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The thought gave Margalo a thrill of anticipation.

"Another cuntlapper," she murmured aloud.


"Nothing." Then, covering her slip in a sharp tone, "Come on, Inez, lap my cunt, lap it good, you cuntlapper!"


A light rain had fallen throughout the day and Elspeth remained indoors, content to laze around and let the languid hours pass. There was a dinner date on tap for her, a date with an old boyfriend, but even that seemed too big a bother and she managed to ring the guy and brush him off without bruising his poor male ego. Somehow the idea of spending the evening in masculine company just didn't appeal to her, especially since it would have entailed so much preparatory primping; with such an obliging roomie to take care of her needs – all her needs! – who needed men? Joan would be tickled pink, of course, and grateful, too, grateful for the canceled date and no doubt eager to demonstrate that gratitude in her own inimitable manner. Dear little Joanie, so affectionate… and so willing…

The thought had a beguiling effect, surprisingly sexy in a sneaky way, but Elspeth was careful to keep her feelings under wraps when at last the front door opened. Her feelings if not her body. Clad in only a loosely buttoned pajama-top that played peekaboo with her breasts and yet accentuated a naked length of leg, she lounged upon the living room sofa leafing through a magazine in desultory fashion. Casually she tossed it aside and glanced up to nod a silent but smiling welcome.

Joan goggled. "Elspeth, you're still here? And not even dressed. Don't you have a date for dinner tonight?"

"I called it off. All that rain…"

"Oh. It's just misting now, but I'm glad anyway."

"Yeah. I figured you might be. Besides, it would have been a dull date and I'd rather do something with you. If the rain has stopped maybe we'll go out and see a movie later, huh?"

"Well… if you really feel like it. Want to eat out too?"

"I'm not very hungry. Hold off awhile and then we can just raid the refrigerator, okay? In the meantime I could sure use a drink, though – long as you're up and around, honey, would you do the honors?"

Joan scurried away enthusiastically, concocting a pair of tall ones and returning to perch herself upon the arm of the sofa. Dark eyes aglow, her gaze glided over Elspeth's exposed flesh like a warming sunbeam. "You look so beautiful," she murmured. And with an audibly appreciative sniff, "Smell kind of nice, too."

"I should, I just took a bath. Hey, you know something? I've got no junk for you to rinse out tonight. I was home all day and didn't wear any. Too bad, hmm?"

"Too bad? What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on, I thought you liked doing those little things for me. Aren't you disappointed? Just a teeny-weeny bit?"

"Silly…" Then, on the crest of a blush, "But you're right, I suppose. I do enjoy doing things for you."

"It's not so silly. Because I enjoy having you do them. All kinds of things."

Joan smiled shyly. "Especially in bed?"

"In bed. Out of bed. Everything."

"Oh. You mean washing…"

"I mean everything. Uh, for instance, just now. I asked for a drink and you scooted right off and got it for me."

"Weil you looked so relaxed and comfortable sitting there. It was only a small favor. And isn't that what a loving roommate is for?"

"You're a loving roomie, all right, and I sure get a kick out of it. You make me feel like a rich kid who doesn't have to lift a finger. Like some pampered society girl, I guess, or a movie star maybe, with a personal maid at my beck and call."

"Elspeth, I'm not a maid."

"Of course not, you're just being sweet. But this feeling I get from it – oh shit, it's kind of exciting, you know? Kind of sexy, somehow. When you do some little job for me…"

"Hmm. Too bad you didn't wear anything that needs rinsing, then – for whatever reason, I rather like seeing you excited. How's your drink? Ready for a refill?"

"Not yet, thanks."

"Isn't there anything… uh…"

Elspeth giggled. "Hey now. Almost makes me wish I hadn't taken that bath. You could have helped. Attended me right there in the bathroom, huh? Oooh, that might've been fun!" Again the giggle, just a shade coy. "Honey, how about it, would you do that for me some time? Like maybe stand by with a towel when I'm getting out of the tub?"

"Why not? If it means that much to you. Next time you're about to bathe, just ask – I think you'll find little Joan available. Available for anything and everything. I've been available since the day you moved in, darling. Haven't you guessed?"

"I'm learning, I'm learning. Hmm. Remember that first night? What you said about it, about wanting to massage my aching back, I mean – you really shouldn't have been so bashful. In the books I've come across, every lesbian romance begins something like that, some kind of massage scene, you know? Or maybe a helping hand with the suntan oil. Anyway, it starts out all business but gets sexy pretty damn quick. Yeah. Starts out all business and ends up with a bang, right?" Elspeth's sardonic tone turned petulant. "Only it didn't happen like that to me, did it? I ought to feel cheated."

"Sorry. Don't be. I'm available for that too. Shall I show you? Let me make up for it now."


"A massage. The massage to begin our lesbian romance." Elspeth pondered a moment. Then, grinning, "Oh shit, our romance has already begun. Never mind."

"Well… let me make it official then. Please?"

"You've got itchy fingers, huh? Nope. Forget it."

"But-but can't I even…"

"You can kiss my cunt, that's what you can do."



"Yes. Come on. The bedroom…"

"Fuck the bedroom. I'm too Goddamn hot. I mean I'm hot right here and now. Don't you want to?"

"I-I'd rather… oh, I do want to, I do, I do, I want to kiss you, kiss your cunt, your beautiful cunt…" Even as her body plummeted from the sofa-arm to the floor, all of Joan's emotion erupted in a sibilant storm of need. "I want to kiss it and suck it, oh yesss, I've got to suck that beautiful hot cunt of yours!"

"Hey, I like the way you say that. It turns me on. Yeah, suck it, suck it, get down there and sssuck my cunt…"

Joan bobbed low and her tilted face slithered in unerringly, tongue already out and extended, probing, probing, jamming fresh excitement into Elspeth's receptive flesh. Familiar as that tongue had become lately, it still seemed unique and newly erotic with every repetition. This time, somehow, the exquisite flutter-touch spread almost imperceptibly from cunt-lips to impatient clitoris, slowly, ever so slowly, generating a breathless agony of suspense. The atmosphere turned heavy with perfumed silence. A hush, thick and total. Except for the distant dreamlike noises, the subtle undertones of soundless motion – a froth, a liquid rustle, the suggestive little swish of softness upon softness. Then a multitude of delicate fingertips swarmed around to offer their assistance and everything grew hotter and wetter and all mixed up; soon there was no way of telling what was touching and what was being touched. Sensation simply merged with sensation. Elspeth sighed and flexed her limbs seductively, aware that her lover was too engrossed to notice, aware that she was doing it for herself alone, aware that her turbulent body was lurching up off the sofa to push her cunt hard into the glorious tongue-endowed vacuum of that sucking mouth. She tensed for an instant, a split-second of pure panic, aware, too, that her own involvement in these perverted delights had to be more than just a passing fancy. Does that make me a lesbian? But then the fingers and lips and wildly fluttering tongue combined to form a juggernaut of ecstasy that nothing could stop – not the small voice of conscience, anyway – and she moaned and sobbed and at last just lay there not giving a damn about who was a lesbian and who wasn't. It didn't matter as long as she could still feel this unendurable pleasure that would have been even less endurable had it come to an end one minute too soon…