping warmth that washed away any and all trace of embarrassment. Kiss my cunt. It sounded dirty, maybe, but hardly embarrassing, not when those lesbian lips loved doing it so much. Or at least they seemed to love doing it. Lesbian tongue, too, moist lips and darting tongue, hot lesbian mouth, sucking and licking and gobbling.

"Joan, wait… stop…"


"Look at me. At my cunt, my cunt, look at my cunt! Stop kissing and just look at it."


Elspeth jutted her pelvis peremptorily and the hidden face bounced up to appear from between her thighs. She peered down at it, such a cute face, all smeared and shiny and sexy, the face of her lesbian roommate, her lesbian lover; was there ever such a deliciously messy face?

"You like my cunt?"


"Tell me. You like my cunt?"

"Must you ask? I love it, I love it…"

Even as she spoke, Joan ducked low again as if to prove her devotion. The suddenly resumed suction turned Elspeth's wet and aroused flesh into a thrill swollen blister about to burst; the jut of her pelvis was a demand for more this time, more lips, more tongue, more mouth, more of whatever this cunt-loving lesbian could give her. More blessings to count – a climax some blessing! – along with rinsing out lingerie and providing breakfast in bed. Ah yes, it was nice to be worshipped…


Talk about luxury! Breakfast in bed. Just juice and coffee and toast, of course, but Elspeth was sure she could have had more simply for the asking. With the tray over her lap, she leaned back languidly and sipped and munched as Joan scurried around getting dressed to go off to work. Even with all that scurrying, though, there appeared to be plenty of time for conversation, just idle small-talk at first until Elspeth zeroed in on the all-important topic.

"Joan, tell me something. About last night…"

"Please. Must we talk about that?"

"Yes. I want to. Oh, don't worry, I won't make a federal case out of it, I'm just trying to understand. Last night you told me I was beautiful, remember? And that led to… well, you know what. So how come you didn't mention it sooner?"

"I – uh…"

"You said something about feeling guilty. Come on now, what does that mean? Guilty about what? Or maybe you didn't really want me that first night, huh?"

"Oh. I did want you, darling, I couldn't keep my hands off you. When you complained of being stiff I almost offered to give you a massage." Joan bit her lip; then, in a torrent of confession, "Okay, I'd better get it off my chest. Elspeth, I felt guilty about the apartment. This building, I mean – the woman who owns it is gay and so are most of the tenants. Gay girls. I should have told you that before you decided to move in with me."

"I'll be damned! Yeah, you should have." The idea of living in a nest of lesbians was somewhat disconcerting. "But it's done now, so stop feeling guilty and just fill me in on the details, will you? Is the place dangerous? You figure I might get raped in the hallway by some big bull-dyke?"

"Good grief, no, nothing like that. Quite the contrary, in fact, it's all very discreet and ladylike. Margalo Fitch wouldn't have it otherwise."

"Margalo Fitch. She's the owner?"

"Sole owner. Lives in the penthouse. And she rents only to women who are, uh, sympathetic, you might say."

"I get it. Like this whole building is her harem, huh? One great big lesbian harem for Margalo Fitch…"

"Oh, no. Anyway, I doubt it. She plays around, of course, but it's all done with the utmost discretion. Behind locked doors, you know what I mean?"

"Sounds kind of interesting, I must admit. What does she look like?"

"A real brunette type, dark hair and green eyes. Pretty gorgeous. A little on the heavy side, mature – late thirties, I guess – but she makes the most of her assets. Always dressed just right, always groomed to perfection. Elspeth, she's got a personal maid who does nothing but take care of her."